
Billionaire's Irresistible Love

Ava Shetty, a girl with an enchanting aura, had the power to sprinkle happiness wherever she went. With her protective older brother and loving parents by her side, life seemed perfect. However, fate had a different plan for her. In a blink of an eye, everything she held dear was snatched away, leaving her stranded in this vast and unforgiving world. Fast forward five years, and Ava has transformed into a formidable businesswoman, the driving force behind Shetty's empire. People label her as rude, bossy, and arrogant, but little do they know that beneath that tough exterior lies a vulnerable child yearning for love and affection. On the other hand, we have Aditya Roy Kapoor, the indomitable Emperor of the business world. With his cold demeanor and striking handsomeness resembling a Greek God, he is the epitome of success. Women swoon over him, but he remains disinterested, consumed by his company and indifferent to romantic pursuits. But what happens when fate brings these two strong yet fragile individuals together on a project? Join us on this journey to witness how a resilient woman and a seemingly cold CEO find love in each other's arms. **** FIRST FEW CHAPTERS MAY SEEM BORING BUT TRUST ME, GIVE IT A TRY

Madhusmita_Dash_7336 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 2


Every weekend, I eagerly anticipate the arrival of those two blissful days that provide a much-needed respite from the daily grind. It's a time when I can unwind, disconnect from the world, and spend quality time with my family, immersing myself in the warmth of their company.

However, the very same weekends that once brought me so much joy were the ones that stripped me of everything in a heartbeat. 

The memories of that fateful day, on 5th of September, are still fresh in my mind. It was the day my family was tragically taken from me, right before my eyes.

Today is the day..5th of September.Every year on this day, I most likely stay alone. The death anniversary of my family. Their thoughts resonate my mind as the feeling of void consumes my mind. How good it would have been if they were alive!  As I thought about it a silent tear rolled down my cheeks.

A slight knock on the door made me come out of the turmoil of my  thoughts and I wiped my tears.

I checked the time. It was 9 A.M. The day's agenda included a meeting with the CEO of AKs, scheduled for 9.05 A.M.

As I waited in the meeting room, I was anticipating the arrival of the man I had been briefed about - Mr. Kapoor. My intercom buzzed, announcing the arrival of Mr. Kapoor and his secretary. I responded with a hum, signaling my acknowledgment.

Two minutes later, my door creaked open, and two tall men entered the room. My perspective shifted as I realized who was standing in front of me. There, in all his glory, was Aditya Roy Kapoor, a man whose handsomeness was said to be unparalleled. I was momentarily dazed, taken aback by the sight of such a handsome man.

He was dressed in a crisp white shirt, with a grey coat casually draped over his shoulders. His muscular physique was accentuated by the tightly fitted shirt. His sharp jawline, hawk-like eyes, and full lips were all adorned with a light smirk. It was almost as if he was teasing me, challenging me to look away.

Tearing myself away from my trance, I greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Kapoor." His response was a smirk, a smirk that seemed to suggest he was aware of my momentary distraction.

"Hello Miss Ava" He greeted.

'His voice is incredibly seductive,' I thought to myself, 'and the way he says my name sends shivers down my spine.'

I quickly composed myself, took a deep breath, and said, "Shall we begin?"

"Sure"His reply was serious, his face devoid of any expression.

As I began my presentation, I couldn't help but notice Aditya's intense gaze. He seemed fascinated by my every move, my every word. I couldn't help but feel flustered, a strange mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through my veins.

Ava's POV ended

For the first time in his life, Aditya found himself interested in someone. When he entered the meeting room ,the sight of this beautiful woman, with her wavy hair tied in a loose ponytail, her cute nose, and her slightly blushing cheeks, had captivated him. He had heard that she preferred casual attire over formal wear, and seeing her in a black T-shirt and ripped jeans only added to her charm.

Aditya had done his research on The Shetty's, the company that Ava represented. He knew about her disdain for professional clothes and she was dressed accordingly. He found her dazed expression amusing when she was checking him out and smirked lightly.

He was not the only one who was affected. Aditya could see the different thoughts flitting across her face, her expressions changing from one moment to the next. Her slight blushing cheeks and slightly parted lips and trands of hair that were falling over her eyes and adorning her cheeks made him want to tuck them away .

Aditya was not one to be easily impressed. However, Ava had managed to do just that. She had taken a struggling company and turned it into one of the top ten companies in a short span of time. He felt a sense of pride in her accomplishments.

As he listened to her presentation, Aditya felt a connection with the concept. The idea of creating an app that would allow teenagers to escape their mundane lives and create their own stories resonated with him. He saw the potential in the app and was convinced that it could be a game-changer.

Aditya was not just impressed by the concept; he was also attracted to Ava. He had never felt this way before. He found himself wanting to know more about her, to spend more time with her. He had made up his mind about her. She was the one he was going to marry, and nothing could change that.

The thought of her having a boyfriend made him uncomfortable. He hoped she was single. He was ready to give her his heart, to commit to her completely. He was ready to make her his wife.

Aditya Roy Kapoor was not a man who was easily swayed. But when it came to Ava, he was willing to make an exception. He was ready to give her his heart, to commit to her completely. He was ready to make her his wife.

As the meeting continued,he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. He was looking forward to the day when he could make Ava his wife. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to put in the effort. He was ready to fight for her.

Aditya Roy Kapoor was a man of few words, but when he spoke, his words carried weight. He was a man of action, not just words. He was a man who knew what he wanted and was willing to do whatever it took to get it. And he wanted Ava. He wanted her more than anything in the world.