
Chapter 112: Ten minutes

" You are late!!" Mr Gavriel said as he put on his wrist watch then he sat down on one the couches as he analyzed the lady standing in front of him.

" I am so sorry about that sir, the traffic was really some thing hectic, I did not intend to be late and I promise it would not happen again " Sarah pleaded as she explained herself, also wondering why Mr Gavriel would be requesting for her so early in the morning, she hoped she had not done some thing pretty bad.

" I do not have time for that, so you can just keep your apology to your self " Mr Gavriel said.

" Okay sir " Sarah responded immediately as she watched Mr Gavriel get up from the couch he was sitting on and walked closer to her and she took few steps backwards.

" What are you doing? Follow me now! " Mr Gavriel ordered and quickly she walked beside him because she did not have enough strength for his troubles, she definitely knew her boss.

They walked through the hallway and he stopped in front of a door as he took a deep breath and this made Sarah more confused and disturbed, she did not know why but there had been other time Mr Gavriel would call for her like this but why did she feel that this one was different.

Mr Gavriel held the door handle and turned it as he pushed the door opened and walked inside as Sarah followed beside him.

There were three other people inside the room, two females and a male.

" Sarah sit down over there " Mr Gavriel ordered and immediately she walked towards where he pointed and sat on a chair which was in front of a mirror.

" Davin I need you here " Mr Gavriel said and the guy walked towards him immediately.

" I have entrusted every single thing into your hand and I also give you ten minutes to get every thing done as we discussed, how do you see that " Mr Gavriel asked as his face looked distressed.

" Okay sir, we would not let you down, and ten minutes is okay and she would be ready " Davin replied.

" That is great " Mr Gavriel said as he walked out of the room.

' why do I not understand what the hell is going on here...I am a victim here so I should know what is going on, but I am left behind..what do Mr Gavriel mean by what they discussed? But any way they would not kill me because they do not look like killer's ' Sarah said to her self even though she was still scared but the fact was that nothing was going to happen to her because this was where she worked and he boss does not kill any one just like that and not in his house.

" Okay ladies, let us get to work, we have ten minutes to finish this up " Davin said and the two ladies got up from where they were sitting and one walked towards me and carried the mirror in front of me while the other one carried a big box.