
New House


"What?What happened?"

"Great news! We're moving to a new house next Sunday!"

"Wow,I was waiting for this, thanks.Is there a garden? Does it have a garage? Will we have neighbors?Is it beautiful?Tell me please!"

"O God! So many questions.YES for all.I bought it from Mr. Hawkins."

"Mr.Hawkins?Who is he?

"He is my friend's uncle.He is an archeologist and there are lots of interesting things in his mini museum.I was astonished!"

"Is he leaving his things?"

"Of course,no.They're valuable for him."

"Okay, anyways.... Today is Friday and we have only nine days."

"Don't worry! We'll start packing on next Friday."


Mr Hawkins was packing his things when someone knocked the door.

"Who is there?"

"Open the door please,"stranger answered.

He slowly opened the door and he was his old friend.

"Simon are you alive?My friend Simon,"

Said Mr.Hawkins cheerfully and he hugged him.They entered the living room with full of joy.

"I haven't seen you for ages John ,what did you do? Tell me all."

"Oh Simon, Simon. I did lots of interesting things ,since you weren't around here."

"What?What kind of things?"

"When you were at hospital I continued digging that place where we were exploring" "So, did you find anything?"

"Yes! Very peculiar thing, strange object."

"What was it?"


"What? Are kidding? That's not strange, everybody can find it!"

"No it was very small,person's skull. Actually it can't be that small."

"Impossible! Where is it now?

"It is in my room.I'll show you how it looks."

John Hawkins entered his room. It was as a museum, there were so many findings. Earrings ,old paintings , jewelries, antique bowls,old clothes, candles, shoes, knives, helmets, narrows with bows,swords... were decorating the room. Finally that mysterious skull.He brought it to Simon.It was very small

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Now, nothing.I've no idea.But I didn't tell you about it."

"Hmm,what are you hiding from me?"

"Nothing, I want to tell you about this immediately."

" I'm listening to you ,John Hawkins."

"I found it with little box which was written by unknown hieroglyphs. I opened the box and saw that skull with red button."

"Where was it?"

"Inside the skull."

"Unexpectedly weird."

"Yes, I wanted to unfold its secret but not now later."

"You are right. Let's have a rest. By the way, why are you packing your things?Are you moving?"

"Yes Simon, I'm moving to a new and big house."

"Okay very good! Let's go and see your garden!"

"Of course, let's go! I've just planted new flowers."

After they had watched the garden,Simon left the house. They promised to see each other every week.