
Bijuu Species

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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Find Tsunade part 3

(With Naruto)

Following their scent he was getting close to them, they are near, he has a feeling both these strangers are threats. One smelled like a Uchiha, the other smelled like that of a fish. He decided to close his eyes to look deep into his mind after absorbing Orochimaru's memories to find the description of these two and what they look like.

He knows that the Uchiha clan had been wiped out by Sasuke's older brother meaning that Itachi is here, but for what purpose?

Having dived into the absorbed Memories of Orochimaru he saw the snake sannin wearing a black cloak with red clouds, among the snake sannin was a few others who wore the same cloak, having a good look at each of the members burning their appearance into his mind so that he can remember who they are. He saw a man who resembles a Shark, which could match the fish like scent matching the description, then Naruto saw a woman standing besides a Orange haired man with piercings and purple eyes with ring like pupils, but focused solely on her, orange eyes, purple hair like Anko's hair. She seems perfect to be brought into the Fold someday when he encounters her.

And like he thought he saw Uchiha Itachi recently joined the "Akatsuki" as they called themselves and saw how Orochimaru became greed with power and tried to take Itachi as his host wanting the Sharingan to know all Jutsu's.

After that Orochimaru left the Akatsuki after the stunt he tried to pull.

He exited out of the memory. It seems he knows who he is dealing with, a Shark man named Kisame Hoshigaki who wields the sword Sharkskin and Itachi Uchiha the Uchiha Slayer who massacred his own clan.

Naruto deems them and the Akatsuki a threat to his Children in the future and to his family which he cannot allow.

( In Uzu)

The kids are all playing. Playing tag and what not, even playing with their puppy Nana and Akamaru.

They are so full of life and Energy as they continued to play without a care in the world.

Inari who came with his grandpa Tazuna to help build Uzu in its glory he became interested in wanting to play with the kids.

They were kinda playing tag and playing ball.

He wasn't seem to be doing anything since his grandpa didn't need him yet.

"Watch where you kick the ball ya moron!" Growled Koga Inuzuka Uzumaki glaring At his twin brother.

"How about you try dodging for once you mangy wolf!" Shot back Inuyasha Inuzuka Uzumaki Almost wanting to pound his brother's face in.

San Inuzuka Uzumaki could only roll her eyes at her half brothers

Mirai Uzumaki is picking up some flowers for her mother.

Saeko is practicing her toy bamboo katana sword.

Sasha is too busy eating a roasted potato she got out the kitchen from her mother Ayame.

Jean is busy playing tag with Mizore, Zabuza, Tamano no Mae and Ran.

Miranda is playing with Nana and Akamaru. With Himawari following behind Miranda.

Sanji would be in the kitchen learning on how to cook with his Aunt Ayame.

Sara and Lazuli would be sitting besides each other watching their siblings play.

Motoko is making a Senbon launcher and Kunai repeater projectile like weapon.

Inari walked over to introduce himself to the Uzumaki kids.

"Hello." He started out as they all stopped what they were doing and looked towards him.

"Hello, who are you?" Asked Miranda who is holding Nana.

"Name is Inari, who are you guys?" Inari asked kindly looking at all of the siblings.

"My name is Miranda Uzumaki. And these are my brothers and sisters." Miranda introduced for her siblings saying their names.

"Nice meeting all of you, is it alright that I play with you guys?" Inari asked as Miranda smiled.

"Of course! You can come play with us!" Miranda said not seeing the harm in letting him play with them besides it's good to make friends with other kids your age.

In the Uzu Mansion. Ayame along with Sanji, Ahri and Yugao and Tsume are cooking dinner for the children Yugao and Eve went hunting for more Fish and animals for the family to hunt. While at the same time having some of the Xenomorphs do the hunting too.

Haku was busy tending to Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto while waiting for her Alpha to come back and make love to him and create another child with him.

Pretty much all of them want more children with him, and more sex.

Ino was busy in the back mansion managing the garden like she did in her mother's flower shop. The thought of her parents flew pass her mind sure she missed them a little bit but now she's much happier with a family of her own and has a beautiful daughter. She didn't know how she would face them once they meet eye to eye in the future. She hoped they wouldn't hate her.

