
Chapter 9: Breakfast with Rosie

The rest of the walk to the emporium was made in short order. When we arrived at the town house, we were met by Annabella and Rosie's enthusiasm.

"Alastor! Oh my stars, Alastor! It's been far too long!" Rosie's excited voice rang out.

"Indeed, dear Rosie. It seems I've been away for far longer than originally planned. Not to worry though, I'm back and in tip-top shape." Alastor replied as Rosie picked him up and spun him in a circle.

I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to hide my giggle at the fawn-like squeak he let out. It was cute.

He waits until Rosie and Annabella go inside, then shoots me a glare. "You will speak of that to no one." His eye twitches on one side.

I give him a shit-eating grin. "I make no such promises, Bambi."

He comes closer, his eyes flash to red radio dials, the static becoming thick, as his antlers grow, and his body gets larger. "You should learn not to mess with the Radio Demon."

My breath hitched. "Oh that forms kinda hot, I think you just unlocked a kink."

He immediately shrinks back to his normal form, backs up, and looks at me like I'm going to jump him. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

I blink up at him. "What isn't wrong with me?" I laugh. "Darling, I'm touch adverse. Even if I find that form of yours attractive, I can't bring myself to touch anyone. You seen what simply grabbing my hand did earlier. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I've literally ripped demons throats out for touching me unexpected. Consent in all forms is appreciated. I'm sure you feel the same based on that expression."

"And how do you explain your lack of fear?" He waves around his cane.

"You have to have a will to exist to have fear, and I lost that so long ago that I don't even remember what it's like to want to live." I give him a raised eyebrow.

Annabella pops her head back outside. "Snow! Stop antagonizing him, and come make breakfast. He is not one you want to play with."

"Awww, Tinkerbell. You're no fun. You know I like to dance with danger." I shoot back playfully, my grin never falling.

He shoots a perplexed look between Annabella and I.

"The longer you know me, the less I'll filter myself. Tinkerbell and Rosie are already used to my crazy ass, so I don't bother masking with them. Not that I necessarily masked earlier... Just toned it down I guess?" I ramble.

Annabella gave me a scolding look. "You have not slept again... Have you?"

Alastor's eyebrow raised.

"Uh, define slept?" I genuinely forgot how long it had been since I really slept.

Annabella sighs. "That is why she 'lost her filter'. Alastor, do forgive this idiot. It's probably been days since she has slept at all." She pinches the bridge of her nose, and waves her hand at my direction. Then turns to leave, joining Rosie in the parlor.

"Sleep is for those who have nothing else to do." I grumble back. "I'm perfectly awake, and able to cook, Tinkerbell." I walk into the house, pausing to look back at the seemingly frozen deer demon. "Come on then. Didn't you want venison? I'm making country fried venison and sinner steaks, gravy, biscuits, skillet potatoes, and eggs."

He squints his eyes, tilting his head slightly. "A southern breakfast?"

"A country breakfast. While not necessarily quite as lavish every day, these were a staple in my home as well. And I'm from Missouri." I fired back over my shoulder walking to the kitchen, hearing him follow. I summon the meat I had wrapped in my ice to stay cold, and placed in the storage space I had created with my magic. "Why follow me to the kitchen, and not join Rosie and Annabella in the parlor? I'm sure you have much to catch up on."

The sound of his static crackles as he gives a sassy reply. "You implied a lack of sleep on your part. I am making sure you do not ruin our breakfast by falling asleep midway through."

I scrunch my nose, one of my eyes twitching. "I'm fine, thanks for worryin' though." My tone is dry. "It wasn't uncommon for me to go a couple days without sleep as a human, and be just fine. It's much easier as a demon. There are far fewer side effects." I start pulling out the necessary ingredients, bowls, and pans. Sticking sausage in a pan to brown for the gravy. Then washing and chopping the potatoes, onions, and peppers.

He sits at the island counter, and starts playing his jazz as he watches me cook. Asking a questions, or making comments about what I'm doing or how I'm seasoning something.

Rosie and Annabella, had wondered into the kitchen at some point, taking seats at the counter as well, and distracting Alastor's thousands of questions, that I'm sure were just for the annoyance.

It reminded me of things my dad would do to get a reaction out of someone. I had kinda missed it after he had passed. It always felt far too quiet without him.

As everything was cooked, I also made coffee and tea, craving coffee, knowing that Rosie had a preference for tea, and not knowing Alastor's preference.

I make my cup of coffee, then sit the tea and coffee pots on a tray with cream and sugar, place the cups on the tray, and place the tray in front of the trio sitting at the counter.

"At least someone has a sense of taste." Alastor takes a coffee cup, and fills it with black coffee.

"I assume you mean the coffee?" I turn back to the stove to fish out the biscuits, and stir the eggs I had scrambling.

"Yes. Most people these days add too much to coffee."

"Oh, it was because I took it black?" I ask. "I simply felt like having it strong at the moment. It truly depends on my mood, and whether I'm feeling nostalgic. My daddy and grandpa would both drink it black, and I was quite fond of them before they passed." My mood grows a little sad. "If I want a dessert I'll go for a sugary concoction."

Rosie speaks up to lift the mood. "You had mentioned something about a hotel when you left yesterday, what are your plans?"

Annabella nods in agreement to the shift in conversation.

I smile back at them in thanks. "As I told Tinkerbell last night when I called, I will be moving into the hotel as of tonight. I will be working there as the resident chef, and part of the security detail. Though they had failed to inform me that one of them is the princess."

Rosie gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. "No! Oh my stars! The princess?!"

I wave my hand back at her entering gossip mode. "I know right! Leave it to me to stumble on to the princess, literally moments after falling to hell. No wonder her girlfriend nearly took my head off with her spear." I chuckle. "My afterlife was almost ended instantly."

