
Chapter 8 - Devil Player

Mona's POV:


Thanks for playing the part, but we can’t sort it out, unfortunately.

Yes, he’s enraged for real. Shawn is in a gangster smile and throws his chin to tell him his name. He’s so fucking confident and on a killing spree in his all.


“Fredrik Shawn, Brad.”

“WHAT?! Shawn…. Shawn? SHAWN?! Isn’t he that famous billionaire?” He’s flaming. Shawn is smirking and grabs my phone. THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! I want to take the phone from him, but he’s back on his chair, catching my hand and kissing it with some dark waves in his green eyes.

“Yes. Shawn. So, how do you propose to do this, Brad? She forgot to mention about our steamy kisses from earlier. She didn’t want it, but it doesn’t matter. She’s mine and in a few minutes, officially mine.”

“Let go!” I’m forcing my hand out of his, bent over on his desk from my side, fuming at him. He doesn’t let go and I’m with my left hand on the desk and with my right one in his. SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!

“Don’t you fucking touch her! Do you hear me?! You did what?! Forced her to kiss you?!” Shawn is grinning and winks at me, kissing my hand again.

“Calm down, Brad! He’s just playing!” I tell Brad as yes, he’s an Alpha as well.

Yet, he’s not mafia, and I don’t know his chances against Shawn on a physical collision. In money, Shawn is unreachable to Brad, as I said. And my intention wasn’t to stir up something like this, but to make Shawn give up on marrying me or come up with some more reasonable options.

“I’m not playing at all, baby. Why? Was I telling a lie?”

Oh, I’m starting to regret the boyfriend part…. I’m putting Brad in danger with all this…. This fucker has no breaking point. He goes on with it…. SHIT!

“Shawn! Knock it off! He’s my boyfriend! I said no lie to you as well! You demanded me to show you I wasn’t lying and see he’s real! You saw it! Now drop your madness with all this marriage contract! You can’t do this to me!”

“I’ll pay the fucking debts, Shawn! Just let her go! Right now!”

WHAT?! NO! Or maybe he’s just playing…. Yeah…. He’s playing. But he’s damn serious about it. But I asked him to play accordingly. I don’t know anymore….

My eyes go on the phone hearing that, with my mouth agape, breathing with distress.

Shawn is still in his calm, domineering, bull all, kissing my hand again, smirking.

“Very well then. You have two hours to wire me the money or she needs to sign the marriage contract. I’ll have my secretary send you the papers and account for your payment.” THIS FUCKER IS INSANE!

“Two hours?! He doesn’t have that kind of money in two fucking hours, Shawn! It’s 250 million dollars with interest included! He’s not you for fuck’s sakes! Brad! End the fucking call as I’m going to fucking murder someone! END THE CALL! RIGHT NOW! I WON’T ALLOW THIS TO CONTINUE ANYMORE! He wanted to see you’re real and the reaction you’d have as my boyfriend! But I’m not going to allow this madness! I don’t need your money or anything more! I’ll deal with it and call you later! END THE CALL!” Brad wanted to yell something on the phone but that’s when I call his name and address to him as all this is aiming a wrong direction.

He doesn’t end the call and he’s more than infuriated.

“Shawn! I’m in fucking England! But I’m going to take the fucking jet and come there to be face to face with you on this! She’s mine!”


I’m perplexed at my phone…. No, I wouldn’t be with either of them. This shit is complicating more than needed!

“I’m waiting for you, Brad. Be sure to be inside the two hours, buddy. I won’t extend it more than that on the payment part. On any other part, I’m available to you. No worries.”

“I need to see the files on everything first, fucker! We’ll then discuss on it! Don’t worry! I’ll pay everything! I won’t let you do this to my woman!” Oh God….

“Brad! Just calm down! Stay there and end the fucking call! Shawn! Just stop it! Please!”

Fuck! I’m the stupid one! All this has made my fucking IQ drop! Because of this fucker!

I yank my hand out of his and go around his desk and grab my phone from his hand.

“I’m fine, Brad. Stay there. I’ll call you later.” And I end the call, but the fucker pulls me on him, and I don’t quite know when he’s lifted me with my ass on his desk and he’s between my legs, with his left arm wrapped around my waist, and the other one cupping my face. I’ve dropped my phone on the floor among all this…. “Stop treating me like your fucking bitch, Shawn!” I’m again with my hands fisted on the sides of his suit jacket, breathing like a monster at him and spearing him with my eyes.

He’s fanning my face, with an intoxicated stare, having his body against mine and some penetrating sensations go down my spine from his heat and all that he has…. But I’m steady and will not give in to body reactions to this fucker! I’m not like that! I truly hate him with my all! No, I don’t have visible reactions to him. I’m cold.

“You’re not my bitch, baby….” He’s whispering this to my ear, brushing his lips on it, driving me insane.

“But let me tell you something….” He’s kissing my ear….


My heart is pounding my chest out.

“Because you did mention I’m mafia….” He’s brushing his lips down my neck in a slow manner, leaving hot and soft kisses, having a thick with desire voice, and his heartbeats are throbbing his chest under my hands.


“I’ll tell you what my mafia persona would do to that fucker for the audacity to claim my woman as his….”

I’m squeezing harder his jacket and he’s kissing my neck.

“I would fucking…kill him, love. As in real kill. Nobody….” He’s going back to my ear, with his lips trailing my neck in a sensual manner.

“Fucks with me, but you, baby. So….” He’s playing with my earlobe and I’m with a labored breathing, but not moving or shutting my eyes, just my hands are squeezing at refusal his suit jacket.

“If you don’t want me…to kill the fucker, you sign the papers, baby Mona….” He’s kissing my temple.

“I know it’s all a lie, love…. Hence my calm with all this….” He’s going in slow kisses on my jawline.

“But if you don’t sign…. And I have him before my eyes…. Nobody will stop me from killing him, my love…. It’s not a threaten….” He’s locking his drunk stare with my wrathful one, kissing my chin.

“I can’t control….” He’s brushing my lips with his.

“Because it’s about you, my love….” He’s kissing my lower lip.

“My woman….” He’s kissing my upper lip. “My baby….”

Fucking player…. Those eyes make you fall in love with him…. This fucker…. Oh…. I’m getting dizzy again.