
Billion Technology Crystal system

Novel Summary Ye Fan accidentally obtained a billion crystal technology system, and since then, he has become out of control. Android: You don’t even have a mobile phone system. I want to make it impossible for you all! Ye Fan: Sorry, I researched it out. It seems to be more powerful than yours! BMW Benz: Our engines are famous all over the world! Ye Fan: Sorry, I do n’t have an engine, I only have magnetic levitation, and the speed is only a few times that of yours. Don’t worry, take your time! … Enemy: Is he still human? Who can stop this! [this work is not mine]

ROKAN · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter : president Liu's Shock

"Mr. Liu, what shall we do!"

Secretary asked emotionally.

"What to do? How do I know!"

总 Mr. Liu exploded in situ, and the whole person collapsed quite quite. What grade do you call this code K?

Sweeping the simple list, and now sweeping the difficult list.


"Mr. Liu, please get in touch with this code, K!"

"Get what you want, get in touch with him!" Excited total words of Liu's hometown forced him out.

When Mr. Liu got in touch with Ye Fan on the side of President Liu, Ye Fan is still frantically tapping on the keyboard. Numerous messages pop up on his mobile phone without reason.

I was like a runaway wild horse, raging wildly.

Reputation is constantly increasing.

凡 Ye Fan, who was extremely comfortable, always smiled.

I have a lot of prestige. What black technology can I not get?

accept mission.

Solve bugs and complete tasks.

Submit a task and review the task!

One after another, each one definitely does not exceed half an hour. If it is more than half an hour, it is simply a shame to hacking technology that is twenty years ahead of modern civilization!

As Ye Fan continued to complete the code, the entire program network was quite lively.

Because one-handedly opened the word of God Martha, it caused a lot of popularity.

"Great, this is already the sixth task. There are only more than twenty, and one third has been completed!"

"It's really only an hour. It seems that I don't plan to stop tonight!"

"No, it's a bit tough, this is it!"

All programmers have stopped working.


Do you have a B number in your heart?

What can you do with the code K? They swept through the simple list and slaughtered the difficult list. Where did the task come from, and where can they get it!

Now I can only watch people 's solo play!

In other programs, Internet post bars.

"Brother, hurry to 61 program network, something big happened!"

"What's the big deal? I find so many people discussing this kind of thing!"

"Hurry up, you'll know when you go, don't ask, no one told you what, all ran over!"

With the spread, more and more programmers have come to this website and watched them all.

"Hisse! Really fake? Is this code K so powerful? It's difficult to sweep through simple slaughter, and that's enough! Every task can be completed within half an hour, even a great **** can't do it at all?"

"Well, the five great gods are almost the same. If the division of labour and cooperation is possible, it may be possible. Can several code names be completed together?"

不太 "It's unlikely, I looked at the source code and found that the source code was all knocked out by one person. That style and habit, at a glance, I know that it was done by one person, not by stealing others!"

"True? If so, wouldn't it be a hacker code K?"

"That's not necessarily true. We don't understand the means of hacking. Is it a hack? It's hard to say!"

The number of people gathered on the website is increasing, and many programmer network groups across the country are spreading. The 61 program network is considered a fire, but the number of people gathered is too large.


At the program company headquarters.

总 Mr. Liu was anxious because they added the contact code K, and they ignored them.

不到 Can't get contact, it will be troublesome.

Things will get bigger and bigger.



Secretary Secretary, like a child, jumped up and shouted in cheers.

"What? Are you connected?"

"Well, it has been added, I'm communicating with him!" The secretary contacted Ye Fan without looking up.

Ye Fan moved his ten fingers, his hands were extremely warm now, and this feeling was super comfortable.

I glanced at the current reputation!

Discovery has increased to 4500.

This is good news. The lowest price graphene mobile phone has a reputation of 15,000. There are many things, but you do n't have time to read it. After the popularity reaches a certain value, you must redeem it to your advantage. thing.

Order a takeaway and have a meal to continue!

Rest awhile.

Ye Fan picked up the phone and ordered take-out, and found that someone on WeChat kept adding himself.

Ye Fan clicked to agree.

I soon talked over there.

"Is it code K?"

When I saw this news, Ye Fan froze, and then I wanted to understand that this should be the website staff to add themselves. Their own contact information is only available on the website.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Ye Fan asked.

"Mr. K, are you a god-level programmer or something! If you are a god-level programmer, our company will raise your level exceptionally, allowing you to complete tasks on the hell-level list, and you are now in the list that does not meet your level , It will cause other programmers to fail to receive the task, cause them to lose, and cause great losses to our company! "

Ye Fan was typing on the keyboard while looking at the dialogue box.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly when he saw the news from the opposite side.

What level do you own?

Even if **** ..

I'm afraid I can't bear myself!

The opposite side kept sending messages.

Ye Fan is still typing on the keyboard to complete the code. When this task is completed, the takeaway will arrive.

继续 After dinner, continue.

The cell phone kept ringing, making Ye Fan very upset.

Ye Fan directly picked up the phone and pressed it a few times in a random way, turning off the sound, and then left the phone in front of the keyboard.

叶 Ye Fan didn't know, a few random presses, and dialled the video directly.

I'm in President Liu's office.

The two were dumbfounded and looked at each other.


"Mr. Liu, this ..."

接 "Here, record another!"

总 General Liu bit his teeth.

After connecting to the video, the two watched together.

I found only one keyboard and ten fingers!

The crackling sound and the ten fingers that quickly produce afterimages!

"This Nima!"

总 General Liu burst into a swear word.

Ye Fan just heard it, stopped quickly, immediately covered the camera, then hung up the call, his heart beating.

I shouldn't be exposed.

Even if exposed, nothing.

I'm not a hacker, I just follow the normal procedures to pick up tasks.

I just don't want to be exposed now.

I should be no.

Ye Fan wanted to hack into the program network to see what was wrong, but after all, it was fine.

Ye Yefan continued to tap on the keyboard.

Mr. Liu got less than ten seconds of video. The whole person was shaking with excitement. Whoever said that this was a hacker, who said that it was done by several great gods together, and their own program network was going to fire!

一旦 Once this video is posted.

I will be hot!

总 Mr. Liu is trembling with excitement. Although there is no hero in the video, from this speed, the sound of typing on the keyboard, no one can do it!

"Mr. Liu, what about this video?"

"Fat, post it!"


总 General Liu shouted excitedly.

I was too bad.

Code K!