
Billionaire's Devotion Just for You

ThanhHong_YBinh · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Eva glanced at Max, still sounding somewhat displeased, and said, "You figure it out yourself!"

She had been bullied, and if he didn't do anything about it, he would see the consequences.

Even if she didn't say anything, Max wouldn't let her be bullied like this, especially on his turf.

Max coldly looked at Emily and said, "Emily, tell me, how should I deal with you?"

Emily felt a chill run down her spine from his gaze and hurriedly thought for a moment. Then, as if she had made a decision, she took a deep breath, raised her hand, and slapped herself twice.

"I'm sorry! It's my fault! I shouldn't have acted without clarifying things!" With tears streaming down her face, she apologized with a sincere expression.

Listening to the sound of those slaps and seeing her tearful appearance, Eva thought it was enough and said, "Alright, no need to hit yourself anymore."

Continuing to hit herself like that would only make her seem like a bully.

Why make things difficult for other women?

If it wasn't necessary, she didn't want to argue with anyone or even resort to violence.

"Let's go, come with me!" Eva turned her head and looked at Max.

Max addressed the people in the private room, saying, "If you want to continue playing, go ahead. If not, disperse. I'm leaving. Oh, where's my phone?"

The lackey quickly handed over the phone. "Max, your phone is here."

Eva saw the phone and all the frustration from not being able to reach him earlier surged up.

She glared at him and said, "Max, I called you before, and you couldn't even recognize my voice. And when I took the bus and had no money, I wanted to call you for help, but you didn't answer. If you don't use your phone, just give it to me!"

So, she reached out to grab it.

But Max's arms were longer than hers, and he lifted it out of her reach.

With a slight bend of his long arm, he put the phone back in his pocket and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, walking towards the exit.

"Oh, with all the noise in the private room, it's normal that I couldn't recognize your voice. What's the matter with you? Suddenly returning to the country and coming to find me so late at night, is it something important?" Max was full of questions. Even during the Chinese New Year when Eva returned to the country, she wouldn't come to him so eagerly.

He smirked suggestively and said, "Eva, could it be... you suddenly realized that you have feelings for me? That's why you came to find me so urgently and got into an argument with my ex-girlfriend. Tell me, are you planning to confess to me?"

Eva lifted her head, gave him a slight smile, and then stomped her foot, fiercely kicking him.

Max winced in pain, glaring at her. "You little brat! Can't even take a joke? You've lost your sense of humor after being in the US for a few years?"

Eva snorted. "I'm in a bad mood tonight!"

He was asking for it, making jokes with her when she was in a bad mood!

Max walked out of the bar with her, his demeanor returning to his rebellious self. His long arm casually rested on her shoulder as he asked, "Alright, speak up. What do you need from me?"

"I need you to open the door. I don't have the key to your house." She replied. Most importantly, his house didn't require a key to open, so she could only find him in person.

Max looked puzzled. "My house? My mom and the others are there. Just make a phone call, and someone will open the door for you. They'll even line up to welcome you."