
Billionaire's Devotion Just for You

ThanhHong_YBinh · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Max allowed her to hit him, completely indulging her.

This scene shocked the onlookers even more, and they couldn't believe what they were witnessing. Was this really the same Max who usually exuded dominance?

"Alright, can you stop now?" Max reached out and embraced her, holding her in his arms. The petite Eva looked so fragile in his tall embrace, appearing dependent on him.

However, she didn't seem very happy, still fuming with anger.

Max tidied her disheveled hair and looked at her, questioning, "Eva, what's with this hairstyle? Is this the popular style in America, with such messy hair?"

Upon hearing this, Eva pursed her lips and glanced at Emily, coldly saying, "It's all thanks to her."

"Me?" Max was puzzled. "What does it have to do with me? I only just found out that you're back, you know?"

Eva snorted and fixed her gaze on Emily as she said, "Your girlfriend here is quite impressive. I came here to find you, but she decided to pick a fight with me and even pulled my hair. Max, you have such good taste!"

That last sentence was pure sarcasm!

Max had known her since they were kids, and they had known each other for as many years as she was old. How could he not understand the meaning behind her words?

His sharp gaze immediately turned to Emily, his tone becoming somewhat cold and stern as he asked, "Emily, did you pull her hair? Who gave you the audacity? Did you dare to touch her?"

Emily, who had previously been full of confidence, now looked completely deflated, especially under the gaze of Max. She knew she was in for it.

"M-Max... let me explain, it's not what she said! It was her, her attitude was too arrogant, and also, why does she have the right to call you by your full name? She's disrespecting you. I was just... in the heat of the moment..." Emily tried to sound more righteous, desperately trying to find any fault with Eva.

Max's lips curved slightly, and his slender and attractive arm casually rested on Eva's shoulder as he looked at Emily and said, "Heh, why does she have the right? Because I allow it! How she addresses me is none of your concern."

Eva, who had been somewhat angry, felt relieved when she heard him shutting Emily down like that.

Emily's face turned pale and then red. She had never seen a situation like this before. She had known Max since middle school and had always liked him, so she had been paying attention to him over the years. But she had never heard of any woman being so favored by him.

Every one of Max's previous girlfriends had called him by his full name, without exception.

But now, Eva, in front of her, was the exception.

How could Emily swallow this?

Her eyes welled up with tears, and they fell down her cheeks, giving her a pitiful appearance.

"Max... I really didn't know, I didn't know about her relationship with you... being so good... I'm sorry, I really didn't know..."

Max hated it when women cried and impatiently turned his face away.

Eva also found it annoying. She had wanted to see how Max would teach her a lesson and vent her anger.

But crying directly? How could she be disciplined like that?

However, Eva thought that the other woman was truly clever and must understand Max very well to know how to show weakness at this moment.