
Billionaire's Blood Bag

Her village was raided, she was mistreated, and sold out to a stranger but finally luck steps in when she bought a young, handsome and powerful billionaire. He seems to have dark secrets lurking in every corner of the villa but why would she care she just wants to survive. What if that secret is a threat to her survival? He is rumored to be a blood-sucking monster, who kills young women for blood to keep him alive and to quench his blood lust. With hundreds of ladies brought alive and taken dead, will she end up like one of them? Is this truly a curse or a blessing? Feel free to check out "The Mafia Boss's Little Trouble Maker" my other novel.

Luv_Freek · Urban
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55 Chs


She felt hopeless then after staying some time with his palms covering her mouth, she finally calmed down. She nodded a bit to show that she was completely calm before he slowly let her go.

"Why did you call me here?" she asked

She didn't get any answer to her question, suddenly she heard a clapping sound and all the lights turned on making her eyes squint to reduce the excessive light. She couldn't see anything as she squinted her eyes so tightly.

"I missed you," he said in a deep and husky tone.

"What are you saying?" she asked unpleasantly.

By now she was starting to get used to the light and she saw the silhouette of a young man standing before her.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked suspiciously.

At this point, she knew she made a very big mistake, how could she always get herself into trouble?

"Stop pranking me, you called me to show me the proof of Aria's lie," she was frustrated already.

"Did I say that, I only said she was lying…." He said in a sly tone. "I wasn't talking about Aria, I was talking about proof of your past," he said.

By now her eyes were getting so used to the light and she could see his face. He was a really good-looking guy. She wondered why the good-looking ones were always freaks and monsters.

"Stop speaking nonsense!" she exclaimed in contempt. "If you don't have anything to say, I'll be on my way"

Ashley walked towards the door confidently but still had a really bad feeling that told her to go as far from him as possible.

She felt a very bad and disturbing aura from his presence, it felt like she knew him somewhere FOR SOMETHING BAD. She had the feeling he had tried to hurt her once, twice or more. Fear rose in her chest as she walked further away from him like he was tracing her movement eerily. She couldn't see it but she could feel it.

She turned the handle of the door to open it but it didn't open. At this point, her breath ceased out of fear as she sensed something bad was going to happen afterward.

"W-why isn't opening?" she stammered.

She tried to sound confident but she couldn't control her nerves. She was panicking inside but she tried to keep her cool on the outside.

"What do you think?" he sounded more devilish.

She turned abruptly to see him making slow, confident steps toward her and this was creeping her out BIG TIME!

"I just don't want you to leave like that," he said.

Her eyes searched around for and weapon of defense when she spotted a champagne bottle sitting gently on a side table a few feet beside her.

"Why aren't you talking anymore? you seem scared" she gave a sinister smile. "A while ago, you were running your lips and threatening to leave"

She couldn't think of what to say her eyes just kept hovering around. She tried to look away from the bottle so as not to direct his attention to it.

When he was just a few feet from her she took the bold step and ran towards the table. She took the unopened bottle and smashed it on the wall.

"Splash!" the champagne in it popped and splashed in the whole room, and of course on Ashley too.

She then pointed it directly at him as a threat.

"Don't even think of coming closer" she said still pointing the sharp end at him.

"You're too weak and emotional to hurt someone," he reached his arms out to her.

Ashley hated that underestimation; she swung her bottle at him thereby giving him a deep scratch on his arm.

"Sssss!" he hissed in pain and frustration.

"I told you not to come close," she said in defense. "What do you want with me?"

That question turned his anger yet into another weird and dangerous smile.

"I want to recreate a memory," he said slyly and he licked the blood off his arm.

Now things were getting creepier for Ashley, he was like a serial killer; his eyes, his smile, his words, and twisted phrases. They were just so suspicious. She wondered why he was doing this.

He tried to get closer to her when she swished her bottle toward him but again. This time, he held her arms before they could get to him. He held her arm and soon the tables turned for her, her hands were held tightly behind her back in such a way she could not move them.

"Do you give up now?" he whispered into her ears transmitting waves of fear and disgust down her spine.

She tried to struggle but to no avail, before she realized what was happening, she was violently thrown against the wooden floor.

"Do you remember when this happened?" he asked just before he let out a psychopathic laugh.

She was too in shock to understand what was happening.

"Don't play dumb, If you keep pretending to forget I might just refresh your memory."

"Do you remember this room? When Aria and I were together? That night when you walked into the room and caught us together?" he said.

"Even when you didn't mind, I did." He sighed. "I had feelings for you then and I still do"

All that was running through her mind was "THIS GUY IS MAD!".

"Get up!" he commanded.

Ashley couldn't take any chance with him; she heard that mad people were so dangerous they could hurt someone. She couldn't afford to make him more upset. This reminded her of how she was treated after her village was raided.

She stood obediently like he had said looking down to avoid his eye contact.

"You know what? You may not look the same but you behave the same" he said gently holding her chin; he raised her eyes to meet his.

"Please tell me the truth, you love me, don't you?" He asked.

Ashley couldn't think of anything to do to save herself; she didn't want him to mistreat her again.

"Y-yes I do", she stammered.

He seemed impressed with her answer, he slowly raised her chin to meet his lips and wrapped his arms around her waist gripping her tightly; he was going to kiss her. Ashley had no other tricks up her sleeve so she shut her eyes praying to God silently for a miracle of any sort.

Suddenly the door flung open, and standing there was Cole who looked angry as he could be. Joy flowed in her heart as she said a silent prayer of thanks within her. But, when she was how he looked at them, she realized they were still in that same before-kissing position. She immediately detached from his hold.

Cole looked shocked and disgusted. She had told him that she was going to get food for a pregnant woman and she was here in a hotel with a guy.

I'll try to update as regularly as I can.

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