
Untitled Chapte


Season Two of The Billionaire's Maid


I'm very sorry for not posting yesterday.


Melissa's pov

" He told me that we can only leave this place when he is no more, he didn't give me a reason, and I don't bother to ask him either" she sighed, I can't help but to wonder why my father would say that.

"Why?" I muttered vaguely, still glaring at her in awe, where the hell is this conversation leading to? Anyway, I don't think I need to be restless when the person that knows every details is here with me.

" There is a secret that your father revealed to me about two years Ago, as at then, his condition kept on deteriorate with no hope of him making it through the year," she paused, a weak smile formed at the edge of her lips,but a normal person would know that the smile is not real nor genuine, just a clear portrait of a broken heart, a lonely soul that feels helpless, a strong woman that has passed through a lot , that you can't even imagine.

I can't help but to draw her hands toward mine and caressed it gently.

" You can stop for now if that will prevent you from thinking about him" I assured, but not the truth, I really want to know everything here and now. I know that is very selfish of me, I just can't help it.

" It's fine Melissa, it is not like a second will pass without me reminiscing about those beautiful days spent with him" she looked down at our now tangled hands, it didn't last long before she raised her face again.

"I'm not sure if you remember when he travelled for like three months four years ago, I don't think that's will be hard to remember, besides, that has been his longest journey, you recollect? " she probed, while I tilted my head to the side, scanning my brain. Maybe I will catch a glimpse of the incident she was referring to. I'm about to tell her I don't seem to recall when what she was referring to hit me. Of all his journeys, that particular one was the longest. I remembered vividly how I used to ask my mom about him. It got to a time when I didn't even bother to ask about him from her. I graduated from high school that same year but due to this,he was not even available to attend my Graduation Ceremony.

" Ohhhh, I remember," I nodded. What's all this about? Why bringing that up? Is it in any way related to her meeting with Bobby's Dad? Everything looked confused to me now.

Her smile was ephemeral, " Hummm, like I said, he only told me this a year ago, which simply means I only knew the truth after three years of the incident," she hesitated, and then proceeded.

At this point I really wanted to say something, like ask her the real reason why he travelled, how that link with Mr Parker, including the lies and the truths, but I don't want to push her to telling me everything without knowing the full details, It's very glaring that she was also struggling to mutter each word, because the pain is clearly written on her pale face, she look exhausted and sad at the same time. The gleaming expression I saw at the gate is nowhere to be found...

I squeezed her hand lightly," What is the secret?" I whispered..

" He confessed that during those four months, he was nowhere near England, not to talk of him being in the Country, He travelled to Italy and not the Las Vegas he told me about" 

" Ital...y" I stuttered, not knowing the perfect word to describe how surprised I was.

" Did he...

" Initially, he told me he was to undergo some series of treatments in Las Vegas, not knowing everything was staged...

" You should have asked The Doctor involved " I cut her off, even without knowing why he lied.

" I did, and the Doctor confirmed it. Since I know it is for our family benefit I don't bother to dig further, moreover why would he lie in the first place?  Even though I tried all my possible best  to visit him during his stay, The doctor kept on insisting that it will be better if we just leave him alone without visiting him, including me"

My mouth was wide open by the time she mouthed the last word, for someone like my Dad to lied about something this big, I guess the reason must be very bad that he thought hiding it away from us is way better than letting us know about it.

" The reason?" I tried gulping down the saliva that sticks to my throat.

" Not knowing he went to Italy to donate his bone marrow without my knowledge" my heart nearly skipped more than a beat.

" Wh....att" I stammered, confirming if I heard her well. 

" He went to donate his bone marrow" 

How the hell can someone undergo something this risky without giving his wife any hint about it? I can't even imagine what might have happened if something goes wrong, he can't....

" When I asked him to tell me the receiver, have never seen him being desperate like how he did that day before, he begged me that he would like to keep the person Anonymous and when he is no more, they are going to contact me" the bitterness in her voice is clearly audible to my ear, i can't say if she was angry because he donated his bone marrow or because he decided not to tell her the receiver as at then.

" Stop talking" I can relate how much pain she would have felt that day.

" Only to found out now that the receiver was Mr Parker's only son, Bobby" her words stopped my train of thought almost immediately 