Meanwhile with Hanabi.

Hanabi was locked in her own room it was hard to believe that she herself is a aunt at such a young age and the many children who all resembled like her big sister's husband...

Hanabi was a bit nervous.

She had a thousand questions on why Hinata was doing this and brought her with her and the others.

Yet Hinata answered her question. Stating:

"You'll find out soon enough once you change my dear little sister."

Those were Hinata's exact words to Hanabi. And that frightened her.

She was confused, scared and worried of what will happen to her and what did Hinata mean by "Change?"

( Konoha at the moment)

Sakura Haruno was sitting with the other rookies well what's left of them and Sasuke is even among them. Kiba was still in the hospital due to mental issues.

Kiba felt lost, betrayed and is on the deep end of losing his mind after losing his mother and Sister along with the women he desired: Sil and Hinata. And the one person who stole them all from him was Naruto Uzumaki. Even lost his companion and best friend Akamaru who went with his mother and Sister along with Sil, he felt broken inside, his clan is in shambles, his mother and big sister abandoned him and betrayed him, his best friend Akamaru left him too, his team mate and future Bitch Hinata is gone along with Sil.

He lost so many... and now he is the only one in charge of the remaining Inuzuka clan. Hopefully he will pull himself together and will find the will to kill Naruto someday for taking away everything from him. His Sensei Kurenai went missing and no one knows of where she is or what happened to her.

Sakura who looked at the Rookies which consisted of: Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Tenten, Neji, Shino, Sasuke and surprisingly Sai was among them.

Sakura couldn't believe that her best friend is gone too, after the invasion she tried looking for Ino only to find that her best friend went missing too, but Sakura suspected that Ino probably ran off with Naruto too. She wasn't stupid she knows Ino was somewhat interested in Naruto, and probably assumed that Ino ran off with Naruto just like Hinata did.

Sasuke was in deep thought not sure what to make all of this. He was only concerned and angry of his loss to Naruto in the match and of what that freak will do out there should his brother Itachi run into him. He has to get stronger he cannot let Naruto steal his revenge from him, he demands more training from his Sensei Kakashi so that he could fight his brother and possibly Naruto.

Neji who was silent had thought over of what happened at the Hyuuga compound, he was picked as the Clanhead. He was disturbed when he was told of what happened to his uncle Hiashi, and how the man died in a hospital that someone snapped his neck during the invasion. There was only two theories that led to Hiashi's unfortunate death. 1: The Suna and Sound murdered the man while bedridden. Or 2: Hinata killed him. He assumed Hinata probably killed Hiashi and assaulted the Hyuuga compound by killing the Elders too and took Hanabi-sama.

Without Hiashi, Hinata or Hanabi meaning there is no one to lead the Hyuuga clan but him. And it all on him now to protect the clan. And maybe bring some shred of Honor to the clan by killing Hinata for what she has done.

Shikamaru knows now that Ino is gone and that he is concerned for her, and wondered where did she ran off too, he hoped she was okay.

Sai, Sai was the only Root member possibly alive because he wasn't there when the massacre happened, he was busy protecting the villagers. But he was brought in for questioning and to be re-evaluated considering he was a Root member and that he is the Sole survivor. Meaning he is free to have emotions again and is free to speak for himself without Danzo having the seal on his tongue to prevent him from speaking.

Asuma was busy smoking a cigarette while looking out into sky wondering where was Kurenai. Search parties for her could not find her meaning she is lost to them forever.

Little did he knew. The Kurenai he once knew and loved is long gone and is now a Mother and breeder for her alpha.

He was determined to leave this village and look for her himself, he knows she's alive and he wasn't giving up on looking for her. But unfortunately he can't leave with his father being in the hospital due to him being poisoned by Orochimaru's sword which made the old Kage feel ill and weak. Asuma hopes Jiraiya finds Tsunade as quick as possible.

( Back with Naruto)

"You two wouldn't happen to be Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki.?" Asked Naruto as both Akatsuki members couldn't believe that Zetsu wasn't kidding when he told them Naruto indeed grown up as a adult but the fact that he came to them instead of them coming to him.

