
Billionaire's Devotion Just for You

ThanhHong_YBinh · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

Emily said displeasedly, "Who do you think you are? How dare you shout at me like that!"

She was already annoyed. Max had only been dating her for a week before breaking up with her, and the reason for the breakup was so perfunctory. Then, just a few days later, rumors started circulating that he had a new girlfriend who was supposedly very beautiful.

Not only did Eva surpass Emily in looks, but also in figure. Now, she was even losing in terms of aura. How could she bear it?

Regardless, she had to regain her aura, at the very least!

Eva didn't want to waste her time talking to the woman in front of her. Even if she said a single word, it would be a waste of time. Right now, she just wanted to find Max.

She looked at Max's lackey beside her and asked, "Where is the men's restroom? Take me there."

The lackey was taken aback. "You want to go to the men's restroom?"

Eva was impatient, her bright and beautiful eyes glaring at him. "Didn't you say Max went to the restroom? I'm not going to the men's restroom, should I go to the women's restroom to find him?"

"Uh, oh..."

Emily was about to explode.

How dare this woman ignore her like this!

After all, she was the school belle of the second high school!

She absolutely couldn't tolerate this woman being so arrogant in front of her, especially since she was Max's new girlfriend!

"Why are you ignoring me? Look at me! I'm talking to you! Hey, can't you hear me?!" Emily was so angry that she reached out to grab Eva's hair.

The private room was only lit by colorful lights, making it relatively dim. Eva wasn't prepared and her hair was pulled, causing her scalp to tingle.

"Let go!" she shouted.

Emily felt triumphant. "I won't let go. What can you do to me?"

Eva gritted her teeth and didn't hold back. She reached out and grabbed Emily's skirt, pulling her short skirt down.

"Ah!" Emily's face turned pale, and she let go, quickly pulling her skirt back up. But the embarrassing scene she had just experienced had already been seen by others, causing laughter to erupt.

Emily's face turned purple with anger and she glared at Eva, shouting, "You bitch! I won't let you off!"

Eva raised her chin, fearlessly staring back at her, her eyes seemingly saying, "If you have the guts, come at me."

Just then, the door to the private room was pushed open.

A magnetic male voice sounded, "What's going on?"

As soon as Eva heard that familiar voice, she turned around, glaring at the person who walked in with resentment.

"Max Jenkins!"

Max, with one hand propped on the door frame, struck a handsome pose. When he heard the voice, he froze for a moment, and then looked at the petite figure in front of him in astonishment. He exclaimed, "Eva? What are you doing here?"

Eva smirked sinisterly and walked towards him. "Not bad, I thought you forgot about me. Good."

She reached him and then slapped him across the face.

The onlookers gasped in shock.

Oh my god!

This woman actually dared to slap Max?

Max's seductive eyes narrowed as he promptly grabbed her small hand.

"What's wrong? Such a big temper as soon as you come back." What shocked everyone even more was that Max wasn't angry at all. His words even carried a hint of coaxing.

"Hmph! Do you know how much trouble I went through to come and find you?" Eva said angrily, breaking free from his grip. This time, she clenched her fist and punched him in the chest.

Max let her hit him, completely indulging her.