
Billionaire's second wife

"Ahhh_h h hurry hurry up daddy, I can't wait anymore " Maira moaned softly. James looks at Maira after hearing Maira's request, James immediately removes his clothes and settles between Maira's thighs and James stares at his lover who's waiting for him with her legs widey spread for him and she's so wet and ready for James. " James H-hurry " Maira begged again " I want to do it in a new position with you" James said . " lay on your side " James simply ordered and lay next to her . Maira lay on her side immediately without any delay with her back against James chest , this way Maira can completely feel James body heat . James kissed Maira's temples before lifting one of her legs . A few moments later , Maira felt James slowly filled her . She realized she had missed the feeling of James inside her . Ahhhh h J- James, I -i am gonna cum " , Maira helplessly moaned, leaning backwards to the James, they just started but she already wanted to cum . Maira faced James from her sideways position as she wants to kiss her lover while she cum . " hmmm mm. ahhhmm" Maira moaned as she trembled while coming. She was tightening so much that James couldn't help but groan himself. Maira is a beautiful lady with the perfect life until one day her parents had a car accident and her father died and her mother is in comma now. one day she met with the greatest billionaire of the city (James Hill's).they fell in love with each other . without knowing his true identity. she fell in love with him whole heartedly . later , he became his boss and they had a one night stand and decided to get married .. that's the same day when she know about the true identity of Jack and found that he's already married . I am so heartbroken he left me . when I get pregnant with his child. why? did jack really love her or not? why she got dumped? where's James first wife?

Wildlove6 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Feeling special

" I am sorry " , Maira said the moment when James tucked her inside the duvet.

" It's ok, just stay here and rest . Rohan will soon bring your food " , James said softly while caressing Maira's hair .

" Thank you so much James, I am sorry for being such a trouble for you" , Maira said feeling guilty . She believed if it weren't for her , James would never have been in trouble like this .

" Don't say sorry, it's my responsibility to take care of you and our child" , James said softly.

Maira just nodded and closed her eyes to had rest for a while.

Meanwhile, James kissed her forehead and sat on his couch while observing the sleeping Maira .

James thought, " how I heart opened my heart again after so many years ? , why I felt so much attracted towards this little girl? , I didn't let anyone to have place in my heart due to everything happened with me in past . I was like a lifeless soul and so cold towards everyone but I fell so much love about her . I want her to be with me and I want her around me always and forever . She was just like relaxation medicine of me .

James was in a deep thoughts while staring at sleeping Maira when Rohan knocked on the door and come inside the room with a trolly .

Rohan left after James signaled to leave the trolly. He doesn't want to disturb Maira from her little nap but because he was worried about her sleeping with an empty stomach. He softly stroke Maira's cheeks while waking her up .

After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and saw James beautiful gray eyes . Maira smiled as she closed her eyes again loving those warm hands against her skin.

" Your food is here " , James spoke gently while caressing Maira's cheeks . Maira shyly get up . she walks and sit on the couch . After , she sat up James starts to take care of her , putting food in her plate . Maira just shake her head shyly.

" How about you accompany me . You haven't eaten your lunch yet because of me " , Maira suggested . James want to say no but seeing the presistance in Maira's eyes , he accept the offer with a gentle smile ," okay " . they ate their lunch happily while talking with each other. they are sitting next to each other so close that their shoulders would touch Everytime . Maira blush whenever James pickup food and put it in her plate . She couldn't stop smiling at James loving action . It actually made her so much happy . When they were finally done eating, they talked for a couple of minutes while facing each other. They talked about redom thing but both wants to know more about eachother .

" I have never been interested with anyone since a long time so I never had a actual relationship for many years" , James answered when Maira asked him why he doesn't have a girlfriend? because she never saw him with another woman .

" To be honest I was very scared when I told you about my pregnancy with your child " , Maira admitted, playing with her fingers . " even though I don't know what will be your reaction about it . I thought that you would force me to abort it or your girlfriend or your wife would . I thought, maybe you don't want to have a child with a person like Me " , Maira said while looking down.

" After hearing her response. without thinking James palm slowly reached towards Maira's cheeks and he gently caressed her cheeks .

" James " Maira said confusingly while looking at the James across her . she starts blushing when Jame's body slowly towered over her and their lips locked with each other. Her back leaned on the couch as they kissed . it took Maira's breath away . she was shocked at the sudden kiss but she didn't pull away. Before, she could think about it , she was already willingly kissing him back .

James gently puts his arm around Maira's waist , lifting her and placing her on his lap effortlessly . James was also surprised at what he just did but he continue doing it , even more , when Maira didn't stop him and let him do anything he wants to do.

_____------______to be countinue







.wild love6