"So Zetsu wasn't kidding when he said about the Kyuubi Jinchuriki being a adult." Said Kisame with a feral grin

Itachi remained silent as he studied Naruto, his Sharingan saw a unnatural flow of chakra around Naruto.

"Yes we are, how is it that you know we are here for you Naruto?" Asked Itachi seeing the man frown

He gestured to the temple of his forehead and pointed.

"The memories of Orochimaru was what told me about you and your little organization. I know why you both are here, your hear because you think I have the Kyuubi within me am I correct?" Naruto questioned with both nodding

"So, mind if I cut off your legs? Or your arms?" Kisame said gripping the hilt of Sharkskin making Naruto marrow his eyes.

"Naruto, surrender yourself to us now and there won't be any problems." Itachi said making Naruto growl.

"No. How about the two of you, leave me alone and don't bother fighting me." Was Naruto's reply making Itachi frown with Kisame grinning.

"Big words coming from a boy who is stuck in a man's body!" Kisame shouted as he lunged forward with Sharkskin now out and ready to slash at Naruto only for the Man to just stand there and flare a high amount of killer intent towards the sword which frightened the said sword.

Sharkskin halted as Kisame looked taken back by this, why was the sword refusing to attack Naruto. The sword never acted like this before.

"What the hell? Why won't sharkskin attack you!?" He tried to swing the sword at Naruto only for it to not obey him which Confused him.

The sword was a living thing and part animal itself. And when Naruto released a predatory killer intent the sword halted its movements of an attack and suddenly became fearful of Naruto the sword can even tell that Naruto wasn't hardly human anymore which put the sword on edge.

Kisame still not understanding glared at Naruto.

"What the hell did you do!?" Growled Kisame with Naruto looking at him calmly

"I reminded the sword to acknowledge me that I am way out of its league. It won't listen to you because it knows not to challenge an alpha." Naruto explained

Itachi looked confused by this too, Kisame's sword refuses to fight Naruto? Which is a problem.

"Stand aside Kisame, I will handle this." Itachi said now heading towards Naruto who still remained calm

"So the famous Uchiha Slayer wishes to fight me.?" Naruto said with Itachi glaring

"You will come with us whether you like it or not." Said Itachi shifting his eyes into the Mangekyo.

"And to think this is the thanks I get for saving your mother." Naruto said seeing Itachi widened his eyes then narrowed

"What are you talking about? My mother is dead." Itachi spoke coldly

"Apparently not, Danzo took her the night you slain her and kept her alive." Naruto explained seeing Itachi look shocked as he seemed to recall about Danzo.

"How certain you are of this? How is it that you know my mother is alive?" Itachi spoke with Kisame listening and wondered was Itachi going to do his thing and capture Naruto.

"Because I have your mother in my mother's old home Uzu. I rescued both her and my mother from Danzo." Naruto continued to tell Itachi as the Famous Uchiha Slayer was beginning to believe Naruto.

"So you are here to get Tsunade Senju to help my mother and heal her?" Itachi asked with Naruto nodding

Sharkskin was mentally talking to Kisame explaining what Naruto is and that Naruto isn't what he seem to be and was not Human.

Kisame looked from his sword to Naruto.

"So you still want to fight? Because I would hate to have to tell your mother of how I killed her eldest son who works for a terrorist organization who's hell bent on capturing jinchuriki to take their Bijuu out of them." Naruto questioned at Itachi who was thinking it over. The Uchiha sighed and closed his eyes, he owes Naruto a debt for at least saving his mother from the evil clutches of Danzo.

"Kisame, let's go." Itachi said surprising the shark man

"What? We're not fighting him? You realize leader-sama will not be pleased if we return empty handed!" Kisame said widening his eyes.

"We'll just tell him that Naruto was too strong and that we had to back out." Was Itachi's reply giving Naruto one last glance before walking away as Kisame looked from Itachi to looking at Naruto who stood there staring at him.

He wondered was What sharkskin saying was true? Was Naruto really something not from their world? He decided to turn and walk with Itachi.

