
Billionaire's Baby Angry

I'm Stacey Alexander, 30, a curvy one, top special agent and a businesswoman. I'm under mission in a VVIP club with my team to hunt down a heavy Mafia head who's loose on drugs and killing for pleasure at his point. While waiting for the bastard, I spot my baby sister in the club at the arm of a young billionaire, posing like an escort by the looks of it, though she should have been in a study night for her Harvard studies! I go bazooka in my head and follow them upstairs to the private rooms, all angry and heartbroken! I'm paying everything for her princess ass! When I land in the private room that has her and other four out of this world men, I get the biggest heartbreak from her words and attitude towards me, I shoot down the main bastard I'm here for, set free my baby sister from under my guardianship, and take a flight abroad on a last minute mission the same night, to detach from my pained heart and disappointment. Upon my return from my mission, my superior announces me that to compensate for the damages I and my team produced in that goddamn club because of our operation there, the owner of it, Brian Stredge, 26, a billionaire and a heavier than that bastard Mafia head, asks my agency to have me as his 'bodyguard' under the cover of a fake fiancée, because he's got deadly threats around him! I go against it because it's under my level to do that! Me?! To babysit?! Get the...out of here! And he's no damsel in distress! He's got an army around him and deadly himself as the big Mafia head he is! This damn playboy and heartthrob is driving me crazy to go on such a mission! But I accept it in the end.... I'm not allowed to refuse.... Oh.... I think I'll end up killing his ass....

Andra-Cristiana Stan · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 21 - Give It To Me Already...

Stacey's POV:

My heart is twisting in flames and my stomach is like bleeding…. I lose a bit my balance, but I’m still standing and walking out of the elevator, faking ongoing as I need to show no fucking vulnerability in front of anyone. Though Brian saw it…. Yeah…. No, Matt is going to be fine. Let’s hope…. I can’t do anything right now. The slap went by instinct. I’m sorry on one hand because of Brian’s reaction on him, not sorry for the other part. He knew my reaction and he did it regardless.

A doctor is coming out with my files in his hand, and I walk past him to where I know I have my private treating room and he’s questioning me.


“Burning blood. Twisting heart with around 200 beats per minute. High blood pressure. Vision in and out. Bleeding stomach. Pulsating headache. High fever with sweating. Icy shivers down my spine. Regular stuff, Doc, for when I reach here.” I’m inside the room and the door is closing behind me, allowing me to undress my jacket and throw it on a chair.

Yeah, I’m in a surgery room with doctors and nurses ready to operate me if it comes to that. I take a seat on another chair for them to take my vitals, blood samples and all the preliminary stuff.

They’re taking the required equipment and start their thing on me, with same doctor questioning me, while I’m taking deep breaths to regulate myself as much as I can and avoid fucking surgery.

Why? I hate it. Anesthetics don’t work on me and I have to lay down and feel everything done to me. When you’re out on the field and get hit, you’re in the adrenaline and all the rush and you fight it, here, you have to stay and count stars until they fucking finish…. Sweet, right? Yeah, well….

“You collapsed last night?”

Don’t tell him how many times, Stace….

I’m staring in his eyes to 'lie' with my entire 'honesty'.


He’s confronting my stare with a twist of his lips. Yeah, I’m known… I’m smiling.

“How many times, Stace?”

They’re taking blood samples now from my left arm, and a nurse is cleaning my skin with a serum where I was shot. I’m in same 'honesty'.

“Once, Doc.” He’s deepening his stare in mine, twisting his head at me.

Fuck you, Doc….

I’m 'smiling'.



“Serve me the truth.”

“Once, Doc.”

He sighs in desperation. Yeah, I have that effect on people…. Nobody’s perfect, guys…. Ha-ha! He’s writing down, motioning his head at me.

Fuck you ongoing, Doc…. He, he, he….

“Did the fever go down last night?”

Yeah, eventually….

I’m the same at him.


“How many times up and down last night, Stace?”

Fuck you, Doc….



I’m blinking…with a smile.

“'Once', Doc. And now, second time. Can we move on to the 'recovery juices'?” I’m throwing my chin at him like a fucking kid who wants his candies and off we go…. He, he, he….

He’s in a demented frown at me.

Watch it, Doc…. You know I hate you guys…. Don’t provoke the lunatic….

“I swear to God you’re the most impossible patient I’ve ever had.”

You need adrenaline, too, Doc…. Ha-ha!

“And I’m with you for the last eleven years, Alexander. I know you’re remarkable and you deal with major things, but there are times when you need to let us do our job with you.”

Whatever…. Give me something and let me fucking breathe….

They’re giving him my blood results and other scores for vitals. He’s chewing from his inner cheek, with a killer stare at me.

“Tests never lie, Alexander. You’re fucked again.”

I sigh and move my stare aside.

I knew it was bad. That’s why I wanted a fucking break, to crawl in pains in my apartment for a few days, until the shit in me would get out….

“Give me something. Not surgery. I’ve got another ongoing mission, Doc.”

He puffs. I turn my inflamed stare at him, and he backs off a little.

“Calm down, Alexander….” He looks at another doctor. “I want a screen of her insides.” I stand up and go to the fucking machine that will scan me, taking off my blouse and giving it to a nurse. “You’re the death of me, Stace….”

Yeah, yeah….

After more tests inside-out for I don’t know, twenty minutes or so, keeping myself steady to manipulate the surgery off, I’m with him at the decision moment, sitting on same chair. Yeah, I’m sweating a lot and shaking a bit, but all 'lively' if you know what I mean….

“Alexander?” He’s reading the files a millionth time.

