
Billionaire's Regret: My Runaway Wife has Twins

[MATURE CONTENT] [NICK AND AMELIA] Nicholas Zhao was utterly confused when his ailing father woke up from his coma and immediately asked where his ex-wife, Amelia, was. His father, having lost parts of his memory, still believed that Amelia was his daughter-in-law. Nick eventually tracked Amelia down, only to be shocked when he discovered that she had twins, Sean and Maddie. When Nick confronted her, Amelia firmly stated that the twins were not his children. Desperate to fulfill his father's last wish, Nick pleaded with Amelia to come back with him. Amelia was hesitant, but Nick made an offer she couldn't easily refuse: his company would fully fund her research. Reluctantly, Amelia agreed, on the condition that her family wouldn’t know she was back with Nick, fearing their reaction. Living under the same roof again, Nick initially harbored resentment toward the twins, but over time, he grew close to Sean and Maddie. This newfound bond made Amelia question her feelings, realizing she still loved Nick. Would fate bring them back together? *** If you want to know more about their past, you can read the first book titled: "Billionaire's Secret Marriage: Hubby, Love me 100 Percent" But you can read it as a standalone.

Rachel_ET · Urban
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32 Chs

Surprises for the Twins

Harry found himself standing awkwardly in front of Mr. Zhao, his palms sweating. He hadn't been expecting this meeting. It wasn't like you could just say no when Mr. Zhao called you in, though. The old man sat on his hospital bed, hands folded neatly, eyes sharp and expectant.

"When is Nick going to announce that Amelia is his wife?" Mr. Zhao asked bluntly, his tone leaving no room for pleasantries.

Harry swallowed hard, fumbling for a response. "Uh, well, sir, it's... complicated. Miss Amelia, she's not really into public attention. You know how she is, very private," he explained, trying to sound calm but knowing full well that wasn't going to satisfy Mr. Zhao.

"And Young Master," Harry continued, "he's worried all this public stuff might mess with their relationship, their home life."

Mr. Zhao leaned back in his chair, clearly unimpressed. "That's not enough. People need to know."

Harry tried to smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "Young Master Nick is giving her the rings soon. They'll figure it out, I'm sure, but—"

Mr. Zhao cut him off, his voice firm. "That's not enough. The rings won't cut it. Make an announcement happen, Harry. Everyone must know."


The weekend rolled in, and Nick was ready to make good on his promise to Maddie. After her full recovery, he swore he'd give her whatever she wanted, and Maddie had her heart set on a day at the amusement park. She and Sean had spent days planning, already giddy at the thought of roller coasters and cotton candy. But there was one problem—Amelia.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Amelia said, crossing her arms as she stood in the kitchen that morning. "You know how public places can be. What if we run into someone from my family, or worse, people we know?"

Nick wasn't having it. "Amy, it's a weekend. People are minding their own business. Maddie and Sean deserve this."

Amelia shook her head, still hesitant. "I just... I don't want any drama."

Nick smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Don't worry about that. I've already handled it."

Amelia narrowed her eyes. "Handled it? How?"

Nick grinned and pulled her close. "You'll see."

By the time they arrived at the amusement park, Amelia's jaw dropped. The entire place was empty except for them. It was like a scene from a dream—rides running, lights flashing, and not another soul in sight. Nick had rented out the whole park, just for their family.

Maddie squealed with joy, her little feet already racing toward the carousel, while Sean, in typical fashion, played it cool, though Nick could see the excitement bubbling in his eyes.

"Are you serious?" Amelia asked, staring at Nick in disbelief.

"I told you I handled it," Nick replied with a smirk. "Now relax and enjoy the day. The kids are gonna remember this forever."

Amelia sighed, shaking her head, but she couldn't help the smile tugging at her lips. Nick always found a way to surprise her. And as much as she hated to admit it, he was doing everything he could to show her he could be the kind of man she needed. Maybe even the kind of father figure Maddie and Sean needed, too.

The day went on, filled with laughter and thrills. They rode roller coasters until Maddie's curly hair was a mess, ate too much candy, and made silly faces in the funhouse mirrors. Amelia caught herself watching Nick more than usual, noticing how effortlessly he connected with the kids. He didn't have to try so hard—he just fit.

It was late afternoon when Nick gathered them all by the big fountain near the park entrance. "Alright, everyone, I've got one more surprise," he said, his eyes twinkling as he looked at Maddie and Sean.

Maddie's eyes went wide. "Another surprise?! What is it, Nick?" She tugged on his sleeve, her face lit up with excitement.

Nick chuckled. "You'll see."

Suddenly, a giant bear mascot waddled into view, holding two balloons in one paw and a teddy bear in the other. Maddie's eyes practically sparkled as she ran toward the mascot, who knelt down to pick her up. Sean followed, though at a slower pace, his hands stuffed in his pockets like he was trying not to care, but Nick could tell he was just as curious.

The bear handed a balloon to Sean and the teddy bear with a red rose to Maddie. "Thank you, Mr. Bear!" Maddie said, giggling as she hugged the stuffed animal.

But something about the way the mascot moved seemed familiar to her. She squinted up at him, her tiny fingers reaching out to grab the edge of the bear's mask. With a swift tug, she yanked it off.

"Uncle Aiden!" Maddie shrieked, her eyes wide with surprise and delight.

Aiden, grinning beneath the mask, ruffled Maddie's hair. "Surprise, kiddo."

Amelia froze, her smile faltering as she took a step back, eyes locking onto Aiden's. Nick had planned this—he knew it the moment he saw that playful look on Aiden's face. He hadn't just rented out the park for the family; he'd invited Aiden, too.

Nick watched Amelia carefully, gauging her reaction. Aiden was a wildcard, a piece of the puzzle that didn't quite fit in the perfect picture Nick was trying to create.