
Chapter 7

We lost. Ben Roberts and I have to accept the punishment of getting wet with ice water.

The host raised the bucket. Ben Roberts pulled out his overcoat and held me in his arms. As a result, Ben Roberts was almost completely wet, and I was not splashed by ice water at all.

I looked at him worriedly and hoped that he wouldn't catch a cold.

He wiped his face with a towel for two times and smiled faintly at the crowd. "You guys play. I'm going to change my clothes.

Joseph Pratt's POV

I wish I could strangle Jane Dench to death. I've dressed up for so long, but I didn't get the attention of Ben Roberts. On the contrary, this woman stole the show.

I, Joseph Pratt, dare to be the second most beautiful woman in the company, and no one dares to be the first. But in the eyes of male colleagues, Jane Dench of the sales department is more beautiful than me. What an annoying woman! Why don't you leave now!

"Jane Dench, look at your red face. Do you have a crush on Mr.Roberts?"

Jane Dench's Pov

This woman started again. It was so annoying.

Before I could say anything, Sara Hollander stood out and said, "Mr.Roberts asked me to send an e-mail to his office about his marriage. He didn't want his wife to misunderstand him because he didn't want to cause bad comments. Please don't discuss his private life behind Mr.Roberts in the future."

Joseph Pratt always thought her cousin was superior to others because she was the manager of the public relations department. But now, she dared not contradict Sara Hollander. She had no choice but to silently add more hatred.

After Ben Roberts left, he never appeared again. I was a little worried about him. After playing a few more games, I found a quiet place and sent a message to Ben Roberts. "Remember to take a hot shower. Don't catch a cold."

" They feel uncomfortable all day long without seducing men." There was no one else present. Joseph Pratt's words were direct and vulgar.

I usually ignore Joseph Pratt because I despise her from the bottom of my heart, but it proves that I'm a rabbit.

I put my phone in my pocket, stood up and walked towards Joseph Pratt.

I took two steps back timidly and asked, "what, what do you want to do?"

"Mind your own business."

Joseph Pratt sneered, "you want to sleep with Mr.Roberts? Dream on."

I sneered and didn't rest assured. "I heard that you were dumped by your boyfriend last month and cried to death. Now you want to sleep with the CEO again. Shame on you."

Joseph Pratt said angrily, "it's none of your business."

I'm the wife of the CEO. I'll scare you to death if I tell you,

"It's none of your business what kind of woman I am. Joseph Pratt!"

Joseph Pratt said arrogantly, "humph, believe it or not, I'll show everyone in the company who you are."

"She is mine!"

A cold voice came and I was shocked.

I never thought that Ben Roberts would appear here. What will he think of me if he sees me like this?

Joseph Pratt's face turned pale with fear. "Mr.Roberts, it's not what you see. Jane Dench..."

Without taking a look at Joseph Pratt, Ben Roberts said coldly, "get out!"

Joseph Pratt's face turned red and pale. She still wanted to explain, but She was too scared to say a word by Ben Roberts' appearance. She gritted her teeth and ran away with grievance.

Ben Roberts walked up to me and stared at me.

I was a little nervous under his gaze. I wanted to explain what happened just now, but he said in his sexy voice before I opened his mouth, "I know it's not you."

I looked up at him and pursed my lips. "What if I'm really making trouble and bullying others?"

Without hesitation, Ben Roberts said, "in the company, your backer is the president. You can only bully others. How can you let others bully you?"

"Thank you!" I said softly. Thank you for supporting me.

"For what?" Raising his eyebrows, Ben Roberts continued, "isn't the way a couple get along with each other trust and help each other?"

I smiled. It felt good to be trusted and silently supported. I felt a little warm in this cold autumn day.

After a long while, Ben Roberts said in a low voice, "call me if you encounter these things in the future."

"Ben Roberts, aren't you curious about what kind of person I used to be?"

Ben Roberts pulled his hand back. When he was about to say something, his big hands fell on my back and gently held me in their arms.

I raised my head and looked at him in surprise. He said, "Jane Dench, your past has nothing to do with me. I only care about your future."

Leaning against Ben Roberts's strong chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, and hearing his words, my vision was somewhat blurred.

After a long time, I raised my head from his arms. "I..."

He interrupted me, "I'll take you to a place."

I nodded and let him hold my hand to go on.

As he walked, a sea of colorful roses appeared in front of the left of the green grass.

I have seen many roses before, but I have never seen such a large area. I can hardly see the edge at a glance.

"It's so beautiful! I really want to stay here for ten days and half a month."

I really like it!

"If you like it, I can bring you more!"