

This story is about 2 Billionaire Brothers and 2 Billionaire sisters. Samantha Julie and Alexi Julie are two sisters, who struggled a lot from their childhood, cause they were drowning in debt then. From a very tender age, they had to work hard to earn for their family. And their parents always regretted and living a guilt life. Cause they couldn't fulfill their children's dream. When other kids enjoyed their teenage, these two sisters had to work hard for their livelihood. But by God's grace, and their hard work turning fruitful, they achieved the peak of the success and became billionaires. And the world was shocked seeing their success in just finger counting days. Now Samantha was the founder of the Top hotel and resort of their country. And Alexi was a supermodel and famous actress in the Hollywood industry. Even after everything falling in its proper place, Samantha could not lead a peaceful life, nor could Alexi. They hold up a secret with them, which didn't let them trust the world again. But what was their secret? Why were they afraid to confront their love for the Famous Davis brothers? Johnson Davis and Martin Davis were celebrities of their country. Johnson Davis was the CEO of the top Interior designing company of their country, and Martin Davis was the owner of a video gaming company. They two led a luxurious life, after a lot of problems in their life. They were counted among the top billionaires of their country. But what were their problems? What led Johnson to hold up a grudge for his parents? And after falling in love with beautiful Julie's sisters would they able to accept them after knowing their secret? THIS WORK IS PURELY FICTIONAL! Note 1) Under Editing! Edited completed till 16th chapter. 2) Cover is mine. Join me on my Discord server. https://discord.gg/y9rDnHM5TH or Instagram: payalsinghrajput_2608

PayalSinghRajput · Urban
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770 Chs

Julie's Past-1

"Damon, Lucy. I want Samantha as my daughter-in-law!" Robert said and Damon's and Lucy's eyes widened.

"Ro... Robert." Damon said.

"Yes. I want to ask Liam and Cassandra for Samantha's hand for marriage with my Son Johnson Davis!" Robert said.

"But, dad. She should love me too." Johnson said.

"She will, Johnson. I have faith in you. You will make her fall in love with you." Robert said sternly and looked at Damon and Lucy.

"What do you say?" Robert asked.

"Robert, are you sure?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, Thomas." Robert said.

"Robert, we... We don't know what to say." Damon said.

"Okay, then. I will go to Julie's house tomorrow and ask for Samantha's hand for marriage with my Son." Robert said.

"Robert, first listen to me. Before you want to ask Liam and Cassandra for Samantha's hand for marriage with Johnson, I want to say something about their family." Damon said.

"Damon." Lucy said and Damon assured Lucy with his eyes.

"About their family?" Robert asked.

"Yes, Julie's past." Damon said and Everyone nodded.


16 years old Samantha is reading the book sitting on the couch and 14 years old Alexi playing a video game sitting on the couch with her cousins beside Samantha.

"Yayyyy..." Alexi shouted as she won the game and jumped on the couch.

"You didn't win... You cheated." A 15 years girl said.

"No, I didn't." Alexi said and poked her tongue at the girl.

"You..." That 15 years girl said and they all started playing around.

"Lexi, stop now. Don't run like that around the house." Samantha said.

"Sam, you also go play with them." An elderly lady said.

"No, Aunt Laurie. I'm not interested." Samantha said with a smile.

"Oh, Sam. Not only books. You should be good at everything you do. Look at our kids. They are good at studies and other activities too." Another elderly lady sang the glory of her children's talent in every field, not letting any space of comparison behind, as was her intention to demean Samantha.

"Yeah, Aunt Dawn. But, I'm interested, not interested in others now." Samantha said politely.

"Cassandra, When will liam come home?" Dawn's husband asked.

"He is on his way I guess." Cassandra said.

"Sam, come on. Stop reading and play with us for some time. This video game is awesome!" Alexi shouted.

"Girls, Don't shout. Play calmly." Cassandra said with a smile.

"Yeah, Mom." Samantha said.

"Sam, come on please." Alexi said.

"Alexi, You know I don't like video games." Samantha said and Alexi rolled her eyes.

Everyone is good in the house and can say a perfect family with laughter filled in the home! Liam's Mom and Dad are also there and talking with Cassandra happily.

