


A simple word with a simple meaning but holds the power to conquer the world. Sometimes I question how can a word which consists of four letters make the mightiest ones to kneel in front of it.

What less than love is like, and more than love is called




Flash back

The once happy and glowing apartment was looking so dark and scary for Liliana as she was lying on her bed, curled up to grace her eyes with the luxury of sleep that seems to have lost its way to Liliana's life. The night was feeling extremely cold and all she wished for was for the warmth of a certain someone.

This was not a new thing for her nowadays. Jason had been ignoring her for some reasons for the last few months or six months twenty-seven days to be specific; excluding the time she counted lying in the same position waiting for him.

No, he hadn't run away or abandoned her, he would call her, visit her, spend his time with her but, isn't that what a guest would do?

In their own home, it felt like she was the only one who lived there. They had had their fair share of arguments on this topic alone which resulted in her crying her eyes out all night and him feeling guilty about the situation.

The spot where she laid her head felt damp from her uncontrollable tears, she couldn't even think about what she saw and heard a few days ago. All those sleepless nights, the longing she felt for the certain someone was just a lie. What was even more heartbreaking for her heart was that her husband was lying to her.

The words of her husband were like sharp spears tearing her heart apart into tiny shreds. The fact that all these months while she was sitting in her room alone in the dark longing for the man around whom her all life revolved, was lying to her all along the time they were together.

She would lie all night thinking of when, where, and how they became like this, where she was lacking. The questions would not stop. It was getting to the point that it had started to affect her studies very badly.

The sound of the front door of the apartment being unlocked got her attention and she knew it would be no one other than her husband. She was surprised to see him back so soon. He would usually be back only after two weeks or so, that too when she would complain how he wasn't even being here with her as a normal husband and wife should be.

He always gave her excuses of how busy he was, he also wanted to spend his time with her, love her, all that she had been wanting but he was bound by his work. He always said that he couldn't spend his time with her but soon they would be together, but he was saying the same lines to her from the start!

For the whole two years they had been together, he had been saying the same lines over and over again. She was a fool to even fall for a man whom she knew nothing about. Her grandmother, her only family member, had warned her people before leaving her alone in the world all alone to fight for herself. She always used to say how you should never trust a person blindly to the point that you stop questioning them for their actions and start doubting yourself for the circumstances.

She laughed at her foolishness; she had done the exact thing she never had imagined. She trusted me. She had trusted blindly without questioning. She got up from her lying position, wiped her tears and went to freshen up. She couldn't bring herself to greet her husband with her disheveled attire. Afterall she now didn't want to give him the satisfaction of how much he affected her. Still affected her.

The bedroom door opened and a man in his mid-twenties entered looking all tired with dark circles around his eyes but even in his worn out look no one could deny he was a handsome man. He approached the sleeping lady on the bed and kissed on her cheeks before heading towards their shared closet.

Liliana opened her eyes instantly when she felt him moving away from her and heard shuffling sounds from the closet, figuring he was getting ready for the shower. She sat up on the bed and headed towards the man back facing her. He turned around sensing her and pulled her into a hug, burying his face into her neck, inhaling the scent he missed so dearly. She looked to be taken aback from the sudden gesture but nevertheless ran her hands through his hairs, sensing him tired. He tightened his arms around her waist gesturing how much he was missing her the days they were not together.

" Freshen up quickly, I am going to make something really quick for you, okay. "

" No, don't go anywhere. Just stay like this for a moment. Let me hold you for a bit. I missed you baby. "

She felt something tug in heart. How can this man say this when he is barely home. She removed his hands from her waist creating some distance between them which earned her a frown from the latter.

" I have to talk with you about something important. Please finish your shower fast while I prepare your meal. "

Before he could say something to her, she was already gone. He cursed under his breath and headed to freshen up. He could feel this 'important talk' is not going to be his liking at all, not to mention he could feel her hesitation since he arrived. She was distancing herself from her from the past few months and he could feel her patience running out. Maybe he should tell her the truth he has been hiding from her for the past two years they have been together. Even after getting married, he could not muster up the courage to tell her the truth knowing his enemies and well-wishers are so ready to pounce on the moment he shows his weak spot.

And she was his weak spot.


" What do you want to talk about? "

He finally broke the silence by addressing the elephant in the room. She looked in his eyes with confidence and took a deep breath. She needed it very much at the current moment.

"I want to divorce you. "