
Billionaire's Lethal Sweetheart

He was the King of darkness, but for her, he was a gentleman. ... Soft, shy, and sweet, Annika Knight is the pampered and dotted princess of the Knights. Until she wasn’t anymore… Enter, Avery Clifford, the lost princess at the birth. She is found at the hospital; weak and pale. Yet has the power to shake the existence of Annika Knight with the blood running in her veins. She has come with a purpose: To rightfully become the princess of the Knights and become the center of attention. And she succeeds. Love. Attention. Warmth. Status. Wealth. Fiancé. She has snatched it all, leaving Annika broken and abandoned with the ticket of plane to the London by the very family who once cherished her. Flames of revenge and the want of what rightfully belonged to her burned deeper and brighter than the sun in Annika’s heart. It Took five harsh, but awakening years to Annika to finally understand the scheme created by the Avery Clifford and the real faces of her family members who once dotted her a lot. Coming back, Annika Knight was not the same person anymore. Regal, astute, and strong-willed, she became the weapon to tear down the Avery Clifford’s mask and rightfully get her status as the princess and wealth back! She became a sharp sword that can pierce the hearts of many who once deemed her worthless and unworthy. But among all this, there was a man who she offended accidentally on one full moon, who has come stronger and fiercer to make her repay by sealing her fate with him— Xavier Castillo. The man, who has the power to shook the continents and destroy the kingdom. The only heir to the Empire! He has been running after her, trying all types of seduction techniques to get her under the sheets with him, but he didn’t succeed. So he forcefully bind her with him through a shot-gun marriage and demanded her to become his future kids mother!! --- Excerpt: He took a step towards her, his gray eyes appearing dark and icy as he trapped her beneath him. "Let go of me!" Annika yelled as she struggled, her heart anxious and breath coming shallow. He held her tight and leaned in to her. "What did I tell you, dear Annika?" He asked, his voice barely above whisper but contained an unsuppressed raw anger that chilled her heart. Annika stayed still and didn't dare to move. Blue eyes of her looking anywhere but at him. Xavier pinched her chin, hard, and made her look into his eyes. "Look in my eyes when I am talking to you, Annika." he spoke, breath coming hot and raw. "Now, tell me." He caressed her face, gently. "What did I tell you, sweetheart?" Red warning emitting from his voice. Annika visibly gulped and shakily spoke, "You told me... that I am your person." "That's right." Xavier nodded, tapping his finger on her cheek. "Then sweetheart..." He suddenly cupped her face in his hand, hard. Uncontrollable anger emitting from his being. "Why did you thought that letting him touch you would be a good idea?" "I..." "You're my fucking bride and mine alone, Annika. Let anyone touch what's mine, I will destroy them and bathe you in their fucking blood!" he growled, deep and rough.

Sunshine_004 · Urban
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13 Chs


Annika took one last look at the villa where she had grown from a small infant to a juvenile. This villa held so many sweet memories with her father and dearest brothers that it broke her heart to leave it behind. 

Her mother had passed away at birth due to heavy bleeding, leaving her father to raise her and her brothers, who were only about one years old at the time. Despite his busy schedule as the CEO of the Knight Enterprise, her father fulfilled every little need, attended every parent meeting, sports game, and competition she and her brothers participated in. 

He wasn't perfect, but to Annika, he was the world's best father. 

However, everything changed in the past three months, ever since Avery Clifford entered their happy lives like a tornado, destroying everything in her wake and tearing apart their happy family. 

The only relief Annika had was that her brothers were away at Harvard for their studies. They would be gone for five years, pursuing their master's degrees after completing their bachelor's. 

However, she still didn't wanted to leave. If she is left, who would take care of her father? Despite him showing that he is happy, he is not. 

"Get down," Nicholas said, pulling Annika out of her gloomy thoughts. "My assistant has already arranged everything for you in London. Just follow my instructions written on the envelope, understand?" His ruby eyes appeared cold and distant as he instructed her. 

"Yes, Daddy." Annika nodded, her blue eyes glistening. She was barely keeping herself at bay to not hug her father and cry her heart out. 

Nicholas took a small box out of his coat and handed it to Annika. His ruby eyes were complicated, a flash of light passing them. "Keep this. It was your mother's." he said, his voice a little hoarse. "Now, you can go." He tilted his head toward the airpot check-in center, avoiding her gaze. 

With wide eyes, Annika looked at the box and then at her father. She didn't know, but somehow she felt that her father was sad and heartbroken. His tall figure appeared lonely as he avoided her eyes. Annika's eyes filled with tears, and she hugged her father tightly. "Daddy, I will miss you." She whispered before running off to the check-in center. 

