
Billionaire's Irresistible Love

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her protective older brother and loving parents by her side, life seemed perfect. However, fate had a different plan for her. In a blink of an eye, everything she held dear was snatched away, leaving her stranded in this vast and unforgiving world. Fast forward five years, and Ava has transformed into a formidable businesswoman, the driving force behind Shetty's empire. People label her as rude, bossy, and arrogant, but little do they know that beneath that tough exterior lies a vulnerable child yearning for love and affection. On the other hand, we have Aditya Roy Kapoor, the indomitable Emperor of the business world. With his cold demeanor and striking handsomeness resembling a Greek God, he is the epitome of success. Women swoon over him, but he remains disinterested, consumed by his company and indifferent to romantic pursuits. But what happens when fate brings these two strong yet fragile individuals together on a project? Join us on this journey to witness how a resilient woman and a seemingly cold CEO find love in each other's arms. **** FIRST FEW CHAPTERS MAY SEEM BORING BUT TRUST ME, GIVE IT A TRY

Madhusmita_Dash_7336 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 5


He swore to himself that this was the last time she would cry. He promised that he would never let her cry or get hurt again. He would pamper her, shower her with love and care, make her feel safe and loved. He would do everything in his power to make her smile again, to wipe away her tears.

After crying for what felt like hours, Ava started to feel dizzy. She felt her vision blurring, her strength draining. She felt herself falling, but she didn't hit the ground. Instead, someone caught her. Before she could fully pass out, she heard a voice, a voice that was familiar yet comforting.

"It's okay, love. I've got you."


Aditya carried Ava in his arms and went towards his car.He was thinking where to take her. He didn't know her address so he couldn't take her to her house .His house it is.And soon he reached his villa and come out of the car , carrying her all the while.

In the quiet, serene world of Aditya, a man known for his solitude, a sudden commotion erupted. Aditya, a man who had spent his 27 years of existence avoiding physical contact, had brought home a girl. The servants, who had never seen him with a woman before, were left in a state of shock. The head butler, Raghu, tried to pinch himself to see whether he is dreaming or not. Because the scene which was unfolding before their eyes was unbelievable to them. 

"OMG! Is that really our master who hates physical contact the most? " One of the servants squealed in astonishment.

Their master was practically a monk in their eyes. In his 27 years of existence, he was never seen with the opposite sex apart from his little sister and mother. He always stayed far away from female species.

Once a bold woman  tried to seduce him by sneaking into his bedroom at night. But Aditya had thwarted her advances and sent her far away to Antarctica. Since then, rumours had been circulating in the high society that he was gay.

Even so, the ladies from high society still tried every way possible to charm him, but alas! They never succeeded. The servants started muttering between each other, making wild guesses about the mystery girl lying in master's arms.

Aditya, ever the gentleman, quickly went inside his penthouse. "Raghu Kaka , arrange a new set of female clothes as soon as possible and bring into my room"

Saying that, he quickly climbed up the stairs and went to his room. He ever so softly lied her on his bed. Before her, he had never allowed anyone else to enter his room let alone touch his bed. But for her, he was ready to break every damn rule which he had made.

After a while the butler delivered the clothes. Aditya was thinking of whether to call a maid to change her clothes. But he quickly shoved that thought away as he didn't want anyone else other than him to see his baby's precious body. Even if that person is a female.

Sighing to himself he closed his eyes and started to take off her dress and put on a new dress on Her. As he was dressing her, he could feel her soft tender skin whenever he touched her. It took all of his self-control to hold back himself from doing things which he oh so badly wanted to do!

(A/N- Control Adii smirk)

After finally dressing her, he again lied her on his bed and went out to call the doctor. "Hello. Come to my house . Right now"Aditya said over the phone to someone and hung up before the other party could reply.

"Huh! This basta*d ! Always ordering me around without even letting me speak. " Said the person who was over the phone with Adi a sec ago.

After the doctor reached at Aditya 's penthouse. He noticed that the servants and all other staffs at there were behaving quite unusual. He saw The head butler and few other staffs were trying to peek in Aditya 's room. He was confused. 'What the heck are these guys even doing? Do they not know, what will happen to them if Aditya catches them?'

Raghu Uncle felt someone patting him on his back. So he turned towards the intruder to see it was Doctor Rohan also the best friend of his master.

"What's going on Ragnu uncle? What are you guys peeking into this devil's room for?" Rohan whispered.

"You don't know Rohan sir, miracle has happened today! See it yourself." He whispered back pointing towards Aditya's room.

Rohan being confused compiled to him and peeked in . As soon as he peeked in , the scene inside left him stunned  .

'Have i gone blind? Am I seeing something wrong? Is it really that cold ass devil careesing someone's cheek with a more loving expression and that someone is also girl?!'

Rohan was so shocked that he forgot to hold the door tightly as all of them were peeking one after another, the door opened and all of them fall down one to another.

Aditya finally stopped careesing Ava's soft tender cheeks and looked towards the thud sounds to see Rohan, Raghu uncle and few other staffs were lying one after another. His expression tightened as he started at them with death glare not before checking whether his girl is sleeping well or woke up.

"What's going on with all of you? And Rohan , did i not tell you come ASAP ? What were you peeking from behind that door?"

"I-I-I wasn't doing anything.hehe-he i was just about to knock you know " He replied awkwardly laughing.

Before Aditya could say something further, Rohan cut him off saying "Let's check the person for whom you have called me for" the words successfully diverted his mind as nothing was more important than his Ava's health.