

Miguel was pleased with how the photographs turned out even though the photo shoot with Melvin was successful.

After looking at the images, Seraphina and Zinnia concluded they were correct.

While Miguel is making his way to the warehouse with his camera, the girls can be seen wheeling their clothes line with them.

If we arrive at the warehouse's entrance, Dylan will be waiting for us. He indicates Seraphina and Zinnia with his pen: "I want you two to walk up the red carpet, and before you enter the building, I want you to say something to Melvin and Alicia."

They nod.

He directs them to their position, and they proceed to take it.

As the snow begins to fall, Melvin and Alicia face each other in front of the building. They are standing opposite each other.

I watch Seraphina and Zinnia tremble as they use snow effects and a fan that can move the snow anywhere they want it to go.

It is plausible.