Stunned, Nicholas stared at Annika's retreating figure. His emotionless mask, which he tried so hard to keep on his face crumbled, and a drop of tear rolled down his cheeks. "I will miss you too, princess." He whispered hoarsely. 

Annika stared down at New York City, the city appearing small and distant from above. Her emotions were all over the place as she watched the distance between her and her home grow, knowing a piece of her heart was left behind.

She could only hope that the cloak of darkness shrouding her and her family's happiness will be revealed and their paths will be filled with light and affection once again.

... Five years later... 

Financial Times, London. 

Dressed in an elegant pastel-pink blouse and black formal pants, a girl around the age of twenty-two walked into an iconic building that combined both modern architecture and historical elements. Her long black hair flowed smoothly behind her like a waterfall, and her blue eyes were framed by thick, long eyelashes. Her features were enchanting: long eyebrows like an ink paintings, a tall royal nose bridge, and plump pink lips. She looked every inch like a pampered princess, leaving men eyes dazed and women in awe. Yet she exuded a deep maturity and calmness like an ocean. 

As she walked in, she was immediately greeted by fellow co-workers. 

"Morning, Annika!" A girl about two years older than her walked past her with a sweet smile.

"Morning, Belle!" Annika returned the smile and walked towards her office. 

"Want a coffee, Fashionista?" A handsome man, about four years older, stood by the coffee machine, his green eyes twinkling.

"No thanks, Charles." Annika grinned at the nickname given to her by him. "But don't forget to make a cappuccino for me later!" She teased, knowing that Charles always made the best coffee in the office.

"Of course, Fashionista," Charles replied with a wink before turning back to make his own coffee.

Annika chuckled and shook her head, feeling grateful for the friendly environment in the office. As she settled down at her desk, she was surprised by a crushing hug. It was her best friend and co-worker, Veronica Nash, just back from a week-long vacation. "I missed you so much, Nik!" Veronica exclaimed, squeezing Annika tightly.

"Aww! I missed you too, V." Annika laughed, scratching Veronica's nose. Veronica scrunched up her nose cutely and then pulled away.

She then took out a small box from her bag and handed it to Annika. "Here! I got this for you from my trip." she smiled brightly. Paired it up with her purple locks and sparkling caramel-eyes, she looked like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. "C'mon, open it up." She urged Annika.

"Yes, yes." Annika chuckled, tearing open the blue wrapping paper to reveal a small silver necklace with a delicate butterfly pendant. "Oh, V! This is gorgeous," Annika exclaimed, her blue eyes shinning with gratitude. "Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me, Nik." Veronica said, lightly pinching Annika's cheeks before settling down beside her. "It's what I should do as your soulmate." She winked flirtatiously.

Annika helplessly shook her head at her best friend.

What was she going to do with this girl?

"I heard from others, you're planning to get the front page again, Ms. Genius," Veronica teased, knowing her best friend's competitive nature. "But better watch out, Ms. Genius. Because this big boss is aiming for it too," She said, playfully crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"We'll see, Big Boss." Annika rolled her eyes knowingly and smiled at their friendly rivalry.

"So, who are you going to interview this time?" Veronica asked curiously. "It better be something worth our attention, not like that boring politician last time."

"Don't worry, I got hold of a big cheese this time." Annika grinned. "And let me tell you, until now, no one has interviewed him yet!" She giggled excitedly.

Veronica's eyes widened in surprise. "Damn! Who is it?" She leaned in and lowered her voice. "Did the editor-in-chief approve this?"

Annika nodded. "She approved, but she said that Archer Group must approve of the interview as well. And guess what? It's the CEO of the Archer Group himself!" Annika smiled proudly.

Veronica's jaw dropped in shock. "No way! This is huge, Nik!" She whispered-yelled. "The CEO of the Archer Group is XAVIER CASTILLO!"

"Yep, it's very much him," Annika replied with a twinkle in her blue eyes.

Veronica, still reeling from shock, couldn't contain her excitement. "I can't believe it at all! Xavier Castillo is a mysterious man who overtook the tech industry in less than five years and was named the best businessman by the top publications!" She looked like a fan as she continue to sang praises for Xavier Castillo. "He is a goddamn Legend, Annika! And you're getting the chance to see this god in person! Better cherish it!!"

"I know, but this will only be possible when he approves of my interview with him." Annika poured cold water over Veronica's excitement.

"That's true." Veronica pouted. "He has to do it, though! If he doesn't, I will definitely let him experience what it's like to see his great-grandmother." She cracked her knuckles scarily.

"Okay, do that, but for now, start with your outline. Your interview is day after tomorrow." Annika chuckled.

This best friend of hers is so silly.


The stage is setting up for ANNIKA to meet her PRINCE CHARMING!!!!

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