Naruto walked away heading back to the abandoned apartment.

( 3 days later)

Naruto is currently in bed with Sil and Anko while In another room.

Tsunade and Shizune were in their cocoons.

Which means they are already transforming.

The First cocoon which held Tsunade started to rip open.

Shizune's started to claw her way out of it too.

Tsunade fell out of her cocoon naked, since her clothes melted during the transforming process.

Covered in slime she wobbled struggling to stand opening her honey brown eyes, as she looked at herself, she feels much younger, than she was, in her mid 20's she is no longer under her genjutsu, Tsunade was finally back in her prime, and much more plump, her breasts are much more heavier.

Shizune now out of her cocoon her hair remained the same, yet her body was hour glass like with slim waist and firm hips.

Both of them now felt the need to have sex, to have their alpha's children.

And no Sooner Naruto had came in their room already naked.

Both women looked eager for him to screw them and mount them.

He smiled as he walked to them to give them what they want.

( With Jiraiya)

Three days it has been, and still no sign of Tsunade. He was waiting for her to meet him at this bar where they met.

Something didn't feel right, and it was bothering him. He couldn't describe what it was yet he felt the sudden urge to go find Tsunade he's feeling a uneasy vibe and she's involved in it.

He ran out the Bar and went in search of Tsunade.

( With Naruto)


Both women are giving him a tit fuck as they licked the head of his thick hard cock. They continued to rub their tits on his cock with pleasure on their faces, Naruto smiled with a satisfied look on his face as he felt his cock throb from feeling the softness of Tsunade's tits and Shizune's. Their nipples pushed up against each other's with his cock in between both of their big soft tits.

"Does it feel good Naruto-kun? Do you love the feeling of our breasts?" Said Tsunade in a sultry voice with her cheeks flushed in pink.

"Do you feel good Naruto-kun? Do we make you feel good?" Asked Shizune who leaned in licked the head of his cock getting a grunt from Naruto who had a smug smile on his face.

He rubbed both their heads as he loved this feeling from both of them, feeling their tits still in between as they smashed them together.

After bouncing their tits up and down Naruto of course began to release his sperm shooting ropes of his cum on both women getting it on their faces, their hair and getting some on their tits.

Both women moaned in delight at seeing how much sperm was on them. It felt so good, feeling how warm it felt.

"Now are you ladies really for the main event?" He asked seeing them both nod eagerly.

He gestured them to the bed.

(With Jiraiya)

Jiraiya winced as he quickly began to ask people if anyone seen Tsunade. He began to send Toads to look everywhere for Tsunade.

He started to visit the bar again to ask have they seen Tsunade lately and showed them a picture of her and Shizune.

"Hmmm I think I have seen those two before. They were here the same day you came they were talking to a blonde man and his girls." Said a Bartender who was there on that day making Jiraiya widen his eyes.

"A blonde man? Did this blonde man have whisker marks on his face?" Jiraiya said hoping he was wrong and hoping that Naruto of all people came here for Tsunade.

"Yes he did and he wasn't alone he was flanked by a purpled haired woman and Blonde." The bartender asked as Jiraiya widened his eyes and instantly ran out the bar to go look for Tsunade, the roads should be tracking her tracks which led them to a motel the Rising Sun the trail went cold there but it managed to track Naruto's tracks which would soon lead him to Naruto.

"Damn it Naruto! Don't tell me he's going to infect Tsunade and turn her! I can't let that happen!" Were his thoughts as he ran and followed the trial he hoped he wasn't too late.

( Back with Naruto)

The mating ritual went on.

They were now on the bed with Tsunade laying flat on her back with Shizune on top of Tsunade with their breasts onto each other as Naruto is fucking the two as he is thrusting his cock between them as he thinks this is a start of something new for him with Shizune and Tsunade screaming out their lungs as their loving it. Both of their pussies were being reshaped to his size.

"It hurts! But feels so good!" Screamed Shizune who was lost in pleasure of feeling her pussy being reshaped to his size and knew right then and there that she was ruined and that only he can satisfy her.

