
Bigwheel and Lame

Everyone knows the past can never be forgotten… However, Zazriel had forgotten that night long ago when she nearly died, and her father saved her and began to train her. However, she is forced to remember when her pack members are being killed one by one. Mourgent is a powerful alpha with a powerful pack. When he finds out there’s more to his mate than her paralyzed legs, he becomes protective. No one thought heartbreak could be fatal… Zazriel’s and Mourgent’s first meeting starts off rough. However it becomes worse when Zazriel finds another female kissing her mate. She slowly begins to die. Mourgent must convince Zazriel he had no interest in the female and save her from a very slow, very painful death.

Patricia_Levy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


The next day, Zazriel spent the morning with Mourgent training and showing him how she used her legs to trip her enemies. Afterwards, Zelda asked her to join for a day watching the children at the recreation area. Zazriel obliged because she loved children and because she really did want to get comfortable with everyone.

When they were sat with several pups in their laps, Zazriel glanced around and finally looked to Zelda. "Tell me about Mourgent."

Zelda smiled. "He's a wonderful alpha. The best in decades."

"What we're his parents like?"

"I wasn't here at that time. But I heard his mother was not as pleasant as his father."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to ask him." Zelda shrugged. "It is his story. But you'll be treated well here."

It wasn't much to go on, but Zazriel didn't want to seem desperate or anything.

A few hours later, she went back to Mourgent's house and to the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water and breathed. She may not be alpha of a pack, but if Mourgent was right, then she was mate to one. Maybe she could be happy here. Maybe she would find a place where she belonged.

The door to the house slammed shut and made her jump. A few moments later, Mourgent stormed into the kitchen and didn't see her as he opened a cabinet and pulled out different ingredients. She wheeled to a corner and watched as he beat the life out of some chicken breasts, breaded them, and put them in the oven. After that, she took out some vegetables and began making a salad, murmuring to himself.

He was chopping up carrots when he finally noticed her and halted. Blinking, he stared at her in what she thought was embarrassment. She smiled. "So, this is what you do when you're pissed?"

He straightened and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. I get lost sometimes."

"We'll, as long as the chicken you beat tastes good, I won't complain."

He chuckled and began chopping again. "Are you ready to see how the patrol works?"

"Of course."

Mourgent glanced at her and was happy at her confident face. He decided last night that he didn't like seeing her upset. He didn't like seeing her cry. It wasn't her.

After he finished the salad, he went into the living room with Zazriel and sat on the couch. She sat in her chair, facing him. "There are five captains for the patrols. Orion and Zelda are two. Then I have Ansel, Eva, and Carlotta. You'll see four tonight. Eva is seeing her parents in another pack and won't return for a few more days. In her place is Duffy. They each take charge of one sector of land, each have ten people who work with them."

Zazriel tilted her head. "How big is your pack?"

He shrugged. "Around ninety or so."

"Or so?" She gaped at him. "You must have the largest pack to date!"

Mourgent shook his head. "My pack consists of many people, but all of them chose me. Unlike other alphas, I didn't take over other packs. I just gave each a trial and fit them in where I thought best."

Zazriel smiled. "You're also kind."

Mourgent shrugged. "I have watched all members of your pack and if all goes well, plan to put most of them on patrol. I want your opinion."

"Jasmine won't want to patrol. He would rather be close to help the children and women." She looked away. "He would rather stay close to me."

"Is he good?"

"He and Gatrie are the best in my pack. Have been since my father died."

Mourgent nodded, finding the same with his observations. "What about Kodan?"

"Kodan is definitely patrol type. He's very good and quick minded. I would also choose Dario, Nelis, Brandy, and Basil. Melissa would be one who would stay with the children and hurry them to safety. She's soft that way. Kivela and Ordan would do well in a battle but not on patrol. They're too easily distracted. Grey and Errol will expect high ranking warrior status, but aren't strong enough. They're trackers. They're useful as patrols." She took a breath and saw Mourgent smiling at her. "What?"

He shook his head again. "You are just so caring about them. You give me their faults, but also their strengths as I would do if roles were reversed."

