

At the northern realms, In no man's territory where those who seek adventure, riches, fame and power gather and team up to slay monsters using their skills and wits to do so.

Those people are called adventurers. They are a keystone in the civilisation and the history of this realm. The adventurers have different ranks which are based on their abilities. The ranks are from F to Rank SSS and above that are the legend ranks which only a few have reached in the history of the realm.

In the rural Village of Manhattan, Today is a special day for the children. It is the day they would transition to adults and be given an occupation where they will live with for the rest of their life. And amongst the groups of children was Smile. A young boy who has dreams of becoming the strongest guardian knight in history.

My name is Smile. I am turning fourteen today Finally! I am gonna be an adult today. I have been waiting my whole life for this. I have to go to the Village Hall with the other children. I just hope my occupation would be a guardian knight.

Smile was short in stature and very cute compared to others. His hair white and eyes deep blue like that of the sky. A tad of baby fat on both sides of his cheeks. He lived with both of his parents and baby sister. He was a very kind child always helping those in need. He was the type to put himself in danger and risk in order to protect his loved ones. Such was the values he was brought up with.

After helping around with the village he finally went with other children to the village hall. The village hall was an old building decorated in a very bizarre manner. There was a huge magic circle on the floor and in the centre was an orb.

" Today you shall all become adults and be able to father your own children. However, some of you will want to travel the outside world and become renowned masters. We have trained all of you from a young age in the way of the sword. So step into the magic circle and place your hand on the orb." said an old man who held a stick. He was the village chief. He wore an old robe and a traditional hat.

One by one the children walked towards the magic circle. Some were cheerful and happy when they returned but others sad and gloomy.

" Smile! Smile!" Someone was calling out for him in a loud voice amongst the group of children. It was a young girl of the same age as him. Hilde was her name. She was radiant and beautiful with a very cute smile on her. Her stature was tall enough to tower Smile but petite with reddish skin.

Hilde looks nice today as well. I wonder what perfume she used today.

" Oh Hey Hilde, Have you stepped in the circle? Tell me! Tell me!" Said Smile. He was really excited and hoped she would have a well respected and powerful occupation.

The little girl chuckled and said, " Now! Now! relax but yes I know of my occupation. Well, humble yourself because you are now looking at the only Red Sorceress of the village."

A big smile formed on his face for he was genuinely happy but then it changed into a frown right after not because he saw Max. Another childhood friend of his. A very large muscular boy towering the rest of the children. But because of the issues the sorcerer and sorceress are currently facing.

The situation of the Northern Realms was getting worse and worse as the days go by. The Northern Realms was used to be peacefully ruled by two kingdoms. 'The kingdom of Punt and Regal Kingdom for hundreds of years.' However ten years ago a huge war occurred which ended up in the destruction of the Kingdom of Punt. There is a lot of speculation still going on about how the kingdom had lost even though both were equal in strength and power.

The territories of Punt were soon taken over and assimilated into Regal. However, the promised peace was all but a mirage for the northern realm was soon embroiled in another war. This time the invasion came from beyond the northern realms. An army never before seen and unlike any in the realm. It quickly defeated and made the armies of Regal Kingdom retreat back to their original territory.

Smile had learnt all this during the history lessons at the village school.

" Does anyone know of your occupation?" He asked in a serious manner.

Hilde was confused. She said, " Just The village elder and you."

Smile heaved a sigh, " Don't tell anyone of your occupation because all the sorceress are being kidnapped or forcefully taken by the long ears."

" Now! Now! Do you also believe that bullshit?" She placed her small hands on her head.

Long ears were what they called the invaders because of there unusual long ears.

" Next? Smile son of Radvid." Shouted the old man.

He was still worried for her but he knew that there was no way he could change her mind. He hastened his steps and stepped into the magic circle. The white orb was strange as if beaconing him to come closer.

" Relax yourself and place your hand on the orb. Make sure you pour all your mana into it." Said the village chief.

Mana! Mana! yes, I remember learning that as well in the village school. At that time it took my all just to sense the mana itself but then I was told to gather the mana in my body. It was really a difficult thing to the point where the teacher said, "you are no good at Mana! Just stay at swinging your sword." Mana is the source of all magical spells. Its abundant in the environment and by gathering it and storing it in your body one is able to perform spells and skills.

I took a deep breath and released all the mana that my little body had stored. I felt exhausted after a while but then suddenly the orb started shining and produced a status window.

It had my name, my level, my vitality, my mana level, my skills and my occupation which was ' Basic Adventurer'.

The old man caressed his beard and said, " Perhaps you ought to stay in the village and become a guard. A basic adventurer can not increase his rank."

Smile was shocked when he heard what the old man had said. No! No! There must have been some mistake! " Can I try again chief?" He asked.

" Well go ahead if you think you have enough mana." The village chief was an honest man.

Smile tried pouring his mana again and after almost exhausting himself to death the orb showed the exact same status as before.

Feeling dejected and his hopes crushed he left with a lot of weigh in his mind. He left the building without speaking to his childhood friends. Both Hilde and Max grew suspicious and quickly went after him.

Without noticing I found myself atop the cliff where I made the promise with my friends. A promise to go on an adventure together and live a wonderful life.

" Sorry, guys I am only gonna be a burden to you lot." His eyes swelling red with tears.

" Idiot! The smile that I know would never give up like this?" the voice was of a female. It was none other than Hilde who came running after him. She pinched his cheeks, " Are you really Smile or?"

Max was also there overshadowing both of them. " Ordeals and trials are what make a man. So don't you dare give up?"

The goodwill of my friends has truly reached me. How blessed am I to have such good friends.

He wiped his eyes and said, " I understand now. Sorry guys I made you worry? Our promise still stands true! Tomorrow let's all meet up here and leave for the city of adventures. ' The Free City Of Nilfhin'."

They all bumped their fists and returned to the village side by side.

" I forgot to ask! What is your occupation? Max."

" Umm.. Well about that my occupation is guardian knight!"

" Damn why has God forsaken me?" shouted Smile.