
Billionaire's Lethal Sweetheart

He was the King of darkness, but for her, he was a gentleman. ... Soft, shy, and sweet, Annika Knight is the pampered and dotted princess of the Knights. Until she wasn’t anymore… Enter, Avery Clifford, the lost princess at the birth. She is found at the hospital; weak and pale. Yet has the power to shake the existence of Annika Knight with the blood running in her veins. She has come with a purpose: To rightfully become the princess of the Knights and become the center of attention. And she succeeds. Love. Attention. Warmth. Status. Wealth. Fiancé. She has snatched it all, leaving Annika broken and abandoned with the ticket of plane to the London by the very family who once cherished her. Flames of revenge and the want of what rightfully belonged to her burned deeper and brighter than the sun in Annika’s heart. It Took five harsh, but awakening years to Annika to finally understand the scheme created by the Avery Clifford and the real faces of her family members who once dotted her a lot. Coming back, Annika Knight was not the same person anymore. Regal, astute, and strong-willed, she became the weapon to tear down the Avery Clifford’s mask and rightfully get her status as the princess and wealth back! She became a sharp sword that can pierce the hearts of many who once deemed her worthless and unworthy. But among all this, there was a man who she offended accidentally on one full moon, who has come stronger and fiercer to make her repay by sealing her fate with him— Xavier Castillo. The man, who has the power to shook the continents and destroy the kingdom. The only heir to the Empire! He has been running after her, trying all types of seduction techniques to get her under the sheets with him, but he didn’t succeed. So he forcefully bind her with him through a shot-gun marriage and demanded her to become his future kids mother!! --- Excerpt: He took a step towards her, his gray eyes appearing dark and icy as he trapped her beneath him. "Let go of me!" Annika yelled as she struggled, her heart anxious and breath coming shallow. He held her tight and leaned in to her. "What did I tell you, dear Annika?" He asked, his voice barely above whisper but contained an unsuppressed raw anger that chilled her heart. Annika stayed still and didn't dare to move. Blue eyes of her looking anywhere but at him. Xavier pinched her chin, hard, and made her look into his eyes. "Look in my eyes when I am talking to you, Annika." he spoke, breath coming hot and raw. "Now, tell me." He caressed her face, gently. "What did I tell you, sweetheart?" Red warning emitting from his voice. Annika visibly gulped and shakily spoke, "You told me... that I am your person." "That's right." Xavier nodded, tapping his finger on her cheek. "Then sweetheart..." He suddenly cupped her face in his hand, hard. Uncontrollable anger emitting from his being. "Why did you thought that letting him touch you would be a good idea?" "I..." "You're my fucking bride and mine alone, Annika. Let anyone touch what's mine, I will destroy them and bathe you in their fucking blood!" he growled, deep and rough.

Sunshine_004 · Urban
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13 Chs

Princess Of The Hell.

"Nik, the editor is asking for you," Veronica said, lightly skipping her way from the editor-in-chief's office after submitting her outline for the interview. 

Annika looked up from her computer. "Editor is looking for me?" she frowned. "Must it be for the Archer's interview." Her brows smoothed into a fine line upon realization, and she excitedly stood up. 

"Thanks for letting me know, V." She shot a smile at Veronica before walking off to the editor's office. 

"Anytime, honey." Veronica winked. 



Annika slid open the glass door and entered inside. The office was toned in pastel colors, creating a tranquil atmosphere. A grand, smoky desk, similar to European style, was cluttered with manuscripts and articles. Behind it, a large wooden bookshelf was lined, reflecting the aesthetic sense of the owner. Large windows bathed in evening sunlight, illuminating the awards, framed magazine covers, and family pictures. 

The office exuded a blend of authority and professionalism, with a hint of personal touch. 

"Chief, you wanted to see me?" Annika smiled, her blue eyes glimmering with unsaid excitement as she literally bounced on her heels.

The chief, who was talking on the phone, gestured for Annika to take the seat across from her.

As Annika settled down with glee, Madeline Turner finally ended the call and turned her full attention to Annika with a warm smile. Her face was beautiful, with fine brows and smooth tight skin, despite her mature age. The most attractive feature about her was her brown eyes. They exuded a deep sense of wisdom and knowledge far beyond her years.

"Journalist Knight, you look beautiful today," she complimented her, her voice soft and soothing, like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day.

"Thank you, Chief." Annika smiled back respectfully, her heart fluttering in a sea of warmth. She owed this chief of hers a lot. If, during that rainy day, this chief of her hadn't appeared and guided her in the right direction, Annika wouldn't be sure if she would be alive till now.

Madeline spoke, "Annika, I am very impressed by your work, and to be honest, it's hard to find someone who works as hard as you." She paused. "I am not trying to flatter you or anything, Sweets, but you do have the talent to make it here." Madeline smiled as she pointed her finger at the golden nameplate that read—Madeline Turner: Editor-in-Chief.

"Chief, I…thank you for your acknowledgment, but I don't understand what you're trying to say." Annika looked at Madeline with confusion. Although, her heart raced with a sense of pride upon hearing the praises, but somehow those praises made her felt uneasy in one corner of her heart.

