
Chapter 399: Jessica lost her job 2

"I really do not understand it either...... a woman died because an instrument was left in her stomach after an operation and then she died, then the family the deceased sued the hospital to the court and then they won the case. According to how she explained it.... it is such a long story. The deceased family won the case and the hospital was closed down, the surgeons who were in charge of the lady got their licensed ceased and the rest of the staffs were fired.... that is how she got hers" Luca explained to her in a way he could, he felt a burden leave his shoulder after he told Annabelle about it.

"That is really bad... in a case like this the family of the deceased had no choice because they lost their daughter and probably she might have been an only daughter or only child, but it is so bad because finally every one had a thirst of the pain" Annabelle said as she gulped down the remaining water in the glass cup.

"Now she jobless, i just feel so ashamed of myself because I gave her my life as well, I wasted my life just to make sure that she got that certificate and license" Luca said grieving, he ran his hands through his hair and putting it down he clasped his hand in front of his crotch.

Annabelle walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, she felt his pain, she was feeling what he was going through at the moment.

"Luca, there still other opportunities out there and this would not be her last... trust me there is some thing great waiting for her out there and you had your reason for giving your life to her... I just do not want to see you regret you doing that for her, according to what you told me, it is not her fault because she had nothing to do with the surgery. I understand clearly that this hurts so bad and it hurts me to see you like this even though I do not feel how hurt you are up to sixty percent, I am still not fine seeing you like this" Annabelle said to him, she could only imagine how Jessica might be feeling, she must be trying to hold in her pain to her self because Annabelle could remember clearly when she got to Luca's house last night, Jessica did not have the expression of some one who had just lost her job 'she must be so good at hiding her emotions' Annabelle said to her self as she patted Luca on his shoulder.

"Anna!" she heard Luca call her, hearing her name she looked down at him to know what he wanted to tell her.

"Mmhh, I am here" she said as she carefully dropped the glass cup she was holding on the table.

"I do not know how to say this but I really want to appreciate you for all you have done for me, especially last night..."