
Billionaire's Irresistible Love

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her protective older brother and loving parents by her side, life seemed perfect. However, fate had a different plan for her. In a blink of an eye, everything she held dear was snatched away, leaving her stranded in this vast and unforgiving world. Fast forward five years, and Ava has transformed into a formidable businesswoman, the driving force behind Shetty's empire. People label her as rude, bossy, and arrogant, but little do they know that beneath that tough exterior lies a vulnerable child yearning for love and affection. On the other hand, we have Aditya Roy Kapoor, the indomitable Emperor of the business world. With his cold demeanor and striking handsomeness resembling a Greek God, he is the epitome of success. Women swoon over him, but he remains disinterested, consumed by his company and indifferent to romantic pursuits. But what happens when fate brings these two strong yet fragile individuals together on a project? Join us on this journey to witness how a resilient woman and a seemingly cold CEO find love in each other's arms. **** FIRST FEW CHAPTERS MAY SEEM BORING BUT TRUST ME, GIVE IT A TRY

Madhusmita_Dash_7336 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 4


As she wanted to get up and look for help but her father weakly clutched her hand and said" it's o-ok..I don't think I can survive..." He said as Ava kept denying him tearing rolling down her cheeks nonstop.

"Listen Sugar.. Always stay happy and take ca-care of yourself. We would al-always be w-with you. Wo-work hard. Ta-take care" Saying that his breath hitched and soon his body went still. 

"Dada? Dada?? No no you cannot leave me .. please please..you cannot..I'm sorry..I'm sorry please.. please" She kept screaming hysterically.."DADDA, MUMMA , BROTHER!!! PLEASE NO NO NO NOOOOOO"



NOOOOO-" The blood-curdling scream echoed through the silent room, shattering the tranquility of the stillness. Ava, wide-eyed and trembling, was jolted awake from her haunting nightmare. She found herself gasping for air, her heart pounding in her chest like a wild drum, yearning for the sweet oblivion of sleep. She wanted nothing more than to draw in the fresh, crisp air, to forget the horrifying images that had just flashed before her eyes. She wanted to run, to hide, to escape from the harsh reality that had just slapped her in the face.

She slipped into her mask, a silent nod to the world outside that she was ready to face it, no matter how daunting. She laced up her shoes and began her journey towards the nearby park. The sky above was a dark canvas, the stars hidden under a blanket of thick, ominous clouds. It mirrored her own turmoil, a storm brewing within her, threatening to unleash a torrent of emotions that she had been holding back for far too long.

The moment her feet touched the park's gravel, the heavens opened up. Rain began to fall in earnest, each drop a cruel reminder of the tears she had been holding back. But Ava remained seated, her chair a lonely island in the sea of rain. The drizzle gradually intensified into a downpour, but she remained, her resolve unbroken.

This was the park where her father used to bring her, where they would engage in innocent games, where he would shower her with love and affection. She loved her father more than anything else in the world. She was his favourite, his little sunshine that brought joy to his life.

Suddenly, her tears started to flow, a dam finally giving way. She started reminiscing about her family, the good times, the laughter, the love. She wished, with all her heart, that she had not behaved stubbornly on that fateful day. If only she had been more accommodating, her family would still be alive and well.

The sobs escaped her lips, one after another, each more heart-wrenching than the last. Her cries echoed through the empty park, a symphony of sorrow that seemed to resonate with the rain. She was alone, with no one to comfort her, no one to console her, no one to tell her that it was okay.

Her tears and the raindrops intermingled, a poignant display of her desperation. She didn't care if anyone saw her like this. She didn't notice anyone there when she first arrived. But there was a black SUV parked right across the park, its headlights casting a eerie glow on the wet ground.

Inside the car, a figure watched the spectacle unfolding. It was Aditya. After leaving the Shetty's, he had called his assistant to investigate about Ava's relationship status. He had been there because he had some work nearby. He couldn't get his mind off Ava all day. Her brown eyes, perfectly sculpted lips, they were etched in his mind, a haunting reminder of a woman he couldn't have.

He saw a girl, dressed in an oversized hoodie, entering the park. He recognized her instantly. She was sitting on one of the chairs, staring blankly at the wet grass. The rain started to pour heavily, and he watched as she broke down, her cries growing louder and more intense.

He didn't know what had triggered her tears, but the sight of her in pain made his heart ache. It felt like thousands of needles were pricking his heart, each one a reminder of the pain she was experiencing.

That morning, he had seen a strong, independent woman giving a presentation with confidence. But that same woman was now sitting in the park, her face contorted with pain, her body wracked with sobs.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he watched her. He wished to find the reason behind her tears, to make her forget everything and smile again. He wanted to comfort her, to hold her close, to tell her that it was okay, that he was there. But he couldn't. That was what made his heart ache even more, knowing that he could do nothing to alleviate her pain.

He swore to himself that this was the last time she would cry. He promised that he would never let her cry or get hurt again. He would pamper her, shower her with love and care, make her feel safe and loved. He would do everything in his power to make her smile again, to wipe away her tears.

After crying for what felt like hours, Ava started to feel dizzy. She felt her vision blurring, her strength draining. She felt herself falling, but she didn't hit the ground. Instead, someone caught her. Before she could fully pass out, she heard a voice, a voice that was familiar yet comforting.

"It's okay, love. I've got you."

A/N: (Usual rant)

HEY All! I hope you will like this chapter. 

Every girl's first hero in her life is her father. She looks upto her father as her super hero, who would protect her , cherish her and give her all the affection. He is like a strong umbrella, which prevents the heavy storm from touching her or giving her any harm. And when that umbrella disappears, the girl's superhero, her protective also disappears. 

When I was writing this chapter, I had somehow gotten tears in my eyes. The love between a father and her daughter is really special. Nothing can compare to that..

Anyways Im again ranting something as I became a bit emotional..I hope you enjoyed ❤️