
Billionaire's Lethal Sweetheart

He was the King of darkness, but for her, he was a gentleman. ... Soft, shy, and sweet, Annika Knight is the pampered and dotted princess of the Knights. Until she wasn’t anymore… Enter, Avery Clifford, the lost princess at the birth. She is found at the hospital; weak and pale. Yet has the power to shake the existence of Annika Knight with the blood running in her veins. She has come with a purpose: To rightfully become the princess of the Knights and become the center of attention. And she succeeds. Love. Attention. Warmth. Status. Wealth. Fiancé. She has snatched it all, leaving Annika broken and abandoned with the ticket of plane to the London by the very family who once cherished her. Flames of revenge and the want of what rightfully belonged to her burned deeper and brighter than the sun in Annika’s heart. It Took five harsh, but awakening years to Annika to finally understand the scheme created by the Avery Clifford and the real faces of her family members who once dotted her a lot. Coming back, Annika Knight was not the same person anymore. Regal, astute, and strong-willed, she became the weapon to tear down the Avery Clifford’s mask and rightfully get her status as the princess and wealth back! She became a sharp sword that can pierce the hearts of many who once deemed her worthless and unworthy. But among all this, there was a man who she offended accidentally on one full moon, who has come stronger and fiercer to make her repay by sealing her fate with him— Xavier Castillo. The man, who has the power to shook the continents and destroy the kingdom. The only heir to the Empire! He has been running after her, trying all types of seduction techniques to get her under the sheets with him, but he didn’t succeed. So he forcefully bind her with him through a shot-gun marriage and demanded her to become his future kids mother!! --- Excerpt: He took a step towards her, his gray eyes appearing dark and icy as he trapped her beneath him. "Let go of me!" Annika yelled as she struggled, her heart anxious and breath coming shallow. He held her tight and leaned in to her. "What did I tell you, dear Annika?" He asked, his voice barely above whisper but contained an unsuppressed raw anger that chilled her heart. Annika stayed still and didn't dare to move. Blue eyes of her looking anywhere but at him. Xavier pinched her chin, hard, and made her look into his eyes. "Look in my eyes when I am talking to you, Annika." he spoke, breath coming hot and raw. "Now, tell me." He caressed her face, gently. "What did I tell you, sweetheart?" Red warning emitting from his voice. Annika visibly gulped and shakily spoke, "You told me... that I am your person." "That's right." Xavier nodded, tapping his finger on her cheek. "Then sweetheart..." He suddenly cupped her face in his hand, hard. Uncontrollable anger emitting from his being. "Why did you thought that letting him touch you would be a good idea?" "I..." "You're my fucking bride and mine alone, Annika. Let anyone touch what's mine, I will destroy them and bathe you in their fucking blood!" he growled, deep and rough.

Sunshine_004 · Urban
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13 Chs

Looking For Xavier Castillo!

The next morning, Bridget's shrill scream jolted Annika from her sweet slumber. Even the birds resting on the nearby trees flew away in haste at the sound. "BOSS! HOW DID WE GET THIS MONEY?!!!"

Annika yawned lazily and sat up, her sleepy face looking puffy and cute despite the rude awakening. She strolled downstairs, rubbing her bleary eyes and grumbling under her breath. "Bridget must have been a rooster in her past life to scream like that in the morning."

As she reached the living room, she found Bridget staring at her phone as if it were a magic hat producing money out of thin air. Annika chuckled quietly and asked, "What are you looking at, Bri?"

"Boss," Bridget said, looking up at Annika with an unreadable expression before glancing back at her phone. "I think this phone is possessed. It keeps chiming with new notifications."

Annika raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "So?"

"What do you mean 'so,' Boss?! The notifications are all about money being transferred from someone's account to ours!!" Bridget whispered, her eyes wide, trying to keep her voice low to avoid being overheard. After all, even walls have ears.

Annika's long, thick lashes hid the emotions swirling in her blue eyes as she rubbed her chin in deep thought. She remembered selling the shares she had bought from NexGen Inc. last night because the company had achieved a major breakthrough in their new energy technology. It looked like the funds were coming from that.

Annika parted her cheerily pink lips and casually said, "Oh, I remember now. Those funds might be from my investments."


Bridget's eyes widened, and she stared at Annika as if she had seen a ghost. "Are you serious, Boss?!"

Annika nodded, her expression pure innocence. "Very much so." Why would she lie? She had really earned it.

Bridget stared at Annika speechlessly. So, last time when her boss was looking at stocks, it wasn't just for information or experience—she was really investing?!

Even if she was investing, how had she earned $454,000?! She's just a newcomer, right?! Then, how did she make that much money?! Was it just a stroke of luck or what?!

What in the world is going on?! Bridget's world spun, and…


She fainted.

Annika calmly blinked her pretty blue eyes. Was her earning money from investments such a big deal?


In Annika's bedroom, the bathroom was shrouded in mist. Annika stepped out of the bathtub. Her fair fingers grabbed a towel, and she wrapped it around herself. She wiped the mist from the mirror and stared at her reflection.

As the mist dispersed, a jade-like face reflected back. She had a calm and elegant air about her, and her ocean-blue eyes sparkled like diamonds in the night. She then walked out of the bathroom.

As she opened her wardrobe to pick out an outfit for the day, her phone, sitting on the nightstand, went off. She took out a sleek white blouse and a black midi skirt, paired with slingback heels and a scarf tied in a modern knot, before picking up her phone.

