
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Teen
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25 Chs


I called Carter again, but just like before he didn't answer. I didn't know why that made me so nervous, I knew he was with Emily, perhaps something had happened and she needed his help, but there was no reason for him to not pick up his phone. I told myself over and over again that there was a reasonable explanation for everything, Carter wouldn't just ignore me for no reason, and definitely not to spend time with Emily behind my back. Emily who was my best friend, Carter's Ex. Come on, stop overthinking. it was nothing.

I took a cab, but the driver could only drop me off by road, I had to walk the rest of the Way on foot. Thankfully it wasn't fully dark yet, so I didn't have to worry about getting lost in the forest at night time. I made my way through the dense forest, being careful to not get pricked by Sharp branches. I could hear muffled voices even before I got to the spot Carter had taken me on our date night. As expected I found my two best friends, seated way too close to each other. Carter had his arm around Emily's shoulder, she was whispering something to him in that soft coaxing voice she only ever used when she desired something.

I stood frozen for a long time, staring at them and not knowing what to think. should I approach them? who they think I was a stalker? I didn't want to make anything big out of the situation, yep, there was nothing suspicious about this, just two friends casually chilling out together. except Carter and Emily want to be just friends, they had dated, so I don't see what's stopping them from dating again, well except for me. I thought back and how harshly Emily had behaved towards me in school, she had been angry at me for dating Carter even though she refused to tell me the reason why. Could it be that she still had feelings for him? And Carter, did he wish to get back together with her?

Before I could decide whether I wanted to confront them or not, I heard Emily speak. Her voice was filled with anger, she probably didn't realize she was yelling at this point. I quickly moved to stand behind one of the trees, it was a surprise Carter hadn't noticed me yet, I always thought vampires had a better sense of smell, At least that's what Silas always says.

" I already told you, she doesn't have any feelings for you. she's probably only with you because she feels lonely. Carter, you know how much he hates vampires right? "

" you hated vampires as well " Carter accused with a frown.

Emily was quick to deny the claim " I never did. I was intimidated by vampires, but Kerry plain on hates them. She even wants to leave town, to move to Miami with her dad when she believes there are no vampires. Dating you wouldn't make her change her mind, the moment we graduate High School she's leaving "

They were talking about me, of course, I should have known. I just didn't expect Emily to say that. I knew I had told her of my plans to move in with my dad, but that was a long time ago. And I never hated vampires, she knew that. We shared a mutual fear because her mum was also married to a vampire, Emily always told me how scared of her stepbrother she was. I always shared everything with her because I thought that we had a lot in common, we f****** grew up together, so I never thought that she would say such mean things about me, especially not to Carter. it was a very hypocritical thing to do. I felt myself getting angrier with each passing second, I wanted to March forward and confront her. But I told myself that it wouldn't be a good idea, I'm sure none of them would appreciate being eavesdropped on.

" Anyways, this doesn't matter. Let's focus on you, do you want me to teach that a****** a lesson "

" I don't care about him Carter, you know that. Not as much as I care about you " Emily leaned forward and rested her head and Carter's shoulders, a move that left my blood boiling.

" Emily. . . " I couldn't see my boyfriend's expression, since he was facing away from me, but I heard the hesitation in his voice. Still, it wasn't enough. I wished he would have acted out, perhaps pushed Emily away, and told her that she was already in a relationship with me. I was waiting for Carter to do that, but when Emily leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, it was a lost cause. he still hadn't pushed her away, Emily was still kissing her Best Friend's Boyfriend, and I was still watching helplessly.

I turned around and began making my way out of the forest. I didn't confront them, I didn't think there was anything I could say to them anyway. I wiped away the tears blurring my vision, but more fell down my face. God, I hated this so much. I don't know why I didn't even find this surprising, have I have been expecting this to happen sooner or later. Silas had said it, Carter had left me for Emily before and he wouldn't hesitate to do it when he got the chance. I had tried to defend Carter, I was hoping so badly that Silas was wrong. But here I was, walking true in the goddamn Forest, heartbroken and feeling the most helpless I had ever in a long time.

Screw them. I was done with this

* * *

I avoided everyone the whole day. When I got back from Elthon Hill yesterday, I locked myself in my room and cried myself to sleep. Silas wasn't home, Mom and Bill were probably in a hotel somewhere having the time of their lives. I was alone in my misery, it was lonely times like this that made me wish I was with my dad. He always had my back, and whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on he was always there for me. Mom however never had time, she was always doing one thing or the other.

