

Elizabeth's POV

We were all alone in the house after my parents had gone. Despite Willie's repeated mentions of going to work, he was confined to his room. He didn't leave, and that told me he didn't want to leave. Another possibility is that, in refusing to leave, he was in search of something... Knocking on his door gave me the opportunity to hear what was going on inside. I heard something in the room last night. In spite of his best efforts, he couldn't help but let out small groans and grunts that I immediately recognized as orgasm sounds.

At first, he didn't respond to my knocks on the door. Because Willie might be asleep, I thought. But then I realized that he was probably trying to avoid me at all costs. It all made sense. He was probably in a state of panic. Bless his heart, he couldn't handle it. In any case, I had heard the noises he made before.

He was certain of his desire for it.

His gaze seemed to be fixed on me.