"OHH FUCK YES! FUCK ME NARUTO-KUN FUCK ME! GIVE ME A CHILD!" Screamed Tsunade who was losing it from being fucked by hard by a real man it was a shame that Dan her ex lover was gone and that he could never satisfy her like this, and she sure as hell knew Jiraiya can Never! fuck her like this. Neither of the men she knew can dominate her like this and take her virginity.

Naruto grunted as he continued plow both of their pussies bringing his cock in and out fucking both of their pussies. They were caked in sweat panting

"Oh fuck us! Breed us! Impregnate us! We want to have Uzumaki babies!" We're both Tsunade and Shizune's thoughts.

He smiled as he continued fuck much harder and faster into them making them moan much louder This feeling was amazing to them.

( Sil and Anko)

They were both hearing the love making and were fingering their pussies wanting to be fucked right now as they got wet and excited from watching in telepathic view and they were sure the others back at home were doing the same thing right now.

( With Jiraiya)

He was run in quick and fast.

"No! I hope I'm not too late!" Thought. Jiraiya as he frantically looked from building to building.

( Back with Naruto)

He continued to thrust deep and deeper and impaled Shizune's womb.

"Aaaahhh! yes! yes! yes! Naruto-kun! Make me yours! Give me a child too!" Moaned Shizune loudly as he began to cum inside her

"Oohhh~" she moaned feeling the cum churn within her womb as the sperm impaled her womb.

Her stomach was slowly expanding.

Naruto and Tsunade were still going at it as he held her while thrusting his hips impaling his cock into her womb. Both of them kissed as their tongues battled he continued to hold her as her hands turned into claws and gripped his skin claws digging into his skin she moaned as he dug his claws into her skin drawing slight blood.

She painted and looked at him lovingly.

"Release inside me Naruto-kun! Please give me a baby! Give me children!" She moaned out as he cupped her breasts squeezing them.

With a growl he did one final thrust and blasted his sperm filling up her womb as Tsunade moaned so loud feeling the sperm impregnate her, he pulled out of her as she fell on the bed with her stomach expanding and growing.

Sil and Anko came too but were soon disturbed when they sensed someone coming.

Jiraiya barged in widened his eyes when he saw Sil and Anko as they both instantly turned to their inner forms.

Anko was a rather pale shade of purple chitin like reptilian alien yellow piercing eyes like her late Sensei and let's not talk about the hair, which resembled snakes for hair as if she was a gorgon or Medusa. Her snakes in her hair hissed at Jiraiya.

"Damn you two! Let me through! I know he's in there with her!" Jiraiya yelled with anger on his face.

Before things got nasty, they heard the sound of crying.

The sound of new born babies crying.

Jiraiya froze in horror, hoping that wasn't what he thought that was, a chill ran down his spine as the doors opened revealing Naruto who came out who was flanked by Tsunade who is currently holding triplets. And Shizune holding a baby boy.

Tsunade's triplets two boys and one girl. The first boy has blonde hair like his mother and his name is Newgate Uzumaki, the second one has red hair and his name is Shanks Uzumaki, the blonde baby girl is named Miu Uzumaki.

The boy in Shizune's hand is her son named Dan Uzumaki who she names after her uncle who has her black hair.

Jiraiya widened his eyes in horror and shock, he even saw the bite mark on Tsunade's neck. Showing that Naruto had indeed marked her as his for eternity.

Emotions was running through him, and these emotions were: Anger, jealousy, sadness and betrayal of what his godson had done to the woman he lusted over and had wanted in his dreams.

Naruto narrows his eyes he did not expect this, and it seems a fight was going to erupt.

Jiraiya was just standing there feeling his blood boil, it was bad enough that Dan took Tsunade away... now his Godson! took her from him and turned her into.. into a creature! And the worst part is that he stole her virginity and impregnated her! Which was something he desired more than his own smut books!.

"What have you done!?" Hissed Jiraiya glaring daggers at his godson.

"I created life to the Uzumaki clan and found two new mates to join the fold." Naruto said with Tsunade leaning towards him with Shizune doing the same.