Annabella looks mortified. "Is that really something to laugh at?"

"Why not, darling? A little dark humor makes everything more fun!" I toss back.

"On that, you and I, can agree." Alastor inserts.

I match his grin for a moment, before turning back to the stove, give it a stir, turning everything off, and grabbing plates and serving dishes. "Alright everyone! Everything is done, please make your way to the table, and I'll be out with everything momentarily."

Rosie and Annabella, stand and leave the room. Annabella hesitating at the door. "Are you sure you don't want help?"

"I'm sure I can handle it." Only once I've responded, does she leave.

Alastor stands, but doesn't leave. "Allow me to set the table, my dear."

I cock my head to the side, ears shifting with the movement. "You don't have to help. You are here as a guest, Alastor."

"My dear mama would have tanned my hide if I left a lady to do all of the work." Alastor replied with an almost sad look in his eyes, despite the constant smile.

"Thank you. She must mean a lot to you." I say as I busy myself placing biscuits, and country fried steak on platers. And eggs, gravy, and skillet potatoes in serving bowls.

"I did think very highly of her. She was an angel in life. I have no doubt that she is a true angel now." Alastor's response was dipped in sadness.

"You use past tense to refer to her?"

"Yes, she is dead as well."

"Just because you have been separated in death, doesn't mean your respect and love for your mama, has stopped. It is simply tinged with sadness, and mourning." I turn to him as I speak, locking eyes with him. "I refuse to use the past tense to refer to my loved ones. They may not share my afterlife, but that doesn't mean either party has stopped feeling the same way for each other. I refuse to let the few things I was able to really feel, die."

His smile tightened, like he wanted to frown. Then he picked up the stack of plates and cutlery, walking out to set the table, looking like he was thinking about what I had said.

Breakfast was pleasant enough after that. Alastor seemed pleased with both the venison and sinner steaks, going back for seconds of each. The ladies raved about my cooking, saying they were sad to see me leave. Rosie, mentioning how much the people of Cannibal town were going to miss me, especially the children. Making me promise to visit often.

After breakfast, I quickly packed all of my things into boxes I had made with my ice magic. Once that was done, I said my goodbyes. Alastor had left while I was packing, so it was just Annabella and Rosie.

Afterwords I made my way to the Entertainment district to check on some of my souls. Dex had been keeping tabs on them all, and I'm sure they were all getting restless. Maybe I should take them out to take over some minor territory to burn off steam.

The city was in chaos due to the upcoming extermination, demons running everywhere trying to find the best place to stay. Robbery and murder far more frequent it seemed.

I pull out my phone messaging Dex, telling them to gather the crew for some fun. It was time for a little takeover while everyone else is so distracted.

There was a small time boss that owned some businesses in neutral territory, that had gotten a little too big for his britches. And word on the street was that he still owned his own soul.

Well, not for long. My team is small and ruthlessly efficient, even if Dex wasn't as bloodthirsty as the rest of us.

The target was housed in the neutral zone between the Entertainment district and the Magne district. So I was going to meet Dex outside their apartment, before we meet up with the rest.

I snap to change my clothes as I go, not wanting to ruin the nice outfit Rosie had given me. And replaced the skirt with black cargo pants, the button-up blouse with a black tank, and colorful ripped graghic t-shirt. I also pull my hair off to the side, braiding the long curly white strands into a loose braid.

I preferred my hair down, but always tried to put it up when I knew I was looking for a fight.

Dex was leaning against the apartment building, playing on their phone, waiting for me, their bright pink glow lighting up a small area around them.

"Dex, my friend, how are this fine evening?"

They looked up at my voice, their response sounding pixilated like an old AI robotic voice. "I would say 'I'm good', but now that you are here, I'm great."

"That's fantastic! Are you ready for some fun?" I hold my arms out, my ears twitching, and tail swaying excitedly.

"Move it, toots!" A tall light pink spider demon pushed me out of his way, head over to a car that just pulled up.

I growl. "Don't touch me..." My form shifts slightly, not enough to show my tails, but enough to know I mean business. My tail flicking angrily, and my ears flick back.

The spider stumbled and stopped, mumbling a quick 'Sorry'.

The shift in the atmosphere must have summoned the moth demon from the back of the car. His tall form radiating power. Though notably less than Alastor. "Angel, get in the car."

The spider looked terrified at the sight of the moth, but tried not to show it. Saying, "Yes, Val." Before climbing in the back of the car.

I sign to Dex to get behind me as I move closer to them, not letting my form drop, stepping protectively in front of them.

"And what do we have here? Aren't you lovely." My skin crawled as the moth came closer, my hackles raised. "Valentino. Are you both looking for work? I can make you a star." The moth holds out a card, leaning in uncomfortably close, even for someone without touch issues.

My face hardens into a snarl. "We don't want anything to do with you, your associates, or your filthy business." I give Dex signs behind my back to leave, and pack their things. This apartment wouldn't be safe after today.

Dex scrambled off back into the apartment building, just in time to miss the moth picking me up by the throat, and slamming me into said building in his anger, as he let out a slew of curses in spanish. "No respect!"

I interrupt anything else he wanted to say. "I've always fuckin' hated moths." I laugh maniacally, as I look at his heart shaped glasses. "I fuckin' knew there was a reason." I give him a manic grin. "Let me say this, if you start something now, you better make damn sure I can't get back up. Because if I do, you won't know when, but I can promise you this, I will make your own personal hell look like fuckin' heaven."

"You're asking for it!" He pulls out a pistol, cursing in spanish, presses it to my head, and unlocked the safety with a click. "You would have made a wonderful new addition, it's a shame it'll go to waste."

song of the chapter: "Coming For Danger" by 3 One Oh

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