
Chapter 7

I close my eyes.

I am so sleepy.

"Brother!" I heard someone shout and couldn’t look at him because I had drowned in sleeping.

That man is a bastard! He was making my head burn and boiled my blood. He made me drunk, yet he didn’t take responsibility for me. I wake up, and I was already in bed, and I woke up without him by my side.

He left me again.

"What, sis? Do you want to go with me? I know a part-time time job." Bolat told me.

I lean on the table.

"I got fired again from my previous work." I updated him. How many did I lose a job?

“I knew, right.” He said with an attitude toward me and even rolled his eyes. Flirty gay! Hmmph!

"I don’t have money, and I don’t know how can I pay my liabilities.” I blurted out the truth. Another problem. Problems keep on upgrading. They won’t go and choose your problems.

The bank of the universe is already calling for how many times. I haven’t paid for the last five months. I already hid and ran. That’s why I have a lot of liabilities, and I don’t have permanent work.

"I don’t know you; you are like a criminal who keeps hiding and running. No company is gonna hire you because you already have a bad record. Even fast food chains won’t accept you.” How to support my friend is. He is slapping the truth in my face.

We are here in a BGC drinking lemon juice and coffee.

I sip on the lemon juice that he bought for me.

"I know a part-time. This bar needs a server in a bar. Are you in? That a wasted if you don’t want it. It’s just a one night; if the manager likes your performance, they can hire you for a higher position. You can be full-time.” He said while drinking his coffee and looking around.

There is a lot of sports car here.

"Even though I have a lot of liabilities, I won’t sell my body! nuh." I glared at him.

Atty is there for me, and I gonna grab the chance that he is kind and helping me. Or maybe I can borrow some money from him! Joke! He might break up with me when he finds out I have many liabilities. Every bank knows about me. How sad life is.

I’ll just gonna borrow to Weltry.

"You are too advanced! It needs a waitress, and besides," he looks at me from head to toe and to my chest, “your boy is good, and you need a clear face. Your pimples make you ugly and dirtier looking. Hmm, it is fine. After all, they only want a body.” My eyes widened at what he said about me.

He insulted me. We are real friends; we are good at wounding others.

I slap him on his chest.

“Ouchy! Sister, my boobs!” He acted as he hurt.” He groaned in pain.

“Did you know, if my friends,” I pointed at my pimples all over my face,

“my face became clear, soft, and glowing; you will forget that you are gay!” I said while gritting my teeth.

What are their problems with my pimples? I am still beautiful with or without them. Maybe, these pimples of mine are why people notice me.

I am walking back into the condo alone late at night. The apartment is near that BGC, so I can afford to walk, and I am saving money. I need to keep more. Every cent is significant. I am thinking quite while I am walking under the moon and stars.

I'm thinking about my life, everyone's life, and comparing my life to theirs.

It is so hard to be broke financially and live alone. It is so hard to live in a not-so-wealthy family. I wish I was a rich kid, so I never experienced this kind of life.

It’s so hard to become a human; sometimes, I wanna be a tweety bird.

I wanna be a bird owned by Kiki, so I know how to be taken care of by him.

I stop walking when a black van stops in front of me.

I’m just waiting for someone to get out of that van.

I saw heels on the road and soft legs.

I slowly look at the woman in front of me.

There’s a bodyguard on her side.

I smiled bitterly. My sister became more beautiful in that maroon dress. She even looks rich. I envy her because she is lucky.

My eyes move to her face.

I accidentally didn’t recognize her beauty. It’s been a long time since I saw you. Her physical appearance really changes a lot. How is she? And how she had been in those past years?

I miss her.

"H-Huan," I mention her name.

She raises her eyebrow at me.

"My dear sister." She sarcastically said.

Her lipstick is so thick, does her lips wedge in the door? Her earrings are too long and extensive and suit her. She looks prostitute, but she’s beautiful.

"Huan." I happily mention her name, "how are you? I have seen you since you got married. You became more beautiful.." I said like we were close.

I am older than her, and she’s also my biological sister, but we are in a good relationship.

She looks at me from head to toe, and her gaze stops from my face, and she looks so dirty while looking at me. My pustules, again. People always notice and comment about my pimples, but it doesn’t lessen my confidence. They are just pimples, and I am me; pimples don’t define me.

"You look poor in your outfit.” She commented. I am wearing my old favorite t-shirt, and there’s a hole in the armpit area, and I hope no one notices that thing. I am also wearing old slippers. “You are so ugly. You have an of pimples. It is dirty.”

The sweetest smile on my lips vanished when she said those words. It’s OK; I am used to that kind of judgment because of my appearance. And she’s not the only one who said that I am ugly, they are a lot, and my sister is one of them.

They told me that I am beautiful, but I have pimples.

At least I am still pretty, even though I have many pimples. If my spots remove, you all regret your names.

"I forgot, when did you become beautiful?" She mocked me.

"At least I am still pretty even I have them; how about you? Are you still pretty without that makeup of yours?" I delivered it in a joking way, but she took it seriously. I do not want to offend her.

She glared at me, and her eyes were burning fire.

"Did you know that father is selling you to those ugly chubby ducks because you are ugly? Deserve! Duh, look at yourself and look at me. Compare your situation to mine; I am married to a rich businessman and am currently busy traveling the world.” She is mocking me.

She is lucky in her husband because that man is kind and family oriented.

"Ah, Huan. I’ll go first, okay? I came from work, and I am already tired.” I said, exhausted and ready to cry. She insulted me too much.

"Not so fast." She smirked at me

"H-Huan." I scaredly called her name.

Her bodyguard looked at me and came closer.

They hold, and they force me to get inside that van.

"H-Huan, what is this? Where are we going?" We were inside the van, and my heart beat fast when the van started to move.

"Relax, we’re going to a late-night ride." She grin. I don’t trust my sister's smile.

I don’t like her appearance.

"No, Huanan, I’ll get going. Stop the van." I command her. I feel different. She’s going to do something terrible to her. She has an evil plan.

I was about to jump and open the door even though the van was moving, but she kicked me, preventing my plans from happening. She even punches me in my face. When did she learn how to hit?

Bad Huan. She was like a man in the way she punched me. I felt dizzy and my face numb.

"Stop talking! I am going to bring you back home!." She is giving me a dagger look, and she crosses her legs.

My feet are already aching, and I wanna rest and sleep, but this witch is doing something to me.

The van stops. "You are out of the way, so I will stop you here." She opened the door and pushed me outside.

"Take care of going home! I hope you get crushed and die!" She growled and slammed the door. Why is she mad at me?

I look around. This street is silent, and no one is passing by, even a car or bike. Where am I? I hug myself in fear. I am sitting on the road because she pushed me and me out of balance. I am not in our City; I am in a different place, and I don’t know where exactly I am.

Why does the world have a lot of evil people? Why can’t they just be kind?