
Two days

Two days to the wedding 💒

Melissa's pov


My heart throb anytime it hits me that there is something that needs to be taken care of. During the last few days, a lot has happened, when I mean a lot, I'm quite certain that what I'm talking about is more than what I as a person can cope with. My thoughts, my actions are so synonymous to living in hell, what else do you expect? That twinge of guilty won't stop making my heart itchy, yes, I'm the one avoiding him since, I know I'm the one that doesn't want to set my eyes on him, but still I can't help but to feel helpless at the same time, moreover,I'm yet to confirm any of the reasons why I vow not to have anything to do with him. Sigh, what if he doesn't have any idea of what is even going on, what if I'm only playing the victim when the person I'm  accusing didn't even realise that he did anything to hurt me, that means I'm just living in fantasy world with the hope of getting revenge thats is only an illusion, moreover, you can't apologise for what you didn't do.

I'm the one pretending not to care, also the one trembling at the thought of losing him forever in the next two days, Draven? Have tried all my possible best to reach him since that day he left but to no avail, He told me he would reach out to me, but have been staring endlessly on my phone screen with the hope of getting a call from him but always end up.......... The only thing I could do is just to pray silently for him. I'm more concerned about him getting hurt, maybe because he is my only hope, and the only person that is capable of stopping all this from happening, but how? I'm oblivious of where he is not to talk of knowing what he is presently planning.

I slowly dropped the vacuum cleaner, gently resting it on a wall before taking my seat on the nearest couch. Melanie is also in the room with me and other maids, just that she was on the other side of the room. I have no strength to do anything but at the same time, being idle will only make it worse, I can't just keep blaming myself all-day, can I?

" Meli, are you okay?" I heard Melanie voice from the other side, she was holding an artwork with her right hand, while holding a cleaning foam with the other.

I smile weakly before nodding.

" I will soon join you," she shouted before facing the three other maids that are behind her.

Yes, just like you guessed it, we have something to discuss about and that is..........what my mom discussed with me the previous night, I mean she later met Mr Parker yesterday evening, believe there is a lot to spit out. Don't get me wrong, like my mom said, there is no changing of mind in this, just like he promised, but me becoming his son PA comes with a condition. Chuckle, not like I wanted to be his PA before, just that I'm left with no choice and I don't want to regret it later, if not for anyone, at least for the sake of my family, this is a job that almost every graduate has been dreaming of,not about the pay this time, but that exhilarating feelings of working side by side with the mighty CEO of Hovards Group. If not for how things turn out, this is a great offer that I don't think I will ever have the opportunity to get it twice.

The condition is the only problem that is baffling me the more I think about it, how. the hell can his father think about making me do that.......

I'm still in my train of thought when I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I looked up.

" Melanie," I whispered, while staring at her. Even though I try my best to flash her a smile, my lips feel like it was not allow to show any sign of happiness.

" You are done already?" I asked her, and looked down again.

I watched her walk to the couch that was opposite mine, firstly pushing it a little bit closer to mine, before taking her seat.

Her face was stern, and serious.

" You don't look too good Melissa, any problem again?" she looked concerned, and I can't help but to feel pity for myself.

" I don't think I have had a problem free day these past few months, have I?" I teased, even though that's plainly true. Melanie frowned at my words.

" I hate to hear that," she complained.

" But we both know I'm telling the truth," I managed to voice out, I sniffed.

" I know you will not concur," she whispered under her breath.

"you are.....

" About your mother meeting with Mr P, how was it?" If not for my mood, I would have burst into laughter with the way she pronounced" Mr P", just that this is not the time to joke around, I can sense my face turning pale, not necessary whether I'm staring at a mirror or not,this is my face and I can feel it.

" Yes, she did," I answered. My voice was damp, but I couldn't help it. Thinking about me only making me to book in anger, I never thought of this in anyway, why thinking about something you can't even imagine 

" She did, and it went well?" she asked, her gaze was getting suspicious that I have to drop looking at her to prevent me from going at those eyes that held many questions.

" You can tell me anything Melissa, you only need to spill it out" She added.

I sighed, flickering my eyes continuously.I look over at the two maids that are with us in the room to make sure they are not close to where we are before looking back at Melanie.

" I have a problem," I don't know if there is a better way to put what I'm in presently, but I am sure that we do.

" Problem?" she repeated, her face moving closer to mine. " What's going on?"

I sniffed, " Like I told you, she met him yesterday, and like he promised, since we accepted the offer, he told her that everything is ready, and he will hand it over in the next three days" I paused.

" What of your job offer, I thought you told me he wanted you to work as his son PA" she cut me off.

" That's just bait," I hissed.

" What are you talking about?"

I smiled sadly, " Think about it, Draven told me he knew that I'm very close to Bobby, even with him knowing that, he still offer me to work by his side, don't you sense something from that?" I tried all means not to shout as I grumble those words, I can see that Melanie Looks confused at this junction, not like i expect her to guess right, while she was busy thinking about the answer, i want to use that few seconds to calm myself down, that furious blood that was boiling down my veins, i want to cool it...

" I can't figure that out, this can only make sense if you tell me" her voice jolted me out of my trance, I darted my eyes back to her.

"There is  a condition to the offer," I inhaled, shutting my eyes closed in the process.

" Condition?'' after what they did to your father? this is absolutely wickedness, who does that in the first place? All of them must be batty, what the hell!" Melanie was so loud that it attracted the other maids, making them look at our side, I stylishly use my leg to hit hers.

" Keep your voice low,"

" Don't tell me what to do Melissa, they think they are God just because we are working for them, do you think that's fair, what makes you think he was not lying about this whole compensation?;" she bawled again.

" You need to calm down," I managed to say, " Hear me out first before throwing punches at them" 

" Okay, okay, okay, if you say so...." 

" Melanie, calm down," I repeated.

She only nodded without saying a word.

"Sorry for interrupting you, what's your mom's reaction to this?" her voice hit me before I could even alter a word.

" That's one of the problems, she knew nothing about this" I looked up to the ceiling. This is what makes it harder to come to a conclusion....

"How is that possible, is she not the one that met him?"

" Yes, but he never tell him about the condition,"

" Wait, he called you or sent someone to you?" she probed.

" He called me by himself," I pointed out.

Melanie clapped her hands together, punching the leather couch with her fist as she stared at me in surprise.

" By himself, before I can even say a word, what is the condition in the first place"

" That should have been Your first question"

"Not late,"

" He asked me to make Bobby marry Amelia without any issue , because he believed that I'm the only one that can stop him from pulling any stupid stunt to stop it from happening"

" What!"

