
Big BOSS of the Game Industry

"Those graphics are unbelievable!" -Game Critics "The best game of the year" - Motaku "Too much water 6/10" - LGN Joshua von Karma worked hard and reached his lifelong goal... Which is, to create a fantasy world in this new world... A fantasy world that he controls freely... A fantasy world that he is the only god... A fantasy world that... *Slap*! "Darling, wake up! Someone sends us an envelope full of razor to our game studio again!" "Huh? Huh! Where is my fantasy world?!"

elusivetiger · Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 - A Better Gaming Environment

It could be understood now that in this world, people had a high view of video games. This world situation is not like Joshua's previous world, that the people would look down on video games. Video games in the eyes of this world inhabitants, not just pure entertainment, but also an art. Video games are just like knives, it is up to the wielder. A knife could kill people by stabbing them to death, but a knife could also help people by cutting ingredients for cooking.

Joshua feels happy inside his heart. He came to a world where a game is viewed not as destructive entertainment, but as an art! Oh, how he longed this day came to his life where he can freely show his love for a game and not be looked down on. But still, he is a failure in the eyes of society. Because he didn't get a job and just indulge in gaming every day. Just like a knife, he could kill himself if he isn't careful. So he needs to change the people's view of him, now!

Joshua's stomach growled intensely. He then remembered that he had not eaten anything from noon after he got home from grocery shopping. He took a deep breath and stabilize his mind. He can't get too excited yet, because there are so many hurdles in front of him that he need to cross! But firstly, he needs to cook dinner to relieve his starvation. Joshua gets up and walks to the kitchen. He made a simple egg dish with bread and sausages. After he eats until his belly full, he started to think and plan his next step.

The first thing that he needs to do is to spend the mall point in the system mall. He knows that, as a pure gamer with zero experience in game design, he needs to buy the game design book. Although in his previous life, he criticized many games and said that he can do a better job than the game studio, he knew that he just bullshitting. A game is different in the eyes of the game designer than the gamer. Moreover, a thousand game designers could produce a thousand different ways to look at a game.


1x Basic Game Design Book is purchased!

Do you want to use the book?


"Yes!" Joshua didn't have to think about it for a long time. To participate in the competition, he must know about game design!

So much knowledge about basic game designing invades his brain. After a few minutes, he knows all about the basics of Game Design. In another word, it is a god's blessing that he got a system! Imagine if he needs to read a mountain of books every day, even if he can finish it before the deadline, he will be dead tired and can't finish the game on time!

Now, for the competition requirements, he also needs to establish his game studio. But whats is a good name for his newly established game studio? Thunderbolt Entertainment? Nah, it's already booked by another Almighty Game Designer. What about Tengda Game Company? Nope, it won't work if I didn't deliberately Losing Money to be a Tycoon. Right! What I need badly right now is a miracle, so Miracle Game Studio it is!

Joshua opened his laptop and search for instructions on how to establish a game company in this world. He got the information that he needs, he could complete his company registration online. Fortunately, he just graduated from university and he could apply for a subsidy from the government because he establishing a startup game company. He could also get an exemption of 1-year tax-free. This world treatment of a game company is very good!

All of the registration processes could be processed online. Because he didn't have an office building right now and just work from home, his workspace didn't have to be inspected by the authority. Maybe, it's the advantage of an advanced information era, all of the payment and troublesome process could do online. He was amazed by this world because if this is his previous world, he needs to queue for hours just to apply for establishing a company. Then he needs to give some red envelope to the authorities, then... In short, he would be broke!

Joshua filled in his personal information and game company name 'Miracle Game Studio'. Then, he needs to upload the company logo. Logo... Right, how he could forget about the most important thing for a company. A logo is like a gateway for the player to know his game. When someone sees his logo in the future, they will instantly recognize that the game is made by Miracle Game Studio!

