
Billionaire's Lethal Sweetheart

He was the King of darkness, but for her, he was a gentleman. ... Soft, shy, and sweet, Annika Knight is the pampered and dotted princess of the Knights. Until she wasn’t anymore… Enter, Avery Clifford, the lost princess at the birth. She is found at the hospital; weak and pale. Yet has the power to shake the existence of Annika Knight with the blood running in her veins. She has come with a purpose: To rightfully become the princess of the Knights and become the center of attention. And she succeeds. Love. Attention. Warmth. Status. Wealth. Fiancé. She has snatched it all, leaving Annika broken and abandoned with the ticket of plane to the London by the very family who once cherished her. Flames of revenge and the want of what rightfully belonged to her burned deeper and brighter than the sun in Annika’s heart. It Took five harsh, but awakening years to Annika to finally understand the scheme created by the Avery Clifford and the real faces of her family members who once dotted her a lot. Coming back, Annika Knight was not the same person anymore. Regal, astute, and strong-willed, she became the weapon to tear down the Avery Clifford’s mask and rightfully get her status as the princess and wealth back! She became a sharp sword that can pierce the hearts of many who once deemed her worthless and unworthy. But among all this, there was a man who she offended accidentally on one full moon, who has come stronger and fiercer to make her repay by sealing her fate with him— Xavier Castillo. The man, who has the power to shook the continents and destroy the kingdom. The only heir to the Empire! He has been running after her, trying all types of seduction techniques to get her under the sheets with him, but he didn’t succeed. So he forcefully bind her with him through a shot-gun marriage and demanded her to become his future kids mother!! --- Excerpt: He took a step towards her, his gray eyes appearing dark and icy as he trapped her beneath him. "Let go of me!" Annika yelled as she struggled, her heart anxious and breath coming shallow. He held her tight and leaned in to her. "What did I tell you, dear Annika?" He asked, his voice barely above whisper but contained an unsuppressed raw anger that chilled her heart. Annika stayed still and didn't dare to move. Blue eyes of her looking anywhere but at him. Xavier pinched her chin, hard, and made her look into his eyes. "Look in my eyes when I am talking to you, Annika." he spoke, breath coming hot and raw. "Now, tell me." He caressed her face, gently. "What did I tell you, sweetheart?" Red warning emitting from his voice. Annika visibly gulped and shakily spoke, "You told me... that I am your person." "That's right." Xavier nodded, tapping his finger on her cheek. "Then sweetheart..." He suddenly cupped her face in his hand, hard. Uncontrollable anger emitting from his being. "Why did you thought that letting him touch you would be a good idea?" "I..." "You're my fucking bride and mine alone, Annika. Let anyone touch what's mine, I will destroy them and bathe you in their fucking blood!" he growled, deep and rough.

Sunshine_004 · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

She is not a small fire but a whole blazing inferno!

In the ladies' bathroom, Annika washed her hands. Her silky black hair loosely falling on her shoulders like a midnight veil. Her heart still pounding hard against her chest from the silver masked man's intense stare. Call it an illusion or a mirage but she saw something unfathomable swirling in his eyes when he looked at her. Almost as if he is..... longing for her? But how could that be? She doesn't even know him! 

Annika shook her head, shaking off the far-fetched thoughts. She then turned off the tap and dried her hands with the soft white paper towels provided.

Afterward, she took out a red lipstick from her handbag and walked toward the large mirror hanging above the sink. With precision, she gingerly applied the bold color to her full lips, accentuating her already striking appearance. Her blue eyes lazily glanced up, looking straight at the petite girl in a royal blue dress behind her, who was nervously fidgeting and looking down at her broken heels.

Capping her lipstick, Annika's slender nails lightly tapped on it. "What's your name?" she asked, smacking her lips together to evenly apply the lipstick.

Startled, the girl in blue looked up, surprised, as if she hadn't expected anyone to speak to her. Her expression was timid and anxious as she rubbed her hands on the sides of her dress. "M-my name is Abigail Lau," she stammered, avoiding eye contact. She then suddenly looked at Annika with unexplainable gratitude and performed a full 90-degree bow, "I... I have to thank you for saving me, Ms. Savior!" she exclaimed, her eyes squeezed shut. 

Annika paused. Her long eyelashes skillfully hid the turmoil of emotions swirling in her blue eyes. Savior? Was she really a savior? Annika doubted it in her heart. Saving this girl was not out of goodwill but rather a desire to avoid seeing herself smeared again, even if it was in someone else's place. Truthfully, she just didn't want to see anyone pushed, thrown, or stepped on by others. Though it had been five years since that night, the scars from it still left a permanent mark on her soul that burned with fierce intensity. Therefore, even if it was someone else, she didn't want people to overthrow them like they had done to her with their brutal attacks. She wanted to save them from the humiliation and pain that she knew could drive them to death if nothing acted as their anchor, holding them down.

