
Chapter 10: Incident at the Club 2

" Mr Gilbert ask me to sleep with him to be the C.E.O of Jordan's Cosmetic Industry.. please excuse me " Nicole couldn't finish her sentence when she ran out with a bottle of vodka in her hand, I think she went to throw up.

I couldn't believe what she was telling me, so i tried getting up to follow her but I wasn't feeling my feet and I was feeling so dizzy so I staggered back and feel on my chair.

I stared on the counter, only to find out that I had already finished a bottle of vodka fizz and the full bottle of long island iced tea.

" Oh my God, was this the effect? " I asked myself as my phone beeped.

" What!! an interview, tomorrow " But it wasn't sounding good to my ears, and now I was terribly drunk.

I should have been happy but I wasn't, why??

I suddenly felt like throwing up as i forcefully got up from my sit and bumped on a hard surface.

" Oh my gosh, not now " I said to myself and looked up. what I saw was unexplainable.

I just found out that what I bumped into wasn't the wall but a perfectly chiseled chest.

My eyes met a pair of golden eyes, broad shouldered. He was tall and his over tempting red lips. I haven't seen a man with so much of a red lips in my life but this was it.

His thick raven brown hair which was packed backwards, I could tell it was shoulder length.

He was wearing a blue suit, his appearance seemed to attract everyone in the bar and all eyes were on him and probably on me because I bumped into him except from Nicole who I haven't seen since she ran out from the counter.

I was sure his status was high. 

I was certain that I saw a man with him when I bumped into him but he was no where to be found. But this man I was standing in front of had totally captivated my sight, his appearance spoke highly of him.

This man was an Immortal God of beauty and he was emitting this powerful aura that could put the whole world on a stand still. He was a complete definition of what was called Charming.

Here I was lost in this young man appearance and I totally forgot. All of a sudden that urge to throw up showed up again and I let it out on the young man suit.

" Oh my gosh " a young woman in her early thirties gasped.

" How could that happen? " I heard another woman saying this.

" That suits can buy her whole family, what a careless girl! " a man said to his wife.

" Oh, what a poor child " the butler said.

" Her day must have been cursed " an elderly man said.

I would say I got my senses of sight that moment, I couldn't believe the mess I put my self into.

And where the hell was Nichole??

Why must this happen today??

  "Are you blind? did you lose your sight somewhere? "  Someone asked, probably the manager of the bar.

" First you bumped into me and now you had the audacity to throw up on me " the young man said in a calm voice but his voice roared and echoed inside the bar.

" I am so sorry sir, I can take care of this, I promise " I apologized as I tried to use my napkin to clean the suit but I knew it was going to be worse.

When I tried to clean it up, the man threw my hands out of his clothes and then he said.