
Big Fox turns into Little Fox (Make Me Want You)

Huli Jing has always been someone who loves looking at people who have a good appeal. Her standards are too high. It doesn't matter how much money you want to spend for the night, she wouldn't take it unless you're gorgeous. She's not someone who would be satisfied with one man, she would want more. As a prostitute, she is very much delighted to transmigrate to a beast world where females are rare and precious. Huli Jing's eyes are satisfied with how gorgeous the beast men are. The problem is....She transmigrated to a toddler. How can she devour them then? ---- R18 Note: If you are a minor, please don't read it. Book cover: AutumnPlunkett

TreasureLittleBun · Fantasy
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191 Chs

Chapter 10 Let Someone Feel Envious

Hu'er looks at her oldest brother, strictly ordering their siblings from the very corner of the room. He put her at the end corner with her blankets, which made her not be able to hear them. But she heard something when her brother got frustrated. He said, "Just make sure to do it!"

Hu'er knows that they are preparing to go out. She is finally going out. Looks like it is a big deal for them too.

Her eldest brother's name is Jiu Lin, sixteen whole seasons old. He looks so mature but until now he didn't have a mate. Beastmen can get a mate once they become thirteenth and females must get a mate, even just one when they are ten whole seasons old.

Yes, there are differences. There are more beastmen than females. Females must have a mate immediately than beastmen. With the restriction of age younger beastmen will have no chance to get a mate until the thirteenth which gives chances to older beastmen. And they made females required to get a mate earlier to make sure there will be more time for beastmen to live.

Beastmen who have mates tend to live longer than those who don't. If their female mate dies the beastmen need to find a way to live. Some beastmen would just kill themselves from heartbreak and some are lucky to find a way to give their everything, like for example their responsibility. One of the latter is Elder. 

Hu'er only knew this information because she asked her Scholar Daddy. For her, knowing that information didn't change anything. Back in her place, a lady can only get married when she is fourteen years old or when they are already bleeding. But she was in a red-light district, where her first was taken when she was eight. She only fought and made herself an exclusive at the age of ten, using her talent and excessive beauty care.

Hu'er shook her head to wipe that memory away. Looking at her siblings, they are all too busy. Her Daddies aren't here either. Hu'er sneakily crawls to them.

"I'll question you and you need to answer," Jiu Lin strictly orders.

"Ah!" The little foxes nodded eagerly.

"Once we are out, would you guard Hu'er?" Jiu Lin looks at them seriously.

"Ah!" nods.

He raised his voice, "Would you scare those stinky males away?"

They also raised their voice, "Ah!" nods.

"Would you make sure to not lose Hu'er?"

"Ah!" nods.

And then Jiu Lin gets faster and faster as he asks them questions, "Would you protect Hu'er?"

"Ah!" nods.

"Would you make sure no one touches Hu'er?"

"Ah!" nods.

"Would you play and forgot about Hu'er?"

"Ah!" nods. They even raise their hands.

"What do you mean!?" Jiu Lin's eyes widen and glared at them

"Huh?" tilting their head.

"Pft.." Hu'er couldn't help but start laughing. They are so cute! Hu'er jumped at the little foxes to hug them tight.

Her action was too fast and made them all stunned. Jiu Lin rushed toward her and lifted her, but because she was hugging some of the little foxes they were also lifted.

"Hu'er drops them down," Jiu Lin helplessly said.

"Lower." He obeyed and Hu'er let the little foxes in her arm down.

"Hu'er is mischievous," pokes her nose. Hu'er grinned.

Earlier, Jiu Lin knew the movements of Hu'er and did all those questioning purposely. He knew how smart his Hu'er is. He wanted to see her laugh.

While this is happening inside the house, outside their Daddies are arguing. They already promised that they will let Hu'er go around the tribe. Even bartered with her. She can go out but only for a while. Hu'er of course agreed.

As of now, the Daddies are making a ruckus outside. Their patients could hear them clearly, even the other beastmen were looking at them while working.

Their voices are already booming. Someone who just got back from mining asked a beastman who is working about what they are arguing.

The topic, well options that Hu'er Daddies are talking about are whether she will go out early, go to the important meeting then go home or wait inside the house, go to the important meeting, Tribe tour Hu'er then goes home.

"Why not both? Just let her out early, go to the meeting then after that tour again." Then looks at the graphite he got from the mine. When he said that for some reason it went quiet. His friend who is beside him signaled to look at Hu'er's Daddies. He cautiously looks at them. Their eyes are glaring, full of killing intent.

"Ju–just kidding…" He looks at his friend, asking for help.

He helplessly smiled, "Don't mind him. He doesn't have a daughter. Don't understand what you guys feel."

They hmmped and turned their backs to go into their house. "Get Hu'er. Let someone feel envious."

The friend of the beastman's jaw dropped. He was hoping that they would let her out later, not now. His gift for the female isn't finished yet! Who's fault is this? It's his friend. Glared at his friend, he went home to crazily carve the toy.

Every female will be given a gift by a single beastmen who wants to be her mate on the day of accepting her to the tribe. Females will only be accepted to the tribe once they could live past two winters. Hu'er was born in Fall, nearly died in the first winter, and in the second winter, she got a fever. Female babies are fragile and beastmen believe that once they pass two winters the Beast God will bless them with good health.

Now that Hu'er will be accepted into their tribe, single male beasts are now getting ready and preparing their gifts. Hu'er soon-to-be admirer isn't that much, compared to other female children. It is because once a male beastmen gives a gift to a female baby, they can't give gifts to others anymore. They can only change targets once the female baby gets its first mate. But for Hu'er Daddies, it is still a lot, they didn't even want one!

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