Annika turned around and watched the girl. Her long, curly lashes, which fluttered like butterflies, artfully concealed the complicated emotions swirling in her eyes. "You know, I am the same age as you," she spoke softly and gently. "You don't have to bow to me. Anyone in my position would have done the same." She turned around and grabbed a paper towel from the side, gently dabbing it on her lips to control the shade.

Abigail slowly straightened up, her expressions full of shock and surprise. This woman before her was the same age as her?!

Which means… she is also 23!

Taken aback, Abigail gasped and hesitantly looked at Annika up and down, taking in her charming attire and splendid looks that could topple nations and outshine any beauty queen. Coupled with her calm and poised demeanor, she looked like a mesmerizing princess who had gracefully stepped out of a noble lineage. And this woman was saying she was only 23! How was that possible?!

Abigail parted her cherry lips in shock, her eyes widening in amazement as she spoke, "Y-you don't look like someone who is 23! I thought you would be someone older."

Annika turned around and chuckled lightly at Abigail's remarks. "Why would you think that?" she asked, her lips forming a warm smile.

Abigail blushed deeply and looked down. She fidgeted with her fingers before murmuring, "I just assumed someone as regal and elegant as you, who can stand up in front of so many elites, would be older and more experienced." She glanced up at Annika, her soft cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "I apologize if I offended you," she added softly.

Annika's laughter filled the room. She looked at Abigail amusedly and said, "For a shy girl, you certainly have a way with words." She reached out and gently lifted Abigail's chin. Staring deeply into her hazel eyes, she spoke, "Remember, age is just a number, honey." She paused. "What matters is that you are brave enough to carry the sword and be your own knight in shining armor."

With that, she released Abigail's chin and gingerly walked out of the bathroom, leaving Abigail dazed.

This woman… She is not a small fire but a whole blazing inferno! Abigail thought dazedly.

If possible, she would like to meet her again.


Meanwhile, Annika, who was roaming around like a ghost, trying to find the mysterious Xavier Castillo in the masked ballroom, was near her wit's end. She seriously didn't get it. Why would someone want to be so mysterious? Would it ruin him if he showed his face in public? It's not like his beauty is so heavenly that he's going to get the evil eye from anyone, Annika thought exasperatedly, rolling her eyes.

Just when she thought she had lost all hope and was going to return empty handed tonight, she heard two guests murmuring next to her about Xavier Castillo! Annika's ears immediately perked up like a sneaky cat as she eavesdropped on their conversation.

Guest 1: "Hey! Do you know if Xavier Castillo is present at this ball? I heard from others that he is going to show up today to sign a major deal with Old Master Qin."

Guest 2: "Yes, I heard the same thing! I also heard that Xavier Castillo has brought along a professor with him! Heard he is quite a charmer!"

Guest 1: "Really? I wonder what the deal is about. For him to bring a man with him, it must be something huge."

Guest 2: "I think so too."

Upon hearing the conversation, Annika fell into deep thought, narrowing her eyes in a beautiful arc. If Xavier Castillo was here to sign a deal, he must already be present. After all, from the sounds of it, the deal seemed quite significant for him since he brought someone along.

The only thing left was to find him before he went off to sign the deal. But among these masked people, how was she going to know which one was Xavier Castillo?

Wait a minute…

A light bulb went off in Annika's head, and her blue eyes shone brightly like a starry sky. She could just call his assistant, Ethan Morgan! That way, she could identify Xavier Castillo and catch him before he signed the deal.

It was a risky move, full of loopholes, but Annika had to act fast to complete her interview with him before he goes off. Plus, she doesn't have enough time. Friday is her revenge & crowning day and tomorrow, was a preparation day. Today is the only day where she can connect with him and do his interview! 

She swiftly took out her phone from her handbag and dialed Ethan Morgan's number. As the phone rang, Annika's gaze swept around the room, trying to locate who is going to pick up the call. And safe to say, almost everyone was either lost in drinking or dancing, thus no one was on their phone. This way, it would be very easy to locate her targets. 

As the call connected and ring went on, a deep voice greeted from the other side, "Hello? Ethan Morgan speaking." Annika instantly started looking around, trying to figure out the location when her gaze stopped on the tall, charming figure of a man standing on the balcony where she had once stood. She watched the slightly shorter male beside him hold the phone to his ear, and her heart thumped harder and faster in her chest with a sudden excitement and the fairy pink dust spread across her already cheeks, making her look like a porcelain doll with her already splendid looks.

Who knew it would be him... she thought.

She stared at the man's sturdy back and chuckled lightly, "What a lovely destiny I have." Her lips stretching into a beautiful smirk.