
Billionaire's Irresistible Love

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her protective older brother and loving parents by her side, life seemed perfect. However, fate had a different plan for her. In a blink of an eye, everything she held dear was snatched away, leaving her stranded in this vast and unforgiving world. Fast forward five years, and Ava has transformed into a formidable businesswoman, the driving force behind Shetty's empire. People label her as rude, bossy, and arrogant, but little do they know that beneath that tough exterior lies a vulnerable child yearning for love and affection. On the other hand, we have Aditya Roy Kapoor, the indomitable Emperor of the business world. With his cold demeanor and striking handsomeness resembling a Greek God, he is the epitome of success. Women swoon over him, but he remains disinterested, consumed by his company and indifferent to romantic pursuits. But what happens when fate brings these two strong yet fragile individuals together on a project? Join us on this journey to witness how a resilient woman and a seemingly cold CEO find love in each other's arms. **** FIRST FEW CHAPTERS MAY SEEM BORING BUT TRUST ME, GIVE IT A TRY

Madhusmita_Dash_7336 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 3


As the meeting continued,he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He was looking forward to the day when he could make Ava his wife. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to put in the effort. He was ready to fight for her.

Aditya Roy Kapoor was a man of few words, but when he spoke, his words carried weight. He was a man of action, not just words. He was a man who knew what he wanted and was willing to do whatever it took to get it. And he wanted Ava. He wanted her more than anything in the world.


After Ava had meticulously outlined the details of her project, she took her seat, her eyes fixed on Aditya, eagerly awaiting his reaction.

Aditya was taken aback by the project's novelty and found himself intrigued by the prospect of investing in it.

"I find your idea compelling... and I'm open to investing in this project... but," he paused, his gaze meeting hers, "I wish to personally oversee the project's progress." His voice held a firm undertone.

His secretary, who was present during the meeting, was taken aback. He had never seen Mr. Kapoor display such keen interest in any investment. So why such sudden interest right now?

"Of course, Mr. Kapoor. Feel free to be as involved as you wish," Ava didn't think much and agreed, not fully grasping the implications behind his unusual request.

After the deal was sealed, she failed to notice the dangerous glint in Aditya's eyes. You will be mine soon, Ava!

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Ava," Aditya said, extending his hand for a handshake.

Ava complied, and as their hands touched, an electric current coursed through them. Their eyes met, and Ava felt a strange stirring within her.A warm feeling surged through as his his large hands evolped her hand. She was anxious, wanting to distance herself from him. He was making her feel things she didn't want to feel.

She tried to pull her hand away, but Aditya held her firmly, his grip gentle yet firm. He felt like he was under a spell. He no longer wanted anything else than to keep her hands in his just like that.. forever..

Her hands were so small in comparison to his, and he was tempted to play with her slender fingers all day.

Ava cleared her throat, and Aditya finally let her go. After giving her a final, lingering look, he left. But he knew he had left a part of himself behind with her.


After they left , Ava let out a deep sigh of relief. She went towards the rest room attached to her cabin. She shouldn't be feeling these strange emotions. How could she expect someone like Aditya Roy Kapoor to take a liking to her?

Ava had always considered herself unremarkable. She was a light brown-skinned girl without the model-like figure that guys usually went crazy for. She still remembered the bullying she had endured during her teenage years, and the loneliness of having only two friends since childhood.

"Who would even want me?" she murmured to herself, falling into a deep sleep in the room connected to her office.


"Play another song, bro!" A teenage girl whined, sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

"No, sweetheart. I won't," her big brother said teasingly.

She 'hmped' and pouted.

Her parents laughed at their antics. The girl frowned and started looking out of the window. As she was looking , she saw a big ice cream parlor and got a a sudden urge to eat ice cream.

"Dada..tell brother to stop the car .. I want to eat ice ice cream.." the girl said pouting.

"No sugar.. we are already late and you ate 3 ice creams yesterday," her father said, trying to make her understand.

"No Dadda. Please just this once please," she pleaded, showing her best puppy eyes to him.

Her father sighed , his strict pretence quavered in front of his sugar's puppy eyes and told his son to stop the car. The moment the car stopped, the girl got out of the car and ran to towards the ice cream parlour.

"Careful, princess," her brother yelled from behind seeing his little sister running in the road. 

He shook his head and mumbled "What should we do with her"

After getting ice creams for her whole family, she started getting back to their car. But before she could , she saw a big truck coming towards their car at a high speed. Within a blink, she saw the truck crashing into their car with her parents and brother inside.

Her body was frozen seeing the scene infront of her.. it happened so suddenly that she could not even do anything. She screamed and ran towards her parents. The whole car was on fire..She wanted to rescue them . But what she saw was the unconscious body of her brother and mother. They were lying in the pile of the broken car . She quickly went towards them and tried to check their  breathing but unfortunately they are breathing had already stopped. 

Ava's breath hitched seeing them dead. She heard some whimpers and looked at the direction to see her father lying across whimpering something. She quickly went to her and crouched near him and pleaded "Dada-Dada" 

"Su-Sugar..Guess I don't have much time left."He said struggling to breath as blood kept oozing out of his wounds.

Ava kept crying and shook her head saying "Nothing will happen to you Dada..I will call someone for help..wait!"

As she wanted to get up and look for help but her father weakly clutched her hand and said" it's o-ok..I don't think I can survive..." He said as Ava kept denying him tearing rolling down her cheeks nonstop.

"Listen Sugar.. Always stay happy and take ca-care of yourself. We would al-always be w-with you. Wo-work hard. Ta-take care" Saying that his breath hitched and soon his body went still. 

"Dada? Dada?? No no you cannot leave me .. please please..you cannot..I'm sorry..I'm sorry please.. please" She kept screaming hysterically.."DADDA, MUMMA , BROTHER!!! PLEASE NO NO NO NOOOOOO"
