
Chapter 58

“Yeah, I have a question too. Who invited this woman here.” Kienzo slowly pointed his finger at Dolly.

He is not scared of his father.

“Stop using to me your lawyer trick!”

Kienzo closed his eyes profoundly, and he clenched his fist. Damn! He wants to choke someone right now. He locks Claire in his room, so she won’t hear what they are talking about and also to calm her.

“My wife and I came here happily until that woman.” He pointed at Dolly again, clenched his fist, and his breathing was getting heavy.

“Came in the scene, saying she’s pregnant with my child. Damn that! You know she is my ex, and I have my wife; why did you invite her?!” Kienzo couldn't stop shouting. The veins in his neck came out because of his screaming.

The atmosphere is so severe and intriguing. Kienzo is having an outburst in front of them, and their parents are there. They are afraid to make a move; they feel they are in a game where they just made a mistake or are dead.