“Yeah, doc?” I’m smiley against all the shit on me….

“You don’t want the surgery?” He’s twisting his lips again, looking at me above his straight glasses.


“Nope.” I pop the word from my mouth.

He shakes his head in disbelief.

I know, I know….

“Alright. Alright. For this situation, for you, especially for you, as you can handle it, we’ve got a new serum.”


My face is exhibiting an all genuine smile, and a sweet butterflying of my eyelashes at him.

“I so love you, Doc, when you speak to me like that. You’re as sweet as honey right now. Love you.”

He snorts into laughter. Yeah, he knows I’m messing with him, not the real deal. I’m moving my head per my words at him.

“Wait a bit, Stace…. I haven’t reached to the 'sweet' part.”

It doesn’t matter…. I can take it….

My brows move up, but my smile doesn’t leave my lips.

“It will burn like hell for several minutes, you might collapse in convulsions, and you might wear a mega headache for a few hours or days. And your heart might stop a few times….”

It’s fine. I’ll take it.

I wave him off, with a puff.

“Piece of cake, Doc. Let the party begin!”

He sighs in frustration and motions his head at another to bring it.

“We’ll take you in another room as you might destroy things around you while under it.”

Fine. Just let’s finish it already….

I’m dressing my blouse and jacket and go out with him. Outside there are the men who escorted me, a beaten to a pulp Matt, and Brian who’s like a mix of bull-lion trapped in a cage. When he sees me, he comes to me freaked out in stare as I look 'awesome', but I’m walking with the set of doctors after me.

“Baby? How are you?”

I so fucking hate it….

The doctor is informing him though as I’m forcing my hand out of his as I can’t stand anything right now. My heart is fucked, my brain is fucked, my stomach is fucked, and my blood is fucked. So yeah, I’m totally fucked…. I’m not answering.

“She’s as fine as she can be, Mr. Stredge.”


I’m walking….

“But she doesn’t look fine!” He’s grabbed my hand a second time and I’m not going against as I’m…fucked. I just can’t wait to reach the room, be given the fucking shit, and overcome it.

He’s squeezing it and probably checking me out with his stare, but I can’t see him right now. I’m on the fucking edge.

Breathe, Stace…. Breathe…. His hand is helping somehow…. Go figure…. Only bad shit lately…. Oh yeah….

“You can stay with her in the room while she’ll have the treatment, but it will be bad in first stages. She has refused surgery and opted for the worse part to finish it faster.” He’s emphasizing the last part for my ears.


And I’m showed in the room with Brian caressing my back, going silent.

It feels good…. Strange…. Any other man doing that to me would be maximum irritation…. But coming from him, no…. Yeah, I’m fucked…. I’ll be better after the shot and he’s going to be dead once I’m back to my fucking senses…. FUCK YES!

I’m losing my vision again, but I fake it.

We’re inside a room looking like a hospital room for VVIP people and doc is taking the sealed syringe with greenish content from another. The rest of them leave the room after they’re closing the windows and curtains. Yeah, they’re soundproof…. The entire room is. Brian is inside with us, not wanting to leave, though I’m bull staring at him.

“Brian? Get out.”

He’s silent, in his Alpha all, motioning his head that he won’t. He’s all contracted and his jawline is at twitching point.

Son of a bitch…. You’re lucky I’m like this….

I’m cursing him under my lips. He’s fucking smirking at me.


Doc is coming to me. I’m next to the bed, standing, barely.

“Alright, Stace. Take off your jacket and blouse and lay down. Though you won’t lay down after….” He’s shaken for what’s next as he knows as a doctor the entire 'show' I’ll have.

I do it per orders, not considering Brian anymore as I’m between standing and collapsing with my heart constantly increasing its beats as I’m forcing my body to not go down.

Well, maybe after this you’ll get the fuck off my back, motherfucker…. You don’t need one like me…. Nor I one like you…. I’m fine on my own. I just need to figure out how to unbind what you did and for both of us to be freed….

“You didn’t have it before, Stace.” He’s staring into my eyes with a flicker of concern as I’m already in a bad shape and what’s next will accelerate all of it. “You’re sure about this? It’s made based on your DNA, but….”

I interrupt him while I’m laying on the bed with my legs crossed and hands aside my body. Yeah, I’m without shoes as well.

“I’m okay, doc. You know me. Give me the lovers’ shot and off you go. I’ll be stellar as always.”

Give it to me already…. I can’t fucking force myself any longer….

He’s looking at Brian now.

Fuck him and give it to me!

“She might become violent and have some severe reactions. She won’t die, but she might collapse and have a stopped heart. There’s no other intervention needed until she stands up for final tests. Don’t worry.”

Yeah, Brian is infuriated to hear all that, but Doc raises his hand at him to calm him down. He’s in a ragged breathing looking from him to me and back at him, taking off his suit jacket. He’s so fucking affected like I’m his wife or kid or something since forever. I don’t know or care at this moment.

Oh yeah…. He’s sexy as fuck…. Ha-ha! Oh! SHIT! Y

eah, my insides are playing an orgy again….

“She’s going to be fine…. Alexander?” He’s studying my face and eyes as I’m almost there….

“Yeah….” I’m sweating like I’m under a shower, containing moans….


“Do it.”

He’s twisting his head and preparing for the shot with a sigh. It’s going on my right side of the neck.

“Contract your muscles and don’t forget to breathe. I’ll be outside, monitoring you.”

I’m silent and do per orders, clenching my body, fisting my hands to take the ride.

Here it goes, Stace…. Breathe….

I’m taking breaths and when the serum begins entering in my body….