
Chapter 417: Hazel did not care and she was not going to ever care!!!!

she would have just kept quiet when he asked her but now he was already suspicious of her. 

"Hazel, I really do not care if hate me or any thing, all I want you to do is to tell me where you went to last night and that is all" Leonard said holding up the compass to her face.

Hazel glared at him, it had not occured to her that her brother would be harassing her just because she left the house last night, who did he think he was "not until you tell me how you got my compass" she said to him.

"You know what, even though you are my older brother.... I have done my best in the past years trying to respect you and follow up your god forsaken decisions but I can see that the least which you could do for me is no where close to you... you are trying to ask me where I went to, why is that hmm tell me?" she as she puffed her nose.

Tears began to flow down from her eyes, as she rubbed her eyes, the least she could was to cry because he hated it when she did "I told you that I went on a date and you are questioning me because of a compass our father gave to each and every in if us? are you trying to tell me that I can not take it along with me?" She kept on asking him series of questions which he could not answer but then she was not going to stop.

The only thing that bothered... she hoped that Leonard did not have his mean follow her because they would have seen her talk enter in that apartment and then every thing she worked for will be ruined 'no that can not happen!!' she said to her self.

"Hazel you never date, you love royalty but hardly accept them and you hate the vise versa do why all of a sudden are you going on a date?" He asked her and that was absolutely true but then she would not let her guards down now..not now.. not ever.

"Situations changes, and I fell in love with an ordinary man... I had this with me in case I could not find my way home at least you could come get me but now you are questioning me because this.... how did you even say you got this?" She asked him, she spoke to him calmly as she wiping her tears when she saw that he was not giving a nudge to her tears and that was freaking not a brotherly care to her.

"I picked it late last night, probably you walked past and it fell......... have it?" He said stretching his hand towards her.

Quickly she grabbed it from him, staring at him she wondered if had the idea she had when she saw the compass_ she hoped that he did not think of using it to get Raymond.

"I want to see the man you went on a date with last night... that is the most an elder brother can do" he said, but at first she did not seem to process what he said so she quickly nodded her head.

"WHATTT???...... DID YOU SAY??" She asked almost stammering.

"You heard me clear" he said as he turned around and walked away leaving Hazel to her self to figure out what to do.

Leonard smiled because he had killed two birds with a stone, he had put her on a hard time trying to figure out who she was going to bring to him and then it will stop her from going to Raymond.

"She lied, the heck she lied! she went to Raymond and I asked my men to follow her.... I am impressed in how insisting she is but now she is bound to get me a man" he said to him self as he entered his room and fell on his bed.

He needed a refreshing sleep then later he would like to say hi to someone, he smirked.

He has heard a lot about her, how she does not tolerate things and fights a lot, he would want to see how intolerant see is______ after all he would just like to say hi and do some thing she would never reject.

With that he smiled at him self and then he dozed off.

"Ohh my goodness, what mess is this? is this a game or some thing else and with this all I can understand is that Leonard knows that I did not go on a date so he wants to punish me and get away from Raymond, he is such a heck to tell me some thing like that.... he forgot so quickly that I always advice him in what games to play" she said almost quietly as she propped her lips.

"But so bad that the tables turned around against me and now she has to play my own games" she said as she sighed, she sat in the couch beside her, raising the compass to her face she starred at it and smiled.

She was a sharp thinker when it came to her cases after all, with that she shut her eyes trying to imagine a man she would like to get to Leonard.... a man that he would not able to question, a man with lots of aura who will shut Leonard down.

She heard foot steps walking towards her and with out opening her eyes she knew it was Conard.

To an extent, she envied her brother because he got to do any thing he wanted with out been question for it, he got to live his life- the type of life he wanted to live to the fullest though he was not still happy about it, he wanted royalty out of his life and that has been his wish all along and it would not change but then she was not sure his wish will ever come true, she smirked.

"Hazel, I clearly heard some arguments whole I was in my room" he said tapping her shoulder.

"you came late then, you should just sit and enjoy the morning's harsh air" she said pointing at a chair close to her.

She needed to talk to some one at the moment, even though she had a solution to her problem but then all her life she had never had some one to talk to, some one who understood her.

Most of the time, when she could not bear it any more she just ended up tearing up to Conard and then he would always advice her to be like him, he would always advice her to smoke saying it will reduce the stress she was going through but then she did not want that type of life for her self.

She sighed.

"Some thing is bothering you right?" He asked her as he dropped the glass of water he was carrying.

"You always meet me when I am in a bad state, and thanks for doing that all these years" she said as she stood up, there was a little space where she could fix her self in beside Conard but she did not mind.

She sat there and he adjusted for her to be comfortable "I need to borrow your chest for a while" she said as she felt her eyes watery.

She wondered why she always had to cry in front of him "tell me some thing happened right?" He said as he cupped her face and made her lay on his chest, she nodded her head.

