
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Teen
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25 Chs

Falling For You

" Are you dating Carter? And don't bother lying, I'll find out myself if you do " Emily didn't look happy. For the first time, I saw my best friend looking at me with anger and distaste. I couldn't believe that the first thing she said to me that morning was about Carter. I didn't get what the deal was, for some reason, Emily had become infatuated with Carter, it all began the moment Carter stopped paying attention to her

" What brought this on?"

" Just answer the question. Everyone is talking about it, there's a picture of you living together in his car Kerry. Why didn't you tell me you were dating my ex?"

" Because I wasn't dating him. Silas would come to pick me up yesterday so Carter offered me a ride. Yes, I agree he asked me out, but I was going to tell you the moment I got to school, there's no point hiding any of it from you Emily, so I don't know why you're so mad "

" I'm mad because I never thought you would agree to date him, knowing very well that the two of us had dated. Do you know how selfish you are being? "

" I...but you said you didn't want to be with Carter, You are dating someone else already, is it so bad that I agreed to a date?"

Honestly, I had no idea what she was so angry about. Yes, I agreed that it might sound weird that I was going on a date with Emily's ex, but Carter was my friend before he was even Emily's boyfriend. And I remembered very well how badly Emily had wanted Carter to leave her alone, I had even helped her out. She was now happily dating David, so what was the problem?

" Whatever, I don't even care " Emily grabbed her book from her locker and walked away without saying anything to me. I watched her leave feeling confused, I didn't know what to think about her reaction.

I frowned as I thought of someone secretly taking pictures of me. Before today I didn't think anyone noticed me at all in school, I was the kind of person to blend into the background, I had no idea I had attracted some unwanted attention. Or maybe it was Carter, after all, he was the most popular guy in school. So whoever was taking pictures was only doing so because Carter was involved, maybe it was one of his many fan girls.

" Hey beautiful " Speaking of the devil. Carter looked just as handsome as always, the radiant smile on his face was attractive

Carter's sudden appearance left me with mixed feelings. I was thrilled to see him again, but I was also conscious of what the people around us would think. After all, we weren't known as friends, every in school knew we had beef and it was because of Emily. " Hey"

" What's wrong with you? Fought with Emily?"

" How do you know? And if you did why are you asking me?"

" Just wanted to make sure. She stormed past me just now, Yesterday I also got a sudden text from her asking about what our relationship was. I'm not sure, maybe she's just trying to keep you to herself "

" I don't think that's the case. I think she wants you back "

" Like hell " Carter snorted at the mere idea of Emily wanting him back. " With how much she does to avoid me, I doubt she even wants me near her. That's probably the reason, she thinks that us getting close might mean I would appear in front of her more often "

" Stop making wild guesses. Couldn't you have just...I don't know, read her mind or something?"

" You want me to read her mind?" I regretted my words the moment I saw that mischievous smirk on Carter's face. I was forced to take a step back as he leaned closer to me, trapping me between my locker and himself. " Does the good girl want me to do something bad?"

" Cut it out, you read my thoughts all the time "

" Yes, because you are mind, I hardly give a shit about what others think "

" Y...you keep saying nonsense " I pushed him away from me, trying to mask my flushed face. Carter smiled down at me, he waited as I took my books from my locker before interlocking our hands together. It must surely have been a weird sight, seeing too many people who were always at each other's throats holding hands. Stares were fixed in our direction as we walked to class together.

Carter had thick skin, he didn't seem to mind the looks we were getting one bit. I on the other hand was embarrassed. Never before had I even been in a relationship, so I had no idea what it felt like to have someone hold your hand romantically. I found myself wondering how I hadn't noticed my feelings for Carter earlier. It was so obvious, perhaps the reason why I had been so obsessed with getting Carter to leave Emily was not only because I was looking out for my girlfriend but because I liked him as well. It was strange though, because the warm feeling in my chest was similar to how I felt whenever I was around Silas. I dismissed the thought, it was because I care about Silas greatly, he was my brother after all.

" You didn't forget about the date, did you?" Carter said raking the silence between us. We arrived at class, I took my usual seat in the back and Carter sat next to me.

" I didn't. But where exactly are we going?"

" It's gonna be a surprise. I'll pick you up at 7 pm, don't wear a dress "

" Don't tell me what to do "

" That's my girl," Carter said laughing, that melodic sound I couldn't get over. He leaned forward to place a small kiss on my forehead causing my face to go red once more. I looked down at my fingers feeling a bit shy, since when have I ever been shy? I was so soft at that moment that it felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. I was falling in love.

I looked up just as the teacher came into the class. At that moment I spotted Emily taking a seat in front of the class, she didn't even glance at me. I became worried because I didn't want any misunderstanding between us. If she didn't want to be around Carter then I could manage to still hang out with both of them separately. I decided that I would explain everything to her once classes were over.

Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to because Emily avoided me for the entire day. I tried texting her after school but she didn't respond. At this point, I didn't know what to do. I decided to go over to her house tomorrow since it was a weekday, but today I would focus on getting ready for my first date.