
Chapter 21: CREED

I spent the morning with half of my mind on the club and the rest of it in that bed with her. The fucking calendar was mocking me now every time I looked at it; the time was almost here.

I'd called her my wife to the men because that's exactly what she is. I just had to make that shit legit now but I wasn't too worried about that. As far as I'm concerned, the moment I breech her for the first time is as good as me slipping my ring on her finger.

I fucked around with some invoices and shit but it was all Greek to me and I'm not bilingual so that means I got fuck all done for the next hour. All I could think about was her, just across the way, waiting.

I couldn't hold a damn thought so I ended up going back to the house just to be near her. She was still asleep when I looked in on her, all innocent looking under a mountain of covers.