
The beach

The following morning, Melvin and I get up bright and early since we have a trip to Sunset Beach planned for the next day.

I'm curious to know why all of the famous people from the United States of America spend so much time at this beach, as well as why they enjoy it so much.

I'm aware that there are many other beaches people could visit, but for some reason, that specific beach receives the most visits. Instead of traveling to that beach, I would prefer to find a less popular location and spend some time there. However, Melvin informed me that his friends enjoy going there, and he believes that I will too.

Even if I don't enjoy being there, I'm still going. I'm going to reach Sandy by boarding a ferry and traveling there.

At Sandy, I can't help but question if the men are Sandy.

At that moment, Melvin looks at me, and I start giggling.

"What's funny?" He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.