

This story is about 2 Billionaire Brothers and 2 Billionaire sisters. Samantha Julie and Alexi Julie are two sisters, who struggled a lot from their childhood, cause they were drowning in debt then. From a very tender age, they had to work hard to earn for their family. And their parents always regretted and living a guilt life. Cause they couldn't fulfill their children's dream. When other kids enjoyed their teenage, these two sisters had to work hard for their livelihood. But by God's grace, and their hard work turning fruitful, they achieved the peak of the success and became billionaires. And the world was shocked seeing their success in just finger counting days. Now Samantha was the founder of the Top hotel and resort of their country. And Alexi was a supermodel and famous actress in the Hollywood industry. Even after everything falling in its proper place, Samantha could not lead a peaceful life, nor could Alexi. They hold up a secret with them, which didn't let them trust the world again. But what was their secret? Why were they afraid to confront their love for the Famous Davis brothers? Johnson Davis and Martin Davis were celebrities of their country. Johnson Davis was the CEO of the top Interior designing company of their country, and Martin Davis was the owner of a video gaming company. They two led a luxurious life, after a lot of problems in their life. They were counted among the top billionaires of their country. But what were their problems? What led Johnson to hold up a grudge for his parents? And after falling in love with beautiful Julie's sisters would they able to accept them after knowing their secret? THIS WORK IS PURELY FICTIONAL! Note 1) Under Editing! Edited completed till 16th chapter. 2) Cover is mine. Join me on my Discord server. https://discord.gg/y9rDnHM5TH or Instagram: payalsinghrajput_2608

PayalSinghRajput · Urban
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770 Chs

Beautiful Memories.

"Yes..." Samantha answered and Johnson grabbed her wrist.

"Come with me..." Johnson said as they both walked to the place where Johnson is taking her.

They walked for a whole minute which seems like a jungle around them.

There is only a small way that is totally covered with trees around them... 

She is not sure about the place and where Johnson is trying to take her... But she knows that he will not let her down and the place will be beautiful if he is bringing her here. 

And then, he stopped making her stop behind him.

"What happened?" Samantha asked.

"We are here..." Johnson said making her frown and just then, Johnson turned around and moved away the big banana leaves that is in front of them... And her eyes widened seeing the beautiful scene ever in front of her.

The place is totally covered with the fireflies which bought a smile on Samantha's face.

"Oh my god... This is beautiful." Samantha said as she stepped ahead.