

This is a story between two people who are extremely opposite two each other. The two people who never thought they could be together. The story which is started with hate slowly turning into love. so lets enjoy this rollercoaster journey of Ryan and Charlie.

Bookworm_1545 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

10. You!!!

Ryan's POV

The meeting was as always perfect. If you ask me, more than perfect. Mr. Joseph was quite smitten with our entire presentation. In whole presentation Josh did not look at me even once. I know how much Ms. Hope mean to him and I will surely do everything to help him out.

I call Ms. Sue in my cabin.

"Yes sir."

"Ms. Sue can you just look and tell me where I can find Ms. Hope."

"Sir if you need anything tell me and I will pass it to her. Or I can call her also. She will be here in no time."

"No Ms. Sue. This is urgent matter and I will go personally for this task."

"Ok." She looks at me suspiciously adjusting her specs. "I will look where she is and will tell you in 5 minutes."

"Okay. You may leave."

She leaves the room and within no time Josh enter the cabin.

"I am sorry for bursting on you like that."

"It's okay but will you at least tell me what happened?"

"Nothing important."


"Seriously nothing important. It's just she doesn't like you and that is why maybe she just hates me too. You should just stop treating her like that."

I just can't help and start to laugh. "You are acting like lovestruck teenage boy. Dude we are grown-ups now. This is just attraction and nothing else. This love and all nothing last forever. Have you not seen my parents? When we were little people used to admire their relationship with each other. But after those years everything just collapsed for them and me. And this is reality man! I don't want you to go through that heartbreak."

"Ryan according to me your life is waste man if you don't experience every emotion. As I am experiencing these emotions now maybe in future I will cry also. But who cares? This is life. Maybe you will not get it now but one day you will also be heartbroken. You will also cry for someone."

NOW this makes me laugh like madman, "I am very sure Josh. I will never cry for any woman. Never."

"Will see bro." he leaves the door with revolving chair behind him.

No, I have confidence in me that I can never ever fall for someone, crying for that person is remotely feeling. I have seen enough in my life to ruin these things for forever.

I look at my laptop again that is when someone knock on my door.

"May I come in sir?"

"Yes Ms. Sue please."

"Sir Ms. Hope is in cafeteria. Are you sure you don't want me to call her here?"

"No, I will go there on my own."

"Okay sir."

She goes towards the door to leave but stop in middle. She is standing there fidgeting with her fingers.

"Ms. Sue sometimes you really give me headache. When you need to talk about something just tell me directly instead of doing this."

"Sorry sir actually my sister... you paid fees for her. She just wants to say thank you to you."

Oh God! I am not at all comfortable with people saying thank you and all to me that is why I did not tell that I did something like that first hand.

"Ms. Sue no need please."

"Please sir I insist."

Finally, I had to give up and I talk with that girl. She is really sweet girl and said thank you with all her heart. I told Ms. Sue to leave for work because something else is bothering me right now.

When I was talking with that girl, I couldn't help but notice her long wavy hairs which is so so much like the girl from that day. I get up from my chair and start to walk around the room restlessly.

Oh god! This is so unlike me. I never means never remember any girl I ever met before. These things are the ones which are least important to me. This is impossible her eyes are still haunting me. I run my hands through my hair. This needs to stop right now. I need to stop thinking about... what was her name again? Whatever it is. Why do you care Ryan?

Should I ask Josh about it? But no, he knows me and even slightest topic of hers and he will ask me many questions about it.

"Hey Ryan."

"Josh, do you remember that girl's name whom we bought home yesterday?"

Whattt!!!! Seriously Ryan! Josh looks at me for whole a minute.

"Charlie. Why do you need her name all of sudden?"

"Actually, I need to give it security members as she was inside our home. I don't want any risk. You got it right?"

"Oh god Ryan. Sometimes I hate being your friends. What kind of man you are? Just get one thing clear that not every person in this world is not behind your company okay. People need love and care also."

"OHH please Josh." Thank God he bought that.

"By the way lets go to the cafeteria."

"Cafeteria and you?"

"Yes." I know why he looking at me that suspiciously because I never means never has been there.

As soon as I enter the cafeteria all eyes are on me. I try to find Ms. Hope. My plan is simple as I am going to tell Ms. Hope to attend the seminar of 2 days in Dallas with Josh. Simple and perfect. And I am not going to tell this thing to Josh now. Because he will panic and ruin my whole plan.

I look around every corner and I finally can see Ms. Hope. She is laughing with person sitting opposite to her. I put my hands in my pocket and march towards her.

"Ms. Hope."

She looks up towards me and she becomes silent as she has seen ghost. I know that she hates me but for someone who is with me every DAY her reaction is quite over the top. My eyes turn towards the person sitting opposite to her, "YOU!!"