"Is anyone home?" Someone knocked on the door.

"I will see." Alexi said and ran towards the door and opened it.

"Yes." Alexi said and a man in his 40s pushed Alexi making her falls down on the floor and walked inside the home with two more people back of him.

"Ahhh!" Alexi shouted as she falls down on the floor.

"Lexi." Samantha and Cassandra said time and walked towards her but the man stopped Cassandra going near Alexi by catching her wrist and pushed her to couch.

"Ahhh!" Cassandra said.

"Mom." Samantha and Alexi said at a time but the other men's stopped Samantha and Alexi going near Cassandra.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Cassandra asked.

"Where is your Husband Liam?" The man asked.

"He... He is not home. He went somewhere." Cassandra said.

"Yeah! He is enjoying outside with our money while we search for him for our money." That person said.

"What money are you talking about?" Cassandra asked and that person chuckled.

"You don't know? Your husband has a debt near me. He said, he will pay back in 6 months but it's already been 1year." That man said.

"Debt?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes, Debt." That person said.

"Why would he take debt from you?" Cassandra asked.

"Ask that to your husband." That person said.

"Okay, but how much it is?" Cassandra asked.

"$5 Million." That person said and Cassandra's, Samantha's and Alexi's eyes widened.

"What?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes, $5 Million!" That person said.

"I guess, you got some wrong information. My husband will not ever take that much money from anyone." Cassandra said and that person laughed and forwarded some papers to Cassandra.

"Look at these." That person said and Cassandra took the papers from him and read them and her eyes widened and she stumbled back.

"Mom." Samantha and Alexi ran towards her and hold her.

Samantha took the papers of contract from Cassandra and read them and it's true that her father took money from them. Not a small amount but 5 Million to launch a large scale clothing line business.

"No... My Dad will not take money from anyone." Alexi shouted on the people.

"Hey, you little girl. Just shut the hell up if not I don't know what I will do!" That person threatened.

Cassandra grabbed Samantha's and Alexi's hand and shook her head at them both.

"Mom..." Cassandra cut off Alexi in mid-sentence.

"Alexi, I said no." Cassandra said seriously.

"Okay, fine." Alexi said.

"Look, My husband is not here. He will come to you and talk to you." Cassandra said wiping her tears.

"There is no talking. I already gave him so much time. I want my money back." That man yelled and pushed the glass coffee table and its breaks into pieces.

"Ahhhh!" Everyone shouted and just then Liam walked inside the home and his eyes widened seeing the men inside his house.

"Here is your husband." That man said.

"Dad..." Samantha and Alexi said and ran towards Liam and he hugged them both.

"Mr. Garcia." Liam said.

"Where is my money, Liam?" The person asked Liam.

"Mr. Garcia, I will return the money soon. Please give me some time." Liam said.

"I already gave you 6 months time. Still, how much time you want?" That man yelled.

"I'm so sorry... I promise I will return your money soon." Liam said.

"No, I am not giving you much time. You only have 15 days. If I don't get my money in 15 days then I will do what I can do!" That person said and walked away from the house and Liam falls on his knees.

"Liam..." Cassandra said as she ran towards him with tears.

"Dad..." Samantha and Alexi said with tears.

"I'm sorry..." Liam said with tears in his eyes.

"Umm... I guess we should go now." Dawn said and Liam looked at her with his teary eyes.

"Yeah," Laurie said.

"Dawn, Laurie... Help me... Please." Liam asked with tears in his eyes.

"I can't, Liam... I mean, I don't have that much money. But, why did you took that much amount? What did you do with it? Anyways, I don't care. I have a family to look after. You do your best... And don't come to our home next time. I guess we should... Stop our relations from here." Laurie said and Liam, Cassandra's, Samantha's and Alexi's eyes widened.

"Umm... Yeah. I don't have that much money too. Sorry, I can't help you. I guess we should stop our relation from here. Goodbye." Dawn said and walked out of the house taking her children and husbands with her and Laurie too followed Dawn with her husband and children.

"Mom... Dad..." Liam said.

"I'm sorry. We couldn't help you too." Liam parents said and walked out of Liam's house, breaking the four members heart into pieces...

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