Joshua searches the web for a free vector editor software like CorelDraw in his previous life. He then found one program called 'Vectored'. Joshua opens the program and a splash screen was seen in front of him, 'You just got Vectored'. Hmm, sounds familiar... Anyway, he started to think about his game studio logo. He needs to carefully think about it because he can't casually change it later after his game company became renowned. What can be represented by a miracle? When someone wishes for a miracle, they said to look for a shooing star. So, I just use a shooting star for the logo then!

He draws an eight-pointed star, just like a compass, and colors it white. Then, he draws three curved lines on the right side of the eight-pointed star, one long curved line in the middle, and two other short curved lines sandwiching it. Joshua changes the color of the background to black and adds the text 'Miracle Entertainment Studio' below the logo. Add a 3d filter for embossing effect and... Finished! Joshua then nodded. He was satisfied with his logo design. Very Cool!

Joshua finished the game studio registration and the application is successfully submitted. He needs to wait another week for the verification process. After the application is approved, he needs to pick up the paperwork on the same day. Joshua made an appointment alarm in his phone and then searches the web for a game engine. To create a 32-bit game for a Handheld game that was made 10 years ago, he needs a suitable game engine. Because he only has basic game design ability, he can't create his game engine. But fortunately, there are tons of game engines listed on the web. And the price is very low because it is made for a system that was made 10 years ago. The average price is just around 20.000 Alliance Credit.

He soon found a game engine that had a good review and praise from many authoritative game websites. It is called the 'MicroEngine' game engine. It's priced at just only 19.900 Alliance Credit, still within the budget! It also comes with the bonus of a built-in sound editor, sprite editor, and easy wifi integration! Perfect! Joshua didn't need to think hard about it and quickly bought it, download it, played it a little bit, and satisfied by the performance of this game engine. It exceeds his expectation by a margin!

He can't wait to get started and made his very first game in this world. He fantasized about making a triple-A game, earn loads of money, creates his fantasy world, and get a girlfriend... Cough... Maybe about the last part, he could think about it another time. Anyway, he needs to prioritize creating a game right now.

Joshua needs a game that can propel his Game Studio reputation. He needs some exposure for his first game. By taking first place in the competition, he can get the exposure he needs! The next step is, he needs to wait for the Crimson Go handheld game system and some of the game to arrive. He needs to understand what kind of game that already been made in this world, and what kind of game is the most renowned for the Crimson Go system.

Although he was itching to make the game right now, he needs to be patient. If he rushed to make a game right now, what if his game has been made by another game studio and flopped? Then he didn't have any money left in his account to create a new game, and it would be certain that a group from ghana would come and dance with his coffin...

The next day, after waking up from his sleep, he got a package. The Crimson Go and some of the most famous game cartridges like "Fantasy World", "Gunman", "Protoss" and many more have arrived. He bought the most popular game from each genre for the Crimson Go system.

After playing all the games a little bit, he understood that the quality of those games is just so so! Take 'Fantasy World' for example. It is an RPG game with a cliche story of saving the world and standard turn-based combat. Even the original NES Final Fantasy 1 in his previous life is better than this game and with the same cliche story. And the most depressing fact that Final Fantasy was made in the '90s... But, 'Fantasy World', a game that was made in 2010? Even though the graphics are better than Final Fantasy, but the quality of the game is much worse. Same with 'Gun Man', a worse sidescrolling game than Contra with clunky control, and 'Protoss'... just castrated version of Raiden! Damn... And they said that 'Fantasy World' is the number 1 best-selling game at that time, an absolute classic? They don't know sh*t about a classic game! 'Fantasy World' was made by Liontail Game Studio 9 years ago. Now, they are focused on the MR game and still proud of 'Fantasy World'.

He had some idea of the game he want to make in his mind. By looking at the Crimson Go games sales figure, he knows that for Crimson Go players, an RPG game is the mainstream game. Many classic RPG games flashed in his mind, but for sake of his farsighted plan, he needs to make that most famous two variant game! Yes, two games! He chose to make that game because, he just need to make one game and edit it here and there, and instantly became two games! It's time for this world to taste the addictiveness of catching pokemon and be the very best like no one ever was!