To an extent, she did not like Conard because he was always supporting Leonard in getting the throne.

"Why are you always in support of Leonard's actions and intentions of getting the throne?" she asked him as she inhaled his manly scent to the fullest.

"you know I can not go against him even though I want to do so, that is among the riyals rules of conduct and you know how hard it is for me to abide by those rules and the one I hate the most- supporting your brother even when he does wrong for you are one for God's sake I hate that but I just have to for peace to reign" he said as she slowly caressed her hair.

That was the first time Conard gave hear a reasonable response to why he does thing and it teared her up knowing that he was not supporting Leonard on his own will but because of the rules that were made and that was freaking annoying..

At that point, she could no longer hold in the tears so she let them pour out, the goose bumps she when he slightly massaged her head.

"Most of us were born out of our own will, we were forced in to this world in to the families we hate the most and that is the worst fate ever" he admitted.

"Just like Raymond, me, you..... we do not obviously want this life, this life style does not fit us but here we are, Raymond does not want the throne but then he is the first child and first son of the royalty, one thing I get to understand is that he can not change his fate, no matter where he runs to hos fate will keep running after him--- at a point I just wish Leonard was the only child to our parents, he suits so well and he wants the throne but then FATE.... DESTINY, we can not change that" he added as he took a deep breath, staring at the walls he sighed.

"Tell me what happened" he said.

Hazel scoffed "I need to find a man as soon as possible" she said..

"Why?Why so quick, we both know that you do not want any thing to do with men" he said and he was absolutely right but then what could she do, she need to play along with the game Leonard had set up for her..

"I know but I have to, I just have to and I need to get some one today before today ends I need to get some one" she said.

Conard felt his shirt drenched where Hazel laid and he could tell that she was crying, he wondered what happened because she hardly cried.

"Talk to me, when did this happen?" He asked inquisitively as he drew closer hugging her tightly.

Speaking softly so her voice does not pass through the walls "I lied to Leo, I went to see Raymond last night to warn him about what Leonard was planning" she started.

Conard was shocked, Leonard had been searching for Raymond for months now but then Hazel found him just yesterday, he really had doubted his little sister's worth.

"Yes I did, I also say the woman he loves, she is damn cute and I wonder what fate pushed her to Raymond.... to his problems, you have got no idea that Leonard wants the woman to him self" Hazel said as subbed her eyes.

"That is the where my support ends" he said as he wondered why Leonard would want his brothers lovers, he should just leave one for the man.

"she is so cute and sensible, she wants to fight along Raymond's side, she does not care about what might happen, she wants to support Raymond....... She has a nice heart" Hazel ended up praising Nicole..

Conard sighed 'she must indeed be a nice woman because no woman would want to fight against the throne, women loved thrones, titles and all that but she does not care, how is that possible?' he asked him self.

"I told Leonard that I was going on a date and I have no idea if he found out that I did not go on a date but rather I went to see our step brother, he got to find the compass I used to locate Raymond" she said as she rubbed her palms together.

"You used father's compass to locate him??" Conard asked curiously, he never thought or imagined the compass, he could barely remember where his own was and he did not care.

"Yes, I was also surprised but it did and I am glad it did" she said.

"Now, Leonard some how feels that I did not go on a date and he asks me to bring the man I met up with" she added.

" He does not expect you to bring Raymond to him right? he would be insane if he thinks that you will do that" Conard said.

"Exactly, that is why I need to find a man before today ends, I just hope I find a reasonable one and I heard that men in new york loves some thing contractual" she said as she rubbed her hands behind her neck..

" Hazel? You want to take it to another level?" He asked surprised, he knew that she did not have to do that and every decision she makes, she has a reason for it.

"I know but I need to, I have to just to make Leonard know that I love him and it will last for two weeks then we will break up, that is is" Hazel said as she shut her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Leonard is really doing things in the wrong way, I hope he does not harm Raymond" Conard wished.

"What if he wants to harm Raymond knowing that Father will break down and would not be able to get a hold of him self them he has all the opportunities to be crowned the king, what if that is his plan?" Hazel asked him, she had always thought and asked her self why Leonard was doing every thing in his possiblity to harm Raymond and that was the only answer popping on her head, to an extent her thoughts might be right and on the other hand it might not but she hoped for the best.

" If you have the opportunity to kill Leonard, will you do it like will you crush his heart? " Conard asked his sister wanting to know what she thought about it. 

The question came as a shock to her, her mind really processes it fast but then she did not know what she want.

"I think I am stuck between a yes and a no for now but the moment he does any thing like harming any one, I would not mind getting my feets of the 'no' and fully stand 'yes', I swear I will rip his hearts off and make him see my face, I will make sure he roams all eternity knowing that his little sister plunged out his heart" she said not caring if he was standing close by and listening to their conversation.

She really did not care and she was never going to care.