As I lay on my bed that night, I thought of how I would act around Carter and Emily tomorrow, was I supposed to pretend none of this had happened? Should I ignore them or should I face them directly? I didn't want to do either, I was so tired.

When I went to school the next day, I was the center of attention for a reason not known to me. I got looks from girls ( and even boys ), they were whispering to each other, if only I had super hearing then I would be able to pick up what they were saying, too bad.

" Kerry, hey " Emily greeted as she came to sit beside me. She had a big smile on her face and her eyes sparkled with happiness. I hadn't seen her like this for a very long time. I looked at her blankly not knowing whether to respond to her greetings or ignore her. How bold of her to speak to me like this after I had caught her kissing my boyfriend yesterday. She had been ignoring me since last week, but here she was sitting beside me like nothing had happened.

" Hey," I greeted dryly, wishing she would just leave me alone. The more I looked at her the more I thought of the kissing scene yesterday.

" You look very tired, and your hair looks messy too. didn't you get enough sleep? "

" I slept just fine " I didn't sleep at all. I spent most of the night crying into my pillow, wondering what I was going to do with myself. But Emily doesn't need to know about that, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me broken.

" I'm sorry for the misunderstanding between us, you must know by now that I was going through a hard time. David and I disagreed, and we broke up. But after that, I realized that I hadn't been fair to you for the past week, I know I should have told you everything, I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me "

" What do you want to do now? "

" I already found someone else I like " Emily smiled at me, a cruel smile that made my fist clench by my side. Backstabber! " Now, I will do whatever is possible to get him "

" Enough of this! " I snapped not able to stand Emily anymore. She must have expected me to react this way because she wasn't surprised at all. She rose to her feet and faced me, that evil smile still playing and her lips. if I didn't know better I would think she was enjoying this, and perhaps she was because I didn't know as well as I thought I did. The girl who I had trusted with my life would do something like this to me, I felt betrayed. " why did you do this? Why did you kiss Carter? you knew we were together right? "

" But you also knew me and Carter were together when you decided to break us up. "

" I broke you up? are you serious? Emily, you insisted that you didn't want to be with him anymore, you said you were afraid of him, and I only did what I thought was the best for you?! you made that decision yourself and I did everything to support you, I had your back! "

" Don't give me that b*******! I bet the only reason why you did this was so you could have him for yourself. " The few people who were already in class watched us in interest, some even had their phones out and were taking videos of us, the whole thing made me sick. " Well guess what, I want him back Kerry. I want my boyfriend back! And I am going to get him, you can't stand in my way. You are nothing more than a boyfriend snatcher, and I made sure the whole school knew about it. Slut " Emily brought out her phone and flashed it in my face. I was shocked to see photos of me with Carter, then Matt and. . . Damon? When was that even taken? " you can't stick with one guy can you? you just have to have them all"

" And then she goes around telling everybody that she hates Supernatural, how come you don't fuck any humans then? " One of the girls who was taking a video of us said. She was a vampire, I had seen her around but hadn't really interacted with her, and for a good reason too, she was an absolute gossip.

Everyone laughed at what the vampire girl had said. I turned to look at Emily, only to find her smirking at me in pure satisfaction. I turned around quickly and left the class, I could still hear them laughing, whispering mean words about me, calling me a slut.

Don't cry, Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

" Kerry? " I hurried my steps when I heard Carter's voice behind me. I was desperate to get away from him and everyone else in this school. I only managed to get to the parking lot before Carter caught up to me. He grabbed my hand and turned me around so I was facing him. By now my face was covered in tears, my eyes were red and I was finding it hard to breathe properly. I was panicking too much and the last thing I wanted was to see him right now. " Kerry, what's wrong? tell me what happened, please, talk to me "

Seeing the concern on his face only made me angrier. This f****** cheating bastard had no right to act like he cared about me. " You and Emily can f****** Burn in Hell! "

" Kerry... I... I can explain, I swear I wanted to call you, I wanted to tell you everything. . . the kiss didn't mean a thing, i. . I love you, Kerry "

" I hate you! it's too bad that you love me because I can only hate you! you and all other vampires! now stay the hell away from me!! "

I pulled my arm away from him, turning around and taking to my heels. I ran and ran, not wanting to stop. I needed to get away, I had to get away from here!