

This is a story between two people who are extremely opposite two each other. The two people who never thought they could be together. The story which is started with hate slowly turning into love. so lets enjoy this rollercoaster journey of Ryan and Charlie.

Bookworm_1545 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

8. New friend

Charlotte's POV

"What are you doing here?"

If you ask me, I am in total shock seeing Josh here. There might be 1% chance that he told Mr. Ryan everything and he might be here for firing me. Just now I was advising Daphne and now she is going to see me getting fired. I tilt my head slightly to look behind his back but I can't see Mr. Ryan.

"Where are you looking?"

Josh also looks backward.

"You told Mr. Ryan right? And he asked you to fire me, right?"

"What are you talking about Charlie?" and he starts to laugh on my thoughts.

"Look I am not mad I got that you and him are good friends maybe even best friends...."


He never let me complete that sentence and take my hand to take me near window away from everyone's desk.

"Please Charlie no one means no one in this entire company knows that me and Ryan are best friends. And no this is not his decision but mine. I don't want anyone to know and treat me differently. Please try to understand."

"Okay I will not tell anyone I promise. But you have to promise me one thing also."

"I know I know. I am not going to tell Ryan that you work under us. I just come to meet you as you told me yesterday you work with HR team. My instincts told me that we are going to be very good friends."

"But do you seriously think that you can hide it from your best friend."

"Look don't worry. I am not hiding anything because as I know he must have forgotten about you by now. He doesn't remember any girls he ever met. So don't think about that. He may not even remember you if you come in front of him."

Okay that should provide me relief but I don't know why it hurts to hear that even I come in front of him he will not remember me at all.

"Okay. That's relief." I smile at him.

"Finally, you are here!" Suddenly out of nowhere Hope barge in here and by her look she is going to be angry on Josh. I think that I need to tell her fast that everything is clear right now.

"Wait, Hope."

"No Charlie wait. I will talk to him. Look Mr. Josh I know you and your boss very well. You both guys just perfectly know how to play with girls and then throw them out. But I am warning you okay you cannot fool my friend. You might be thinking that you will blackmail her but one word from you and then I will destroy you forever. She means world to me and I will not let anyone to do anything to her."

I don't have any words left for how I am feeling. She is my person. From school she is like this only. Being introvert, I was never capable of taking my own stands at all but she always used to tackle everyone for me. She is never afraid of saying what she feels. Sometimes I get surprise that how can she hear everything from Mr. Ryan but never say a word to him.

But whatever it is I am happy that I have friend like her and also I am happy that I get one new friend also today. And now I remember Josh is also here. But the person who is so talkative always is like scared cat in front of Hope.

"Ms. Hope.... uhm.... umm."

Oh! God! Where is that confident charming person who was here now?

"Hope stop okay. Don't scold him. We clear it out. He is not going to say anything to Mr. Ryan at all. He promised me that. He thinks that he will not even remember me at all."

"Actually that is also true. I know him, he is sleeping with different girls every night.'

"Look Ms. Hope. I...I know your anger towards Ryan and you might have explanation for him but just don't talk about person when you don't know anything about them."

I look at Josh. He has sincerity in his voice but even while saying this he is not looking at Hope at all. What is going on here? Is he really that afraid of Hope?

"Oh really. Then do one thing when next time Mr. Ryan will be on the first page of magazine along with new models tell this to those magazine companies that never publish these kinds of things again."

Now first of all I need to stop Hope first. No one likes to hear bad things about their best friends then maybe that is true.

"Hope enough. Josh I am really sorry for her behavior today. I will talk to you later."

He just said OK, and leave. He seems pretty upset hearing about his best friend.

"Are you mad Hope? Why did you talk like that with Josh? He was so nice when he came here. He told me not to even worry about hiding from him. That was very rude from your side."

"Okay." And she just turn around with that. Is she crazy? Just, okay?

"Hope wait." I run behind her and stop her in the midway.

"What was that? Just okay ha?"

"So, what should I say? I was taking your side their but you are scolding me only. I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh Hope!!" Now I feel bad. Great! "I didn't mean to be angry on you but the way you can't hear anything against me then same goes to other person. However bad person is he will always have one companion one best friend with him that will defend that person no matter what! No one is alone here. And in this scenario Josh is really nice person."

Hope just hug me. "How you always know what to say in every situation?"

I smile at her question and hug her back. Everyone says I give exact solution in every situation. But except yesterday's incident. I just can't forget whatever happened yesterday.