
Bigwheel and Lame

Everyone knows the past can never be forgotten… However, Zazriel had forgotten that night long ago when she nearly died, and her father saved her and began to train her. However, she is forced to remember when her pack members are being killed one by one. Mourgent is a powerful alpha with a powerful pack. When he finds out there’s more to his mate than her paralyzed legs, he becomes protective. No one thought heartbreak could be fatal… Zazriel’s and Mourgent’s first meeting starts off rough. However it becomes worse when Zazriel finds another female kissing her mate. She slowly begins to die. Mourgent must convince Zazriel he had no interest in the female and save her from a very slow, very painful death.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Mourgent noticed his mate's change of mood in the middle of eating and glanced over at her. Zazriel was now eating with gusto, a smile on her face. Before, he knew she was seeing the alphas, felt their scrutiny of her, and was being submissive herself. Now, she was more herself.

A squawk made everyone stop their eating and glance around, except Zazriel, who smiled even more. Mourgent brought out another plate and set it on her other side right as Nyx swooped down and landed on her shoulder. Zazriel pet the falcon's beak and affectionately nuzzled with her nose. "You've been busy, my friend. Where have you been?"

Nyx squawked then hopped down and pecked at the food on the extra plate. Mourgent chuckled. "I am glad she could join us."

Zazriel smiled warmly. "How did you know she would come?"

Mourgent shrugged. "I didn't, but I hoped."

Nyx looked around then walked over and met Mourgent's gaze. He saw the bird's intelligence there, saw how she would hurt anyone who hurt Zazriel, and saw something else too. He thought it was a promise, or maybe that was too strong. But Nyx's eyes were so intense on his that it was the only word that came to mind: promise.

Of what? Protecting Zazriel? Of helping him protect her? Of not plucking his eyes out as long as he protected her? Mourgent wasn't sure.

"Can I pet it?" asked a small voice.

A pup had come up to their blanket and was eyeing Nyx with big brown eyes. Zazriel giggled and brought the boy into her lap, then clicked her tongue. Nyx walked to them, eyed the boy, then gently caressed his cheek with her beak. The boy squirmed and giggled. When Nyx pulled back, Zazriel took the boy's hand and held it out to her. Nyx gave a sound, and Zazriel let the boy stroke the bird's head.

Other pups ran up for an opportunity to get close to the bird, but Nyx was finished with the attention and clapped her wings. Startled, they all jumped back, but Zazriel laughed and held out her arm. Nyx hopped onto it , nipped Zazriel's nose, then took off into the air.

The pups all groaned in disappointment, but scattered off to their own families. Mourgent leaned on one arm and said, "She is very good with pups."

"She knows they are like fledglings, that they need to be handled gently."

"How, though?"

Zazriel glanced at him. Mourgent saw a small smile curve her lips. "One day, she was one a perch watching me and a pup went up and tried to play with her. She played as she would with me and accidentally hurt the pup. So, I showed her how to be differently through a lot of comparisons and injuries."

Mourgent was inspired by her because he didn't think he could actually train a bird to do anything, much less be gentle with a child. "You did very good."

Zazriel smiled. It made his heart skip, but then everything about her was so beautiful and good that he wanted to never be out of sight from her.

"Alpha, we have a small problem," Ansel said through the pack link.

Mourgent stilled. "What kind of small problem?"

"There's a large bird here, purposely attacking the prisoner."

Mourgent furrowed his brows, then chuckled to himself. "Hold on." He turned to Zazriel and kissed her temple. She turned and looked up at him. "Call your friend. She is making Ansel's job difficult."

She went wide-eyed then gave a sharp whistle. Mourgent waited, then Ansel said, "I am glad I wasn't the one being attacked."

"I agree." Mourgent smiled and brushed his pants off, then stood to his feet. When he saw Zazriel's questioning look, he just smiled. "Don't get worried. You'll like this."

This only made her intensify her gaze but he just chuckled and walked away some. He spoke to Orion and Zelda, then gave a nod to Carlotta and Duffy. Finally, he grabbed Zazriel's chair and pushed it over to her. "You are being suspicious," she said as she got into it. "I don't like it."

"I am only taking precautions for what is to come next."

"Which is?" She looked over her shoulder at him. Mourgent didn't answer, but led her away from the grassy area and towards a lone building where Ansel was waiting with the other patrol leaders and Eva.

Zazriel went very still. She understood now. Inside, she felt her wolf become excited. She felt herself become alert and ready for what she now knew was a fight ahead.

The pack gathered. Some of the alphas gathered, including Marric. Eva saw her and straightened, eyes shooting daggers at Zazriel. Zazriel didn't care. She didn't care about a thing Eva felt. All she wanted was to dig her teeth and claws deep into the other female's throat.

"Easy, Z. Not yet," Mourgent whispered.

"She's mine!" she hissed.

Mourgent chuckled. "And no one else's, but she's for last."

Zazriel blinked and her body calmed. She looked around and became aware of the few alphas who were undressing, preparing for a fight. There were about ten. "All of them have challenged me?"

Mourgent knelt beside her and sighed. "Unfortunately, no. Most challenged me."

She snapped her eyes to him. "You? Why?"

"Because of how I run the pack."

"Oh," she breathed as he kissed her and stood up again.

Zazriel watched him take his shirt off then hand it to her. Then, he walked into the center of the large circle everyone created and looked around slowly. His eyes, grey and luminous, landed on her and stayed there. "These fights will be fair and to the death. I will fight five of you at once, if you all so desire it. And then, my mate will have her fight."

Marric stepped forward. "If it is fair, then why pit five against you?"

Mourgent grinned maliciously. "Wait and find out."

He and five others shifted, and Zazriel's breath caught in her throat. Mourgent was one of the biggest wolves and likely the most fit. The other wolves who ranged in color from white to red to grey, looked raggedy and almost deathlike. Zazriel almost halted the fight before it began because she didn't like the way they looked and felt sorry for them. She felt sorry because they would die.

Orion stepped up beside her, taking a guarding position. "He will win," he said softly.

"Obviously," she hissed back. "The others look like theyre on the brink of death."

Orion chuckled. "That's because they are old." She glanced at him in surprise. Orion knelt so she could hear him better. "Their human forms don't show it very well. But their wolf forms show just how old they are. Alphas being so old is common but not wanted among the new generation."

"How have they held up so long? And why are they challenging Mourgent who is obviously stronger?"

"They have lasted because they are smart and kept their packs from rebelling against them. They are challenging Mourgent because they don't like his way of running a pack and because they are full of arrogance and pride. They don't want him making them look like fools."

Zazriel looked at Orion with a dubious expression. "But they are making fools of themselves. Right now."

Orion nodded. "Mourgent knows this, and while most alphas would draw this fight out as long as possible, he is going to give them all a quick death, an honorable death."

"Is it honorable if he kicks their asses within minutes?"

Orion didn't answer. Zazriel turned her eyes to the male who both broke her heart and was slowly putting it back together. He sensed her gaze and looked over. He was standing tall, ears erect, tail swishing slowly, and chest out. Zazriel thought he was trying to show off, and rolled her eyes at him. He gave her a wolffish grin, then lunged.