It was taking Jiraiya's will power to not charge and straight up attack his godson for taking Tsunade.

"Tsunade! How could you let him turn you!?" Choked Jiraiya trying to restrain himself

"Because Jiraiya. I allowed Naruto-kun to turn me and make me so special. You wouldn't understand even if I told you." Was her reply looking at her babies with love and affection.

Which was pissing Jiraiya off seeing those creatures she birthed!. He couldn't take it. She even called him "Naruto-kun!" No just no! None of this is fair!

"How long are you going to do this Naruto? How long are you going to keep doing this!" Shouted Jiraiya with Naruto raising a brow

"Until I keep the Uzumaki bloodline living on into a new era and new species. That will soon spread out the world." Naruto answered

"By raping and turning women into more of those things! Forcing them to be mated to you and tied to you! Corrupting them!"Accused Jiraiya with Naruto scoffing with the women in the room glaring at him accusing Naruto of raping them.

"Call it what you want. It's called reviving my clan into a new species." Naruto said with a glare.

"What happened to you Naruto!? What happened to the boy who was always fun loving and wanted to be Hokage like Sensei said! What happened to that Naruto!? Huh!?" Demanded Jiraiya

"That Naruto is gone, he grew up and decides to go out reviving his clan the best way he can. Having a very big happy family." Naruto said with a smile.

"You need to stop what you are doing Naruto! Your letting this infection or whatever inside you corrupt you! Making you go out and breed every woman you see in your sights! It's not right!" Reasoned Jiraiya with Naruto glaring.

"Oh please this is coming from a self proclaimed Super Pervert who wants to bed with women or Tsunade." Naruto shot back with a glare with Jiraiya giving him a glare too.

"Stop what you are doing! Your letting this infection turn you into something you are NOT!" Jiraiya growled

"You have to let Tsunade come back to Konoha she has to heal Sensei!. He's been poisoned by Orochimaru's sword! If I don't bring her now he will die!. Don't you care about Sensei at all! He was like a grandfather to you!?" Said Jiraiya with Naruto now thinking of it.

Hiruzen May have not done much for Naruto like he should have. Or even helped him for his wellbeing.

Don't help the feeble old man, he is no longer your concern, your family is what is important.

He heard the voice ring in his head telling him to leave Hiruzen to die, the old man never did much for him.

Your mother needs you along with Mikoto, restore them and infect them.

He keep hearing the voices in his head to not go back to the village he once lived in and have one of his mates go save the old man.

Your family is what it's important, not the village that has made you its scrape-goat, leave him to die.

Naruto sighed. As he opened his eyes after hearing the voices to tell him on what he should do.

Tsunade was on the fence too but she heard the voices in her head tell her.

Remain with your alpha and children, help recover Kushina and Mikoto.

"Sorry, but the answer is no out of the question." Naruto said making his decision.

Jiraiya looked appalled it was starting to become very clear that he doesn't know Naruto anymore, he turned towards Tsunade.

"Tsunade please! He is our Sensei! You can't just abandon him to his death!" Jiraiya pleaded

"No can do Jiraiya, my place is with Naruto-kun and my children." Tsunade said as Jiraiya looked even more heartbroken at what has become of Tsunade.

It's clear that she's gone as well, and is no longer her former self.

He clenched his fists glaring at Naruto.

"It's duly noted that you are not Minato's son, you are a Monster, you are a abomination that needs to be killed along with your many offsprings! Your letting this infection just corrupt you and any woman you infect!" Jiraiya growled as he wasted no time in creating a Rasengan and charged at Naruto, Naruto saw through his movement with his Sharingan and right when Jiraiya thrusted the Rasengan At Naruto Who caught his wrist and tossed him out of the building.

"Pathetic. I never considered you my godfather anyway and never wanted you involved with my family." Naruto said with coldness as he used his father's tri-kunai Jutsu to instantly travel him and his family back to Uzu.

Jiraiya got out of the rubble and growled.

"Damn it!" He cursed this mission has failed and no doubt when he returns his Sensei will probably be dead, and without Tsunade... it seems he will have to take the title as 5th Hokage and has to alert the council and village about Naruto.