
Chapter 407: worried

She began to wipe his face, the fragrance was some thing else, so good and nice, it smelled exactly like her.

Then he looked down on her clothes and gasped when he saw the map he created on her dress when he was feeling so emotional "I am sorry I damaged your dress" he apologized as she squeezed the wipe and then she threw it in to trash beside her.

"Do not worry about it okay, I will get it fixed up but are you okay now?" She asked and he placed his hand on his chest.

"Come here" she said holding his face down and giving him a kiss on his fore head.

Then she began to unbutton his long sleeve shirt, helping him out she undressed him the shirt, Luca stared at her not so surprised because he needed it.

"Should I als....." Before she completely her question, he took off his singlet and she slowly raised her hand and placed it on his chest. 

At this moment, it when at this point he felt her soft her palm really was, when her hand touched his chest, he could swear that she made him shudder, her touch began to make him calm.

He could see how she stared at his chest and then she slowly moved her hands down do his abs, he held her head and drew her closer to him as he made her rest her head on his chest. 'She is really my medicine and hope, I will cherish her for the rest of my life' he said to him self, he assured him self.  


Raymond kept on turning around on the bed from side to side, he was worried nit for him self but for Nicole.

The fact that Lorenzo would try to hurt her and then she also said she was ready for him, that she was not scared.

Filthy imaginations could not leave his head that he silently prayed that none of that should in any way happen.

He managed to get some sleep later when it was almost dawn, blinking his eyes because of the reflection of the sun pointing directly on his face.

His vision was blurry but then he could see Nicole get ready for the day's work, she was starting off as the acting Chief Executive Officer until her uncle returns from where ever he was going to and that was the main priority he had to protect her.

He could not bear it if any thing happens to her and then she would disappoint her uncle who entrusted his company in to her hands.

He wondered why Lorenzo had do show up at this time, if only he could wait till Gilbert returns from his trip then they could have a talk.

All the coincidences were spinning his brain making him feel a sharp ache on his head.

Reaching out to his head, he grasped his head tightly with his hand and shut his eyes.

When he finally regained him self.