Madeline was silent for a good second, and she sighed. "Fine, I will come to the main point." She looked up, her warm brown eyes shining with complicated emotions. "The Archer Group rejected your interview outline and asked for Belle to take over the interview instead. " She paused, waiting for Annika to digest the news before continuing. "They said they want someone with more experience who is able to handle the interview with the CEO."


A heavy silence fell over the office.

Taking Annika's silence as dejection, Madeline reached out to squeeze her hand in assurance. "Don't worry, dear. I believe in you! I know you have the talent and determination to prove them wrong. And you definitely will!"

"Remember, this is just a setback, not a full road, darling. And I just know you will succeed, honey." She added, patting Annika's hand. 

Annika's heart warmed at her words, and the little bit of dejection she felt about not being chosen for this interview washed off. To her, getting rejected by a company wasn't a big deal, but knowing that there's some issue with her outline that she needs to address was a valuable lesson. She still has some improvements to be made. 

Annika looked up, her blue eyes shinning with determination and new found enthusiasm. "Chief, don't worry, I am not sad. Instead, I am motivated to work on my outline and make it even better." She smiled, her pearly-white teeth full on display as she stood up enthusiastically."This rejection has given me an opportunity to reflect on my weakness and grow stronger. And I definitely will work hard."

Madeline smiled brightly at Annika's optimism and strong-willed. "That's the spirit, honey!" She gave Annika a reassuring pat on the back.

"Thank you, Chief." Annika happily smiled back and headed back to her desk. She will not waver just because of a small rejection; she still has a long way to go, and a small stumble is necessary for her to reach greater heights in the future.

"You're telling me that ghosty duck rejected your outline?" Veronica asked incredulously.

Annika chuckled at the nickname given by Veronica to Xavier Castillo. "Yes, and I have also noticed that some of my questions are too conservative. They could be better." Her eyes shining with determination. "And I am planning to improve them further!" 

Veronica put her hand on Annika's forehead and checked. "You are not sick, then why are you talking like someone who is sick in their head?" She lightly knocked on her forehead. 

"Honey, Xavier Castillo isn't the only fish in the world. There are multiple goldfish." She continued. "You can't just be obsessed with one. Pick another fish." Veronica advised kindly. She figured her best friend had officially lost her mind due to anger over not getting the interview. 

Annika helplessly smiled at her friend's sage advice. "I know you're right, V." she said, making Veronica relive. "But if I don't improve this outline, then how am I going to know what my mistakes are?" She beamed, making Veronica look at her with exasperation. 

"Fine, do as you wish, but remember, I am right here if you need me." Veronica said with a sigh, knowing this stubborn best friend of hers would never listen, she returned back to her work. Sometimes, she wonders, just from whom has she gotten this stubbornness?

It's so hard to change her mind!

Annika smiled at her best friend and returned to her work, too. Her work is her passion and she can't leave it until it's perfect.

As the clock hit on seven p.m., Veronica happily packed up her stuff and stood up to leave for the day. But she paused when she saw her best friend still working on that outline. 

She sighed and asked, "How long are you gonna work on this, Nik?" The day has already ended, yet this girl is still busy revising the outline. 

"Just thirty more minutes." Annika replied as she licked her lips. She has completely revised the questions with brand new ones. This time, they are more thought-provoking and reflecting, which can instigate a deep conversation once asked. 

"Fine, but leave after thirty minutes. I don't want to see my best friend looking like a zombie tomorrow, understand?" Veronica smiled mischievously and patted her back. 

"Yes, Mom." Annika rolled her eyes and smiled knowingly at her best friend. 

"Good daughter." Veronica chuckled and walked off to the exit but not before giving Annika a crushing hug. "See you tomorrow, Nik." 

"See you, V." Annika hugged back and bid her goodbye. 


As the clock was about to hit eight, Annika groaned and stretched her back."Finally done." She sighed tiredly and packed her bag. She clipped her manuscript in a pin before putting it back in the drawer. 

She then turn off the lights on her desk and put her coat on. As she took out the keys to locked the door, her phone buzzed relentlessly in her pocket. 

Annika's fine brows joined together. Who is calling her at this hour? 

She took out her phone and read the name flashing on the screen: Goth Barbie. 

The frown on Annika's beautiful face intensified, and her blue eyes went cold. "Hello?" She picked up the call. 

"Boss, Emergency!" A bewitching voice, akin to a siren luring sailors to rocky shores vibrated from the phone. 

"What emergency?" Annika's voice turned ice-cold and her blue eyes grew chillier than a snowstorm as she languidly leaned against the wall. If Veronica were present here and saw this look of her, she'd screamed in fear as if she had seen a devil. 

"Your father has collapsed and he has decided to handover the Knight's Enterprise deed to Avery Clifford during her engagement party with Matthew Rivera, your once upon a time fiancé!" 


Bloodthirsty aura seeped out from Annika's lean body. So red and murderous that it looked like hell's door had just been opened. Her beautiful face appeared menacing and sinister, and her blue eyes blazed with icy flames, looking every inch a demoness who has crawled out from the hell. 

"Prepare the evidence that you've gathered until now and book my tickets. I would like to see who has the audacity to take what's belong to me!" She said, her soothing voice as fiery as lava and as cold as ancient glacier. 

She hang up the call and shoot a quick text message to her chief editor about her days off following week before storming out into the darkness like the princess of hell she was. 

Something is brewing in the dark~

Any guess on that?

Sunshine_004creators' thoughts