
Bigshot that owns a pastry shop

Ming An Ling owns a famous pastry shop called Ling Ting which sells many type of pastries and desserts. However beneath this identity, she is a informative broker, Ling who sells and collect information with huge network. Many people seeks to work with her yet all she wants is to be a salted fish. Enter male lead, Zhang Zhiyang, brother's best friend who has a deep background. One day she accidentally exposed her face and the Male lead: "Hmm....aren't you a pastry brand owner? First a famous pastry shop owner, next a friend of a top hacker, I wonder what's the next surprise?" "Nonsense, I'm just a salted fish. Hahaha..."

shuibing · Teen
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41 Chs

Chapter 8 Wuchang street (2)

"You are here!" A gorgeous woman called out, that woman was Liyan, beside her stood a middle age man.

Liyan works with An Ling while she is the head of administrative department for both hacking and information. The man that stood beside her was called Huang Qingyan, he was the head of hacking department,the two of them work under Ming An Ling. 

"Hi." Qingyan said quietly 

An Ling nodded her head and the three of them walked into the department building.

"Urgh...can I not work?" An Ling complained as she gets dragged by the two to office. "No. You have to if you want to make money." Qingyan sternly states, Liyan kept a blind eye to An Ling's begging face cause she knows that she will help An Ling when seeing her 'pitiful' state.

This was not the first time Ming An Ling tried to escape from work. Once, the two of them had to chase her for a few miles before catching her back to work, they even had to bribe and threaten her with her favorite dessert, madeleines. 

"If you hurry do, you can finish early and I will give you six madeleines." Qingyan offered

"Make it eight." An Ling negotiated.



"If you continue, you won't have any at all." Qingyan with a glint in his eyes.

"NOOO PLEASE DON'T!" An Ling screamed.

By the time An Ling was done with her work it was 6pm and she looked like she was sucked dry.

As promised, Qingyan gave her eight madeleines and her face immediately regained it's colour the moment she bit on one.

Don't look at Qingyan being a computer guy, he's good at baking madeleines, An Ling tried to replicate it but it did not turn out as good as his. She was miserable. 

After work, Liyan brought An Ling to Wuchang street shops. An Ling picked out some gifts for her parents, dad seems to like antiques so she chose a nice antique vase for him. 

"Young boy, you have good taste!" The old man selling it said. 

For her mom, An Ling decided to choose a jade bracelet for her. That jade bracelet was carved with intricate gold designs.

Seeing her items, An Ling was satisfied before preparing to leave.

At Wuchang street, one did not have to worry much about being scammed, despite being an illegal area, there are rules and orders here. No one knew the authority behind this street but people who caused trouble were 'wiped' clean. Hence not many or no one dared to create any issues. However, no matter where we are, there will always be trouble.

"HEY! DON'T RUN YOU THIEF, GIVE ME BACK MY BAG!" Yelled a man, he chased after another young boy about twelve.

An Ling and Liyan stood a side and watched quietly.

In less than half an hour that boy was caught and taken away by the patrol of Wuchang to who knows where.

While walking to the exit, there was a big commotion.

It seems that a woman was being held down by a bodyguard, Liyan got interested and wanted to watch the drama so she pulled An Ling along.