She flipped over her phone and read the name on the screen: Editor-in-Chief.

Her slender, thick brows furrowed in confusion. Why was the editor calling her? She had sent a text message about her upcoming days off the very night she left.

Annika confusedly picked up the call. "Hello? Ms. Turner?" she spoke, water droplets falling from her hair like pearls on her white skin.

"Dear Annika, how are you?" Madeline Turner's soothing voice came from the other end.

"I've been doing just fine, Ms. Turner. How about you?" Annika smiled warmly, her blue eyes twinkling like stars. Talking to her editor-in-chief always put her in a good mood. She was like the mother figure Annika never had.

"I'm doing well too, Annika," Madeline smiled. "However, I have a favor to ask of you." Her voice took a serious tone.

"Yes, please. I will try my best to accomplish it," Annika replied determinedly. Her editor had helped her out a lot in the past. If her editor were asking for a piece of land worth millions, Annika wouldn't mind giving it. It's natural to repay kindness tenfold.

"Dear, I'm sorry to disturb you during your leave, but it's very important for our department to feature the interview with Mr. Castillo on the front page before this week ends," she continued. "Originally, Belle was going to interview him, but Mr. Castillo rejected her, saying he liked your outline more. However, since you're out, I told him I would send Veronica in your place, but before my message could even reach him, he had already left the country."

"So how can I help you, then, Ms. Turner?" Annika asked, puzzled, and put the phone on speaker to dry her hair.

"You can help me since both of you are in New York at the moment." Madeline bit her lip, her voice filled with hope. "His assistant told me he's in New York for a private meeting, but I couldn't find anything about it with my sources. So can you take some time to do the interview? I'll treat you to a five-star Michelin meal once you come back!" she exclaimed excitedly, as if her offer was irresistible.

Well, it might be true for normal people but not for Annika Knight, who was born into a rich family with five-star Michelin chefs fluttering around.

Annika chuckled upon hearing the bribe her sweet editor-in-chief had offered. "Don't worry, Ms. Turner. I'll get the interview done today and send you the script tomorrow. Will that be fine?" Anyway, the engagement ceremony at the Knight estate would take place on Friday, which was two days away, so she had enough time to prepare and finish the interview.

"Thank you so much, honey! I will definitely remember to treat you!" Madeline chimed brightly.

"For sure." Annika giggled and hung up the call. She then quickly put on her outfit and scurried downstairs.

Bridget, who had fainted earlier, was now sitting on the couch, eating crisp potato chips. She looked at Annika, who was calling someone, with confusion. "Who are you calling, Boss?" she inquired.

"Xavier Castillo's assistant, Ethan Morgan."


The chip bag in Bridget's hand dropped to the floor with a soft thud.

Annika turned around and frowned as she noticed the chip oil staining the smooth, clean marble floor. "What is this behavior, Bridget? You'd better clean that mess up," she ordered, upset.

"Boss, I'll fix that later. But you must tell me who you're calling?" Bridget asked cautiously as she crawled off the couch.

"Ethan Morgan, Xavier Castillo's assistant?" Annika repeated, confusion crossing her face. "Why? What's with that look?"

Bridget's expression was unreadable, and her green eyes held complicated emotions. "Nothing, Boss," was her response, cold and short, but behind it lay a painful heart as buried memories resurfaced in her mind. She squeezed her eyes shut, seemingly trying to stop the memories from coming back.

Meanwhile, Annika, watching Bridget's odd behavior, was about to ask something when someone picked up the phone from the other side. "Hello, Ethan Morgan speaking," a deep, pleasant voice echoed from the other side, making Bridget's heart nearly jump out of her ribcage.

How many years had it been since she last heard his voice? Three or four? It had become deeper and more masculine, Bridget thought sadly.

"Hello, General Assistant Morgan," Annika greeted, her voice low and smooth.

"Hello, is there anything I can help with?" Ethan asked, his tone professional.

"Yes, actually, I am Annika Knight, and I remember today was the day for the Financial Times interview. So is Mr. Castillo available today?"

"Sorry to say, but Mr. Castillo is busy today and can't attend," Ethan replied curtly. "How about we reschedule the meeting?" he asked politely.

"Yeah, sure. When?" If it's not today, then tomorrow works too. She could finish the preparations today and do the interview tomorrow; it would take the same amount of time.

"Hmm... how about the same time next week?" Ethan suggested. "Or whenever you're available next week?"

Annika frowned. "If we do the interview next week, the next issue of the magazine will have an empty spot," she replied disapprovingly. "Can't he take some time today, regardless of how early or late? Even ten minutes of his spare time will do!"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible for these two particular days. He is fully booked."

"I see... thank you, Mr. Morgan." Annika hung up the call and fell into deep thought.

She then faced Bridget, who was lost in her own thoughts. She waved a hand in front of her. "You here, Bri?"

Bridget blinked, coming out of her daze. "Huh, Boss." She looked at Annika, who was standing with arms crossed. "Do you need something?"

Annika narrowed her blue eyes and said, "Can you figure out where Xavier Castillo is going to be tonight?"

"Oh, yeah, of course." Bridget turned around and went to the tech room. After a while, when she came back downstairs, she was all smiles, her earlier gloom gone.

"Boss, I figured it out!" she sing-song as she lightly skipped her way.

"You did? That's good." Annika sighed and asked urgently, "Tell me, where is he going?"

"To the Warner's Manor."