"I have had a long time to see everyone and what they're capable of. I wouldn't want to-"

Mourgent chuckled. "Z, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It's a great thing for you to know each member. It's an Alpha trait."

She blushed. "Oh."

The oven beeped and Mourgent went to pull out the chicken. Zazriel sat where she was and marveled at how he continued to appreciate everything about her and her alpha habits. She didn't know anyone else assessed their pack mates like she did. Then again, she never really met with other alphas.

The doorbell rang. "Can you get that?" Mourgent called. "It's the captains."

Zazriel wheeled to the door and opened it. Five warriors stood, joking around until they caught sight of her. Almost as one, they bowed. "Luna, we're here for the patrol meeting," said one with red hair.

She nodded and backed out of the way. They all passed her and into the living room, where they either sat on the floor or stood against a wall. Zazriel stayed near the door and out of the way, watching the females giggle and the males have only a half serious conversation between them.

After what felt like an hour, Mourgent entered with two plates in his hands. His eyes ran over every person until they found her in the shadows. Without a glance to the others who began talking at once to him, he walked over and held out a plate. "Come sit beside me," he said.

She took the plate then followed him. He went to a large recliner chair and sat, then motioned for her to sit on his left. She wheeled and parked where he wanted, then focused on her plate. It was only after her first bite that she noticed how quiet it was.

Looking up, she saw everyone was staring at her, except Mourgent. Suddenly, she didn't feel hungry. Her throat closed up and she had a hard time swallowing.

Mourgent noticed how still she went and looked up from his own food to see how pale she was, how his captains were staring at her, see how she was ready to bolt. He cleared his throat. "You all are like children. She isn't going to jump up and turn into a three headed monster!"

Ansel shrugged. "It's just that there's never been a wolf who couldn't walk before."

Zelda blushed. "I'm sorry, Zazriel. I didn't mean to."

Carlotta still stared. Orion was staring too, but in a different way. Like he was trying to gage just how strong Zazriel truly is.

Mourgent set his plate on the table before him and sat forward, linking his hands together. "You know she is strong. You know-"

"That's not why we're staring," Carlotta said. She looked around. "At least, not for me. I know she's strong, alpha. Jasmine has told me all about her."

Zazriel's head snapped up and she looked at the other female. "He told you about me?"

Carlotta shrugged. "He goes on and on about you, Zazriel. He likes to say how you are his little sister in his eyes."

Zazriel swallowed a lump.

Mourgent cleared his throat again. "Now that we have Zazriel all worked up, let's talk about patrol."

Carlotta and Zelda went first, telling how each of their units have stayed on schedule since they were changed. Mourgent listened, but reached over and grabbed Zazriel's hand that was playing with a hole in her pants. She stiffened, but relaxed and held his hand back after a moment.

Once the males had given their reports, Mourgent nodded and turned to his mate. "Do you have any ideas about how we could improve?"

Zazriel was quiet, thinking about all she took in. "Not right now." She glanced at him shyly. "But maybe an idea later for you to think about?"

He smiled. "Alright."

"Alpha, when are we hosting the feast this year?"


"Feast?" Zazriel asked, eyes wide.

Mourgent nodded. "It's a gathering of alphas to discuss treaties and alliances."

Zazriel again went pale.

Mourgent squeezed her hand. "You will be fine, Z. I will be with you the whole time."

The rest of the meeting went smoothly and Mourgent changed a few things, then dismissed his captains. Once they were alone, he locked the door to his home and turned to Zazriel. She had her head in her hands. "I can't do this, Mourgent."

"Z, you don't have to talk to anyone at the feast. You don't have to socialize. Just be there."

She looked at him. "What do you think they will think about me?"

He walked over and knelt. "If anyone wants to doubt you and your strength, I will happily allow you to fight them. I will happily watch you rip them to pieces."

She blinked. "You will?"

He nodded. "If you wish to punish them for belittling you, then be my guest. I will cheer you on and keep others from interfering."

Zazriel grinned. "Okay."