
Chapter 207: Leave my house

 " Bianca, is this what you have been up to all this while? Smoking.... Cocaine?? " Mr Gavriel asked with a confused look.

He could not believe that he was actually married to a drug addict for crying out loud and she bored a child for him, but how was it possible that he did not find out earlier about it, just the same way he did not find out about Karina suffering from a brain tumor.

This was indeed shitty.

" How is that you fucking business if I smoke or do not smoke? " Bianca asked him as she raised up her have and stared at him, she looked at him with a devious eye contact, her eyes were pire red and it seemed like tears wear welling up there because of the too much intake of the drugs.

'what the hell does this woman think she is doing to her self, I can not believe she is in to all the things she pretended not to be in before he married her...then she was so coordinated, she had dreams, she was a virtuous woman and she was a role mod to a lot of people but now I do not know what exactly I can use to classify her, I do not know if I should call her a drug addict, a prostitute, a drug dealer or an illiterate because this character she is displaying certainly explained the facts that she might have gone to school but came back as a college drop out ' Mr Gavriel said to him self as he kept in staring at her for a pretty long period of time as she picked up the piece of paper and she still brought the paper closer to her nose in front of her husband and she took in a good amount as she screamed out like an insane personel.

" Bianca what are you doing to your self " Mr Gavriel asked again when he did not get a response from the last sentence he made.

" What does it actually look like I am doing? " Bianca replied him by asking a question in return.

" Well, I can see that you are not interested in telling me what I am supposed to know but I came on a purpose and I must lay out the informations " Mr Gavriel responded to his wife who had already walked out on him and went to switch of the white light to the dark blue light. 

" That is actually your own problem....I am her to tell you that if you do not come to the hospital tomorrow, it a two things dealing, either you come to the hospital tomorrow or you count your self out as been my wife and you would leave my house for good so if I were you I would take actually be there at the exact time and also ensure that I so not leave this how " Mr Gavriel said as he coughed, the smoke was still dealing with him.