
I Need Sex

Hi my name, is Presphony I know almost like the Greek goddess you know well lately I've been feeling things ever since the new neighbors moved in.

When I saw there son my heart melted I never thought only one could be that handsome.... Well description about how I look is a little hard I'm a big girl I'm 15 in the 10th grade.

I'm mixed with Mexican and Black so yeah I'm pretty ordinary and I have a couple friends, nothing is really important bout' me so yeah. I like to sing, dance, and sometimes act a little freaky. But, lately I've been touching my self more.

Which is unusual I don't really like touching my self at all, but all I can think about is the new neighbors son his name is, King he's black which a little Puerto Rican in him he has a eight pack and he is 6"2' curly hair, brown eyes, he's just to die for.

But the problem is he is 17 which means he's in 11th grade and me in 10th and people my age don't really get a 17 year old boy to like you with my looks I mean I'm chubby I have long hair (curly long hair) brown eyes just simple stuff.

I mean I would die to have someone like him but today was different I had made a huge mistake on something I shouldn't have did it was in swimming class. "Hey Nyasia" Nyasia is one of my best friends she doesn't mind my freakness I had got into my blue one-peice swimsuit the skinny girls had two-peices and the bigger girls had one-peices because the coach didnt want to look at any of the big girls stomachs.

We were standing in line in our swimsuits and King was behind me Nyasia and me were joking around saying dirty jokes she knew I liked King so she teased me about him and I might have said the dirty joke alittle to loud. Nyasia says,"Emerald I dont know how you can talk when I know you be touching yourself thinking of Kings 'big dick'." I laughed and blushed, I say, "Of course I want to ride him touch up on him and kiss him and ride his huge dick you heard me Nyasia huge I saw his print." I kind of said it a little to loud. In the corner of my eye I saw King smirk I was like why the hell is he smirking then Nyaisa said, "Lower your voice King is in behind us." I but my hands on my mouth and I almost laugh but cry. The all of a sudden I feel hands on my ass.

I almost let out a moan the feel a smack I let out the moan and Nyasia looks at me and I smile I but my hand to move his hand but he grabs my wrist and pulls me back onto him and he leans down his head and whispers in my ear, "After school meet my at my house my parents won't be there." he let's me go and I blush and look at him he licks his big full lips and I blow a kiss.