
Billionaire’s daughters

COMPLETED WARNING: MATURE CONTENT. It’s a blood thirsty battle for the greater share of their late father’s will.......play time’s over as Late Pueterico’s two Spanish daughters, Sophia and Pearl would go any lengths to make sure that one of them control their father’s Will. ...... “You’ve never had sex before?”There was an amused smile on his face. She didn’t answer him. As she tried to push him off her, he grabbed her lips with his and kissed her, using his hand to cup her face again. Sophia shut her eyes tight as she felt his moist tongue enter her mouth. She put her hands up on his shoulders. The kiss was warm and wet. Jason tilted his head the other side and kissed her deeply, inhaling her scent. Using his nose, he trailed her face, down her neck. He felt her shudder silently. He looked at her face and frowned. He took his hand away from her face and glared at her in amusement. Her eyes were shut tightly and her lips were swollen and trembling. She.....She was scared!!! “I don’t rape women”. He said and Sophia opened her eyes. “We agreed to this so why are you so unresponsive to me. Why are you making it seem like you’re forced to do this”. “Well you gave me no choice”. “I remember vividly that I did. You can choose to walk out of here ....but forget about leaving this house”. “You know I can’t do that. I can’t do this either. I’ve never done something like this in my life. And the first time I have to try it out and it’s with you?!!” “There’s no harm in trying new things with people you won’t actually like to try it with”. He smirked at her ruefully.

PrinceS · Urban
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104 Chs

Strange discovery 2

Adrian entered the car, dropping several food bags at the back and then made to start the car but Sophia shook the watch in his face immediately , almost blinding him.

"What's this..."

"It's a watch ....stupid"

Adrian rolled his eyes. "I know what it is. Why do you want to poke my eyes out with it"

"How did you get the watch"

Adrian swiped the watch from her hands realizing it was his. Damn it!!! How could he have been careless. Well....either way she was still going to find out sooner or later.

Sophia was just watching him. What the hell was he thinking about.

"Look Sophia" Adrian slowly licked his dry lips. Sophia found herself staring at his lips that instant but when he looked at her she pretended to look at the watch feeling so angry with herself. "There's a lot you don't know about me and.."

"Oh please....I know you're a murder first of all. Because you murdered my dad. I also know you're a traitor. And I know you're so wretched you can't basically afford to buy a fake gold wrist watch not to talk of a solid gold one"

Adrain was amused hearing her talk so boldly. Wasn't she afraid of what he might do to her with every word she uttered from her mouth.

"Do you want to keep blabbing non stop about me or do you want to shut it or do I have to shut it up for you"

Sophia closed her mouth quickly and glared at him saying nothing. Adrian threw the watch on her lap.

"You can keep it if you like it. There's many more where that came from"

She looked at him open mouthed. "What are you talking about"

Adrian just started pulling out from the parking lot saying nothing but a grin was plastered on his face. He knew the smile annoyed her and he was right. She just threw the watch aside and turned to look out the window.

'What